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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Have you just arrived off the plane,or something? There is little respect here.
  2. Not me buddy. If she hits him, he can hit her back - that's fair enough. Men fight men all the time, nobody cares. If she is game to fight, then she should have equality.
  3. It would have been self defense, no? You think she acted like a girl? She is muay thai champion, let's not forget. Regardless of him being a doosh and pouring a drink on her, if he had hit her after she had hit him a dozen times, it would clearly be self defense. Wouldn't it?
  4. Probably Would you fight a guy who tried to use you as a punching bag? Even if you wronged him first somehow, would you take the assault?
  5. Nonetheless, she is being applauded for acting like that merely because she is female. It's BS. It wasn't self defense. She was attacking him. Maybe he deserved it. But her behaviour is not admirable.
  6. Not a chance she loses anything over this publicity stunt. She seems to be benefitting. If it was two men, it wouldn't even be news (unless one got killed). But he was apparently a doosh and poured a drink on her (after she refused to do a cheers, then she assaults him all the way down the road with someone else in her group, and he loses his job while she is applauded by the nation. Lol. What a joke. I mean, I'd feel sorry for her if she didn't start assaulting him. Just a couple of dooshbags.
  7. Exactly. Not to mention, stab them, cut off their nuts, and hire hitmen. But their are the fairer sex, lol.
  8. This was not self defense, hence why she was charged with assault. There is a difference between self defense and retaliation.
  9. For the sake of fairness, would praise him if it were the exact other way around?
  10. Yeah, there's a lot we don't know. He wanted to clink glasses (says cheers, or whatever). We don't know he was "advancing" on her. Could have just been a friendly "cheers" We also don't know how she refused. She could have been vulgar about it, for all we know. Is there footage inside the place? I'd like to see. Did you see the video? She lost complete control of herself and he was hit by (ganged up on) two in her group. They weren't very successful in their assault, though not for lack of trying. She is "fit" though.
  11. According to the story: both a pair of idiots. Let's not pretend that we'd all be condoning him for hitting her (for whatever reason). He wanted to clink glasses and say "Cheers". She refused. Fair enough. She doesn't need to. But why did he pour a drink on her? Is he an unhinged maniac? Did she refuse offensively? Who knows?
  12. Are you kidding? Men in general don't hit women. It is frowned upon, even if they did something to justify it. Men who hit women often get lynched by people nearby. Lol. The number of times I have seen women do as they please knowing full well there will be no consequences is ridiculous. As Bill Burr said, "Do you have any idea how much of an ass I would be if it was socially unacceptable to hit me?" Lol
  13. Why is she being praised all over social media for trying to act gangsta?
  14. The Madrid is done, guys. I went to the new location. It resembles nothing of The Madrid. Decor is like a contemporary cafe, or something. It is WAY out the way; terrible location, stuck under the expressway. No transport nearby; taxi is a must. The highlight is watching a woman across the road wash her dishes, no joke. Of course, it still has Patpong prices. They changed everything but the prices, lol. Can't really respect that. For that location, you might as well drink outside a local Mom & Pop store and pay shop prices with the Thai guys. That Neil Young song comes to mind.
  15. But they are to blame. They wronged him. Did he overreact? Yes. But those "victims" are not blameless. You can't use "victim blaming" here; it ain't the same as blaming a rape victim for her choice of attire, for example.
  16. No, they can take all the precautions afforded to them. They protection is their responsibility. They could be triple vaxed by now. And nobody is forcing them to go outside in a densely populated. area The risk they take is up to them, that's my point.
  17. I never tried to be 'high-minded' - it is just my belief that nobody should be vaccinated for others, it should be done to protect ourselves only. There is a difference in what we are saying though: You: children should be vaccinated to protect elders even though some are dying of the vaccine. Me: everyone should be vaccinated to protect themselves and nobody should be pressured into taking the risk of vaccine for other reasons. If elders (or anyone) take all the safety precautions they possibly can take (or are willing to take) and yet still succumb to covid, then that just nature - but I ain't gona throw anyone else under the bus so I can walk freely (especially not children).
  18. Who would put themselves through the gauntlet of buying property from a Thai here? Just hang them out to dry for a bit.
  19. Almost nobody in this world is gonna put their own head on the chopping block for you, so why should you (or even worse, your child) do it for them? That's the way it is. Parents have the responsibility to protect their children and it's up to you to protect yourself if you want to. There have been plenty of measures afforded to you to protect your own life. ... And you have all the other guidelines to follow to keep you safe. If the at risk are so scared, they can just strictly self isolate. Up to them. But kids have missed years of school to protect others and to try to save the economy. Now, they are getting vaccinated for the same reasons.
  20. That is what I have said numerous times on this thread. That is the reason for a kid to get vaccinated. Not to protect the elderly bloke across the street (which is what were are talking about now) or anyone else for that matter.
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