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Everything posted by 2009

  1. I think I said in my above post that I wouldn't sacrifice 1 kid for a million elders. Didn't you read that? Would you sacrifice your life for bunch of strangers? And why should you? Ain't like they'd do it for you.
  2. if you had read my other comments here you would know I have said numerous times that the vaccine has killed less teenagers than the virus. And that no 5-11 year old has yet died from the vaccine. I have also said that it is better to take your chance with the vaccine than the virus at any age. I have also said that children should get vaccinated to protect themselves. I just don't believe they should be vaccinated to protect others. I disagree with that reasoning. That's fine with me. I wouldn't have a single kid die to protect even a million elderly. That isn't right. The elderly can take procautions to protect themselves (their own vaccine protects them, masking up too, and social distancing, complete isolation if they choose). Up to them.
  3. It truly is a phenomenon. They just won't slow down for anything, exept when slamming brakes on at last second. I have always wondered what brain mechanism (or lack of) causes this. Fascinatingly, it isn't just driving; it can be observed in walking too.
  4. Lol, it is so easy to find. It has literally been in the newspapers recently. You don't look at the news? You didn't hear about the 4 teenagers die in Vietnam after the vaccine? It has happened in many countries, including Thailand. The CDC website has data on heart inflammation caused by the vaccine and how teenage boys have been the ones experiencing this complication most of all. I can tell you where to look, but I ain't spoon-feeding you.
  5. More children have died from covid than the vaccine. That's what I was saying. If you had read the post I was responding to you would know that. I think you just read the one line I wrote and misunderstood. Look at the dialogue between me and the other poster.
  6. I weigh it up like this: Cons of vaccination: potential serious side effects or death (though no kid aged 5-11 has suffered that yet) Pros of vaccination: virtually eliminates risk of serious complications of covid infection and death (And the data suggests it is more likely to suffer a bad fate from covid, than vaccine (at any age); a person of any age is better taking their chances with the vaccine; there is risk in vaccination, but there is greater risk in not) Additional benefits: getting back to school, socializing, mental health, education. Another thing is with younger kids, like kindergarten aged, their brains absorb so much so quickly. Losing two years of schooling and socializing to them is like an older child losing double or triple those years. And the sponge-like brain closes off and you can never get that opportunity back.
  7. Wow, that makes no sense. Even if you were vaccinated you could still bring the virus to the school and spread it. People are really turning on each other. Not being vaccinated will be like being the black on the bus.
  8. Are you kidding? Farang are the most politically correct, do-gooders on Earth. It's the locals who look down on others
  9. Oh yeah, cos I remember the last time I had enough of some ay-holes, I just rocked up with a scythe and decapitated them as well. This nutter is no doubt a son of a <deleted>. Really, I'd love to see the dysfunction family that raised him. Families here suck ass.
  10. To be fair, children dying of covid is very well documented. According to the CDC, covid is a top 10 cause of death in kids aged 5-11. That said, it is comparatively low compared to adults. Also, well documented is deaths after vaccines in teenagers (particularly boys) and adults. Though, the covid death figures are higher in every age group than the vaccine death figures. Don't think there have been any deaths in 5-11 year olds following vaccine yet.
  11. Correct, I think it is 1/3 of the dose of 12 and above.
  12. According to Google reviews Cigna may be better than Aetna, for example. But there are good and bad reviews for all the insurance companies here. Can anyone recommend from personal experience an insurance company? In other words, a company that paid your expenses, no messing around. And premiums and coverage that you were happy with etc etc.
  13. Yeah, according to the CDC covid is a top 10 cause of death in 5-11 year olds
  14. Exactly, I mean you take greater risk allowing your child in a car than getting the vaccine nevermind your kid getting covid without vaccine.
  15. I could understand you asking me this in the early 90s or something when finding data required a trip to the library. You can Google "children under 10 dying of covid" in News category or Scholar category.
  16. I really can't agree with this reasoning though. Children should get the vaccine to protect themselves from serious covid complications and death, not to protect others. Why should a teen boy die of the vaccine to protect his elderly neighbor (or anyone else) from covid?
  17. Yes, the data suggests this. The risk of getting covid is greater than the risk of getting the vaccine in any age group. Adolescent boys at greatest affected by the vaccine side effects. Don't think any 5-11 year old has died yet from the vaccine though, but quite a few have died of covid.
  18. So, they are rolling out the Pfizer vaccines to 5-11 year olds now. Parents: would you say yes or no?
  19. In case you hadn't noticed they are in a college so they do have access to education. I am sure they have housing and healthcare too. What they need is parents that aren't useless.
  20. Spare me your Nelson Mandela bull<deleted>. The government needs a bigger stick.
  21. At least if they are stoned driving around they won't be their usual psyco selves; they might take it easy when they drive. And the ones who would drive UTI would ve doing it on booze anyway which is probably worse. I think if more people are stoned the less aggravated and violent crimes we will see, especially compared to drunks. As to your first and last questions: my answer is freedom of choice.
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