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Everything posted by 2009

  1. So, it's easy to find these things in the English, but is there a word list (Thai) for each grade level? (e.g. Prathom 4 wordslist) Anyone come across this?
  2. I am I really supposed to gather evidence for something that we can all see with our own eyes on the roads every day? Very few helmets, children operating motorcycles (cars even, but that's less obvious), weaving around all over the place. You don't see it? More signage won't help. Thai drivers aren't unaware, they just don't care. They ignore signs. Even at gas stations they drive in the exit and out the entrance, lol. Stops signs mean nothing to them either. All that matters is their convenience. Going up the wrong side of the road. Driving on the pavement. Going through red lights, not maintaining safe distance etc. etc. And motorcycles are the worst. Because they are more mobile, they have the ability to do more stunts....and they do! They need an attitude adjustment which will only come when the government hits their pockets........hard. Not just motorcycle drivers obviously. Cars get up to wacky races here too. But motorcycles are guilty of most of the above mentioned offences more than cars, particularly with getting too close to other vehicles. You'd think they would want to keep their distance from cars, but they zip-up the inside, outside, middle, right in front of the car's front bumper.
  3. I am skeptical. "Cars cutting in?" Motorcycles weave through cars like they are flossing teeth. They pull infront of cars so closely (less than a meter from front bumper). They are all over the place; way more reckless than the average car (because they are more nimble and can, so they do, simple as that). And helmets? Forget it. You can't call them vulnerable if they don't wear a helmet - just senseless. And that is the majority. They hate helmets. Even taking their kids on the bike too without helmets. And giving the keys to their taller children to drive it themselves (as soon as they are tall enough actually). Vulnerable is not a word I can use here. Sorry. Actually, hang on. Yes, the kids are vulnerable to reckless parenting (if you could call it that).
  4. True. Then, just think how many had helmets on. I wonder what percentage of the deaths were motorcycle riders? Maybe 100%
  5. I think the point is that now westerners do that already and don't need the encouragement. We already went through our transition of being litterbugs to decent citizens (as detailed in the OP).
  6. Nah, man. I just witnessed loads of cars driving really fast towards (what they didn't realize was) a traffic jam. Of course, once they eventually realized they slammed the breaks on hard causing a series of nose-to-tail smashes and adding to the fun some even swerved (into the next lane) to miss the stationary car in front of them but ended up getting walloped by the car which was speeding down that lane anyway. Like, when have you ever seen that in a western country? And all the way down from Saraburi we saw multiple nose-to-tail accidents. They were just sitting there, feeling stupid, while waiting for the insurance to arrive.
  7. Nah mate. He has red lights in the country, but many citizens choose to go through them. You know what I mean? Multiply that with all the other rules of the road they break. The local adolescents, I mean adults, need to start being responsible. The level of irresponsibility here is just deplorable, not just driving either. Parental responsibility. Letting their kids drive cars and motorcycles. It doesn't get any worse, does it?
  8. Exactly. And in the West, if you test positive, you just isolate at home. Here, you are held in a hospital against your will for a couple of weeks and it it'll cost a few hundred thousand baht. Regardless of the severity of your symptoms too; you could have a mild fever only or no symptoms at all and you'd be sitting in hospital, ironically, using up a bed that you don't need and all the while the bill is just racking up. Even a false positive could result in this. Someone somewhere is rubbing his hands together. It's a joke really. I'd rather not take a test in Thailand personally, unless I am ill of course. I wonder if regular health insurance would pay out for you sitting in hospital when you are barely unwell at all?
  9. What did he do wrong? Nothing. It's the regular muppets doing this to themselves and each other. I hope no innocent people died or got injured, but unfortunately I am sure some of them were.
  10. The price went up ×3 in like a month. It is more expensive than imported potatoes, chicken, pork, probably durian, lol.
  11. That's exactly the joke a chick in our science class cracked when we were like 13. "And how do you like your eggs, Sarah" "Fertilized, Miss" The joke went over most of our heads, but Sarah got her ass whooped
  12. That's exactly the joke a chick in our science class cracked when we were like 13. "And how do you like your eggs, Sarah" "Fertilized, Miss" The joke went over most of our heads, but Sarah got her ass whooped.
  13. Exactly, they will never understand if you don't hit their wallet, hard!
  14. And Wetherspoons can still make a profit (after paying decent staff salaries, high utility bills, proper taxes etc. etc.)
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