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Everything posted by 2009

  1. #1 - If you read back, you'll see it was @BritManToo who said you flew to Thailand and got it, not me. I was replying to his post. #2 - I thought he was implying that Hep C is an STD due to his mention of Thailand. I was simply pointing out that it is transmitted by needles, not sex. I didn't say you use needles in a recreational way. How or where you got it is none of my business, but it is transmitted by needles, blood transfusions, transplants etc etc are the mode of transport. It is not considered an STD.
  2. I am well aware of the literature. Having worked as a nurse (yeah, a male nurse, let's have a laugh) in an STD clinic in the West, I can tell that Hep C is only tested for when someone has had a needlestick exposure (or similar). Even if you had sex with a known Hepatitis C positive person, you would still not be given a Hep C test in my country, even if you begged for it because that's not how Hep C is transmitted. In the industry, all sex is considered zero risk for (or no exposure to) Hepatitis C. Similarly, with oral sex and HIV, by the way -- just for comparison. They carry theoretical risks, not actual risks. You wouldn't get a test for Hep C due to any sexual contact, just like you wouldn't get a test for HIV due to oral sex. You would be told, "You never had an exposure." Despite the theoretical risk, there is no actual risk. There is a difference between what can theoretically happen and what actually does happen. You can cherry-pick (often low quality) studies on just about anything actually. Leave the data interpretation to the doctors. There needs to be more consistent data findings. To prove anything to anyone you would need to find more than one study from 1995 discussing theoretical transmissions of Hep C. Jeez.
  3. Just trying to imagine what he did to get Hep C in Thailand. I mean, it is transmitted with needles, not willies.
  4. I can't believe some people voted 'detrimental' If it wasn't for science and the invention of penicillin we'd all be sitting down Nana Plaza looking like zombies with Syphilis. At least we'd have a different genre of porn. "I like the ones with half a face, someone would say"
  5. You do realize, it is your vaccine that protects you, right? And even if the kids are vaccinated, they can still get it and transmit it. The vaccine doesn't stop this; it just gives your body the weapons to fight it so you don't get a severe illness. Would you listen to yourself, "I want students vaccinated to protect me." Seriously? Why should they take that risk for you?
  6. The risks of vaccines (as with all pharmaceuticals) are clearly written on the datasheet that comes with them. You want me to show it to you? It was you who talked about my honour, actually. I am just pointing out that maybe all the people advocating for 5-11 year olds to take the risk of getting vaccinated (when their personal risk of covid complications is minimal-to-zero) aren't so honourable after all. Maybe they have selfish reasons for want everyone to rush through a relatively untested vaccine. I'd certainly like to see a bit more testing and due process on what these vaccines can do to 5-11 year olds first.
  7. It's interesting though, isn't it? All of a sudden good Samaritans are coming out of the woodwork, "Vaccinate your kids....for the elders in the community" lol. Yeah, "for the elders".... more like so the restrictions can be lifted and I can get back to doing xyz. Were all these good Samaritans like this before their enjoyment got taken away?
  8. I feel the same way (about my kids). Though, the risks do concern me too. But I ain't preaching that others should vaccinate their kids "to protect the elders in the community" ( yeah right)......like other people are. I can see through that joke.
  9. I'll tell you what's not so hard to understand: your motive. Your motive for wanting kids vaccinated. And it ain't cos you care about their grandparents, or their next door neighbour with diabetes. You just want everything to go back to the way it was before for you. You want to travel freely. You want the bars and clubs fully open again. You want to eat and drink and go where you please. You wanna do whatever you want again. You want all the luxuries and pleasures life has to offer. And you want our kids to take the shot for you. Admit it.
  10. There are risks to getting vaccines (just like all pharmaceuticals); it's written on the datasheet that comes with them.
  11. And to add to this, most of the people advocating that children get vaccinated to protect all the older people aren't saying that cos they genuinely care about all the lost lives; they just want their life to go back to normal. They weren't online showing concern for all the disasters, famine, and starvation that go on (and always have). The world is a tragic place (for others), and they are fine with that. But now, they can't enjoy their life; they can't do all the things they used to do -- so vaccinate your kids! Let's help the world beat covid (so I can have my luxuries). Lol! That is what they are saying (reading between the lines, cos they'd never admit it). Right kids, get vaccinated, so Patpong can open up again! Very honourable, mate.
  12. Why is that? Are they giving a different vaccine to teens now?
  13. The side effects and even desths from the vaccine at easy to find on Google yourself. The teachers and other adults can vaccinate themselves to protect themselves, duh.
  14. Exactly. But kids should get shots to protect elders, they say. Lol
  15. .....and yet you still ended up here with us savages. The irony should not be lost on you.
  16. "You're driving a car, not an elephant, Buddy!" Seems like anything can be racist nowadays. The woke West is ridiculously insanely sensitive. I used to be too. Now, after having lived in Thailand a long time, I say stuff it. When in Rome. Really, the locals here are so racist they don't even get the concept of racism.
  17. He is doing some really cool things that will go down in history if he pulls it off
  18. Why does the money have to be there all year for retirement extension, but only two months for marriage/family extension? Strange.
  19. They label themselves and then talk about racism. Hmm.
  20. Most locals here I find shifty and untrustworthy. They have an eye for a good scam and know exactly how to skin a cat. I think it just comes from growing up here, I think, particularly in lower society. As far as being betrayed goes, well lies are just the norm here -- it's not even considered bad really.
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