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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Exactly, for many women in Thailand their only options are: motorcycle taxi driver or farang.
  2. That said, I do have faith in Thailand's younger generation; I think they are different.
  3. Yeah, I feel ya. They can't find fault with their own kind, due to pride or something. But they have little to no respect for others. My ex wife is the same. A coconut could drive round a blind corner on the wrong side of the road towards us and if I even shake my head about it I get a load of BS for my negativity.
  4. Well, the world will lose some gas station attendants.
  5. I wonder what the fatality statistics are for under 18s on motorcycles?
  6. I am struggling to see how they impacted Thailand in that way, yes. Could you enlighten us? I am sure most countries are historically guilty of this (and some currently guilty) Ancient tradition? Of prostitution? I wouldn't call Soi Cowboy "a major commercial enterprise" Anyway, it is the locals who profit from this. We pay them, numbnuts. How? I don't get it. What did they do? Drink a few beers and bounce a few chicks on their knees. How did they affect the economy? I know Thailand itself has prioritized its tourism industry. The reason why there are so many "ladies of the night" here is because their only other choice is 300 a day (a 12 hour day) in a factory because due to their lack of education they don't have any other doors open to them; They can earn 5 times the minimum daily wage in an hour. Also, the lack of social security (and human nature: greed), and their family's willingness to turn a blind eye to how their child provides. Also, Thai culture doesn't seem to stigmatize "ladies of ill-repute" like other countries. The locals have the economy geared out of balance, not the westerners.
  7. It doesn't justify it, but it refutes the idea that the Americans are to blame for commercial sex in Thailand, which is what the article is about. Nor does it need justified. Commercial sex is commercial sex. Who cares? Is it worse than selling medical care? Food? Water? Everything should be free, dammit!
  8. I think it's "curry" mate. Lol. But thanks for the tip, why didn't I think of living in Hat Yai?
  9. This is the biggest mistake we make. We go to live in the place that most of them have left. People in the lowest socioeconomic level have problems and when you move there you end up with those problems (this probably all started with his wife gambling away that money) and these things are far less common in higher socioeconomic areas. Nothing wrong with Isaan, but living in an Isaan city even is a huge step above a village. I mean you could live in an Isaan city and just visit the countryside. Or have a little farmhouse for breaks away from more cosmopolitan areas like Bangkok, Chiang Mai etc etc. But to actually put roots down there will make you learn the hard way.
  10. No, I was merely pointing out that just because she says something does means it should be believed automatically, especially when others contradict her. I don't believe anything the villagers say.........or her. My point exactly is that none of this is proven and anyone can say anything. Your rebuttals make you sound like a 4 year old playing with a parrot, btw.
  11. Now you're getting it. When something has been alleged it may be subject to skepticism and enquiry. But as per your other post we should just blindly believe her "assertions" lol! You must think she is an angel.
  12. Not to mention it is the world's oldest profession. But no, it was the pesky Americans poisoning local innocence. Where does such a concept come from? Honestly in general, THEY see us coming a mile away. Most of us farangs were born yesterday here; naive and soft. We came down the Mekong in a Banana Boat; dumb and stupid. White knights in shining armour being slaughtered like lambs and dunked in rotting fish water by some hillbilly's wife before everyone in the extended family tries to see if they can fit their entire forearms up our backsides to extract as much as they can.
  13. Who cares what she says? She alleged there was no affair. Doesn't make it gospel. Didn't villagers contradict her?
  14. While I agree with your underlying premise, I have to point out that pedophilia doesn't involve 16 year olds. Physically they are adults and therefore attraction towards them isn't pedophilic. That said, the law should protect them better since their brain development isn't complete yet amd therefore are prone to making bad decisions. That completes in early- mid twenties, by the way.
  15. BS. I have a relative in my wife's extended family who boasts earning 50k a month in Phuket and 100k a month in Korea and Japan half the year. Yet her children don't go on the school bus to the city school; they stay in the free village school and are illiterate at Primary 6. Also, stunted growth. The Primary 6 boy is the size of an ordinary Primary 3 girl. Almost every tooth rotten. And, I think one has autism yet nobody wants to check it out. She rarely comminicates at all and she like 7 years old. Her brother is 10-11 and totally illiterate. Yet the "mother" is dressed up like a Christmas tree with makeup and jewelry. The grandparents probably just bank the money they are sent, aside from gambling it. I think this is likely a common story. Money is everything. They aren't raised to value much else in the villages. Christ, most village parents would turn a blind eye to their daughter selling her body if they can profit from it. And they aren't poor actually; they have a million in farmland, and their own home, and a vehicle too. Usually a small business as well.
  16. Just trade her in for a younger model and starr drinking full fat milk again. No problem.
  17. How did you manage to take the premise, travel in time with it, then present it back looking like a katoey? I don't even know how to address this with you. Wait til I finish my <deleted>
  18. What does it taste like? I have always been out off craft beers cos I am afraid it'll taste like flowers.
  19. Right now, school kids from 10 up (actually the cut off age is 9 and 6 months) are getting Sinopharm. Yet...just a few weeks ago it still wasn't approved by FDA due to lack of data. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40006431
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