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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Some customers deserve it though. Example: "Olives were from a jar" Appropriate response: "You think I got a <deleted> olive tree in the garden?"
  2. Always. Always, always, always, <deleted> always...in Thailand, and I would in any country like Thailand.
  3. Well, they'll think twice next time, won't they? Orange juice on their face.
  4. Those Thai women are mostly weird aliens, dude. Forget trying to get through that cultural barrier. The ones worth knowing are the ones who seek us out. But that's a double edged sword too - though there is no escaping that!
  5. HIV was nuts back then. Just saying.
  6. How about taking the age limit of the god damn retirement visa, so "quality" dudes who retired early can come here and stay easily??!
  7. Well, if two or three Thais broke into your house, you'd probably still have a bigger weapon than all of them combined.
  8. Even the top government schools in Bangkok offer low 40s for TEFL teachers. I only know of one that pays about 50. However, teaching math or science in English programs will get you 70-80k at the top government schools in Bangkok. That's where the money always is. 35k up country for an easy job is worth more than 42k in Bangkok with high expectations. That said, not all up country jobs are easy.
  9. Unfortunate turn of events. Hope Swissie gets out unscathed and gets himself back to civilization.
  10. Our school gave out a survey to the parents of 10+ year olds to see who would be interested in Sinovac. There was no indication of ut being mandatory to attend school again. Pfizer is available for the 12+ students. I get the impression their letter implied that if they didn't get it they would have to study from home.
  11. Interesting Though in Thailand, I'd rather just about any farang rather than a Thai woman. I have seen horrors. My EX is as domesticated as a pig, as careful as an orangutan, as thoughtful as a goldfish, and as reliable as 2 year old Thai car battery.
  12. Some very good points; you seem quite knowledgeable about this. Any tips for a vacant home?
  13. They join the government cos its a good job gor them, not to serve the public.
  14. No, I posted the actual infographic and chart and one of our mods deleted it, so I won't bother. You are missing the point that most children's parents and teachers are at a very low risk for serious covid. For most people it is like a bad flu. If someone is at risk of serious complications THEY should be vaccinated and/or THEY should stay at home. This includes at risk children, like children with asthma, for example.
  15. I think you are referring to the ones whose main choices for income are either 300 a day in a factory or 50k a month doing massage down in Phuket (or 100k a month in Japan or Korea). Well, I can agree with you there. It's not nice that their education allowed little else than those two options, but for the latter they are certainly well-paid. I do have such individuals in my extended family, though don't assume they actually give their children the life they deserve with that income. And you are a little presumptuous to mention what their ethics are.
  16. Nonsense. Rural Thailand is not comparable to the true 3rd world, like in Africa. I have lived in rural Thailand, by the way. The average household is worth over 1 million in farmland. They also own their own home and a vehicle. My mates back in the council housing in the West would be jealous. Their net worth is far less than a Thai farmer. They are asset rich, cash poor in rural Thailand. That isn't 3rd world, buddy. They also have access to free (and good) healthcare. There is always a provincial level hospital servicing the nearby areas and contrary to farang-belief, they are actually good hospitals. The big provincial level ones that is,not the smaller ones They have all the specialists you need from urologists, gynecologists, oncologists, to radiologist and brain surgeons - graduating from Chula - Thailand's finest. Sure, the waiting room is busy, but it's free and modern up-to-date healthcare in an Isaan city! Tell that to Americans, lol, in the so-called first world! And the jump from minimum wage to the elite is not what you are making out. There are plenty of Thais with a household income of 30k a month. Even just two married teachers earning 15k each have a household income of 30k. Or other low level government workers, like a soldier marrying a police officer. Easily 30k a month household income. Pretty much the same as a farang teacher with a lazy wife bringing in nothing. Jeez, even the waitresses without tertiary education in Sukhumvit make 15k-20k a month including service charge and tips. Well, they were making that 10+ years ago, I can attest to that. Surely, it went up a bit since.
  17. The removed detail was an infographic from University College London stating that the risk of a child dying from covid is 2 in a million. Not sure what was wrong with that. Seems on topic. Also, a chart from a Thai scientific study comparing leading causes of death in children. Almost 20 in 100,000 for drowning and traffic accident (each, not together).
  18. If it makes you feel any better, they started of with humble beginnings as Chinese migrants selling seeds in Bangkok in the 1920s. Then, they worked hard for several generations in their family to become who they are today. The same can be said for the richest families in Australia, America, etc etc I don't see what the problem is? Jealousy? Most people don't have what it takes to create multigenerational wealth. Hats off to CP, that's what I say. A beautiful story of migration and capitalism. You won't find many stories like that in the West again -- migrants don't go there for work anymore, just benefits. Too many rights, not enough responsibilities in the West now.
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