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Aussie Col

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Posts posted by Aussie Col

  1. 1 hour ago, Mark Nothing said:

    This article is an insult to the term gibberish.


    Articles like these are designed as a smokescreen to get you looking at the wrong issues.


    While this nonsense is being printed daily, your freedoms are being eliminated at a rapid pace. By design.


    I don't recall them ever caring about citizens health before.


    They certainly don't worry about road deaths that's for sure.

  2. 22 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The media hysteria is fuelled by the need of so many ‘experts’ to have their moment in the spotlight with ‘maybes’  !!!


    In decades and generations this whole saga will be taught as a case study of how we listed to flawed and uncertain information and played Russia roulette with our economy. 


    Look at this news - 14 Day Quarantine ‘may not be enough’.....   1 potential case with an almost infinitesimally low viral load, basically dead RNA, recorded...  1 Person of country of 77 million - potential 25% unemployment. 


    Thats 20 million people going hungry, even if the Thai Chamber of Commerce’s 25% unemployment projection is 5x too high, what about 5% ?? that still 3.85 Million People unemployed which is still devastating to a society with very little social welfare.


    Open up the borders - Allow Tourists with a Covid-19 test. 

    Test arrivals and track and trace.

    There will be further outbreaks - but really, is it that bad ????? 


    the US is quoting 170,000 Covid-19 deaths (in 6 months so far) yet 2,840,000 people die each year anyway.

    How many of these deaths are ‘extra’ deaths ?????



    We really need unadulterated facts - not this media frenzy fuelled by a political stance. 






    Far more people die on the roads every year in Thailand than will ever die from Covid-19 here.

    Wake and smell the coffee generals

    • Like 1
  3. 18 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    Who's gonna go on holiday to spend a week or two in quarantine? Quite expensive, and also that alcohol is banned in the official places in Thailand. I would think there will be much better & cheaper options elsewhere.

    Make i easier for Fanargs to return and they will, but not with 2 weeks quarantine.

    If they must quarantine make it easier to quarantine to near where they are going to stay

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  4. 4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    They need a country to twin with. And as mentioned above, it might only be China, and even that is  a  guess.  I just don't think it will occur before December 1, if  at all.

    Lets not forget that China is where this virus started and despite the claims of the Chinese about their low numbers of deaths nobody of intelligence believes them

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