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Global Moderator
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Everything posted by metisdead

  1. An off topic deflection post and the replies have been removed.
  2. A post with unsubstantiated facts and the replies have been removed.
  3. A post with a trolling video has been removed.
  4. An off topic baiting post has been removed.
  5. A post with insulting comments to other members and the replies have been removed. Some troll posts off topic posts and the replies have been removed. 2. Do not post off-topic responses in an attempt to hijack the thread.
  6. Some more troll posts have been removed.
  7. A post baiting another member has been reported and removed. Other troll posts of a various nature have been removed.
  8. A post with offensive and derogatory racist trolling comments has been reported and removed.
  9. A post with a link to a late night comedy show and the replies have been removed. A late night comedy show is not a valid news source.
  10. A post with a link to an untrustworthy news source has been removed. A post with a trolling image and the replies have been removed.
  11. Off topic obfuscation posts have been removed.
  12. A post baiting another member has been reported and removed. Also off topic posts and replies about Joe Biden
  13. Reported off topic posts have been removed.
  14. That is the problem. Too many people "feel the need for speed" when driving.
  15. An unhelpful troll post has been removed.
  16. Please observe the following when posting: 4. Proofread your post first as poor grammar and spelling can make a post difficult to understand. Posts regarding spelling and grammar can derail a topic and can also appear intolerant and unhelpful.
  17. Another troll post with a "beer Kier" trolling comment has been removed. This type of trolling comment has been reported repeatedly in the past, please desist from trolling in this manner.
  18. A post with a trolling image has been reported and removed as well as the replies.
  19. An off topic post about fires in the UK, Ireland and Sweden and the replies have been removed. Standards of Conduct: 2. Do not post off-topic responses in an attempt to hijack the thread.
  20. Moved to the IT and Computers forum.
  21. A post with an image that was promoting prostitution has been removed as well as the related replies. 29. You will not discuss the specifics of prostitution. Although Thailand has a visible sex industry and acknowledgement of that fact is not forbidden, ASEAN NOW is not the place to seek or give information on this topic. ASEAN NOW seeks to protect children and other at risk groups from exploitation on the internet. Any content that appears to be inappropriate or exploitative will be removed.
  22. Moved to the Western Food in Thailand forum.
  23. A post with a video using Thai language has been removed: 3. English is the only permitted language anywhere on ASEAN NOW, except within the Thai language forum, where using Thai is allowed. Some off topic posts and the replies have been removed.
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