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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. expect it says all there is to say... wuth a lot of Covid in China nowadays... and arrivals in China is something else than arrivals in Thailand
  2. expect it says all there is to say... wuth a lot of Covid in China nowadays
  3. They are more traumatized as there is no sexual education at all.. even incest and abuse by teachers are not spoken of......
  4. NUmbers and numbers... but based on what?? we have to believe everthing is going so well in Thailand, while we read many times that investors did not choose Thailand for the complex ruling for visa and businesses...On the other hand how many were bankrupted after the investments??.. Everything has to look good with the elections coming... but what is real??
  5. No enforcement of rules and no consequences.... So who cares??? it is the money that counts... But start with severe punishments, as it is not the first case anymore The best reason is never allow the entainment industry to open till 4 am until they have proven that this kind of situations never occur again.
  6. BUsiness first, as it would looks good for the holiday season, after New Year, we go back to reality
  7. Oh my gog.. a Thai attacked in the Western world.... How many foreigners are here attacked by Thais??
  8. I thought the Embassies are not allowed to comment or act on internal affairs of Thailand....
  9. That is correct working 2 weeks a year.. Who don't want a job like that??? Make a schedule for working 24 hrs a day 7 days a week and do what they do with the holidays, and not only checking for traffic tax, but real do their job, black smoke, speeding, drugs and alcohol checks, driverslicense check, no helmet checks, driving the wrong way, sound polutions, drugsdealing, weapon use/possesions, and the list can be continued....
  10. So the country has to wait because 1 man is hungry... and he has to eat so much that the meeting could not be starting again after he had his meal???
  11. i am wondering why it is important to mention that he was in uniform....It is an accident and another one dead, probably because there is a lack of education for a driverslicense...
  12. I don't know if they were good swimmers and I know too that even if you are a good swimmer in a rough sea it is difficult to survive.. I am only wondering now where did you get the information that they were all good swimmers?? I read many times that people drown because they have never learned how to swim...Do you know they are learned by the army/navy??
  13. Cheating at the exams.. How popular the RTP jobs are.... They did not learn how to cheat and nobody noticed it.. No wonder they failed.
  14. Good.. I hope they enforce it too...Teach people to follow the rules, they have to start somewhere and this is ok.. You can party till 2.00am , that is ok.
  15. I think if you want to join the Navy the first thing the Navy has to do is teaching how to swim...Suppose in a war and you a navy with soldiers who can't swim..That would be easy for the enemy..Again education is so needed .. How many of the lost cadets now could swim??? if not no wonder there are so many casualties.
  16. I am wondering why is nobody talking yet about a National Day of Mourning for the victims...It should be done as a respect for them...
  17. Is that a real law in Thailand or is that someone invented a few days ago?
  18. Happy new Year celbrations with maskwearing... massgatherings and we will see
  19. The foreigner is using his brains and from a free country. and the woman is brainwashed by the Thai media and Government.. do as the higher ranked say and don't think... I see in my area the same...But what about the nightlife in crowded pubs They don't wear masks too but nobody talks about that..
  20. In Thailand everybody can make his own law.. That is why nobody knows what to do or to behave...
  21. The RTP deserves gifts if they do their jobs, but not now... When they start working they can get rewarded. That is normal and the rewards must be in line of their efforts..Decent checks at check points coming holidays.. as k for driver license, do alcohol test, check the car lights, black smoke and so on...
  22. continuing story of craziness... as the whole world is mask free, Thailand keep the masks on.. In China they only showed football and no audience as the audience were not wearing masks. As soon as there were supporters to be seen, they switched to the trainers... There is no law in Thailand that you have to wear a mask...
  23. This is Thailand... nobody understands anything as strange things happens all the time
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