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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. First they need to find students who are willing to learn foreign languages and development of language skills... In 20 years of teaching I didn't find so many students who were motivated unless it was copying. Free lunch for religious schools??? Did not eat yet in these schools or did the Government not pay already for food ?? It seems more a public stunt to win votes that truly gifts
  2. And China ghas announced that countries who will take restrictions on Chinese tourist will get restrictions by China.... So why lockdown for Chinese?? Lockdown to protect the own people, but now no restrictions because Big Brother will take measures .... But arrivals in China..... China has restrictions, but doesn't allow it for other countries to do the same for the Chinese
  3. investigated and finished... next case...no consequences
  4. The tradition before or after Covid?? With so many restrictions last year it is not worth to be a culture heritage...
  5. only ten fake stories??? I think there are every day several....just follow the news
  6. It is not the things the RTP is wearing, but the lack of enforcement of the laws, their laziness, and corruption that should be battled
  7. Normal in Thailand 25.000 traffic deaths a year makes 68 a day.... so in 3 dangerous days only 146 instead of of 204.. Wish it was holiday everyday....58 less than on normal days...makes 17.763 deaths a year. almost 8.000 less.... A very good improvement. Why are these days called the dangerous days??? Or is it just a feel good ction and must the number be added to the average daily total??
  8. They don't know it is useless... and only for a few months to rest?? Nothing better to do??
  9. days of lies started again... Never real numbers, as the daytoll of deaths is normally higher.. Provinces don't report and to look good some report even less than real.. Sadly for all the losses of lives which are most of the time unnecessary...But look on the roads.. Truck slow driving on the middle lane, other cars speeding left and right using 3 lanes for what??? motorcycles driving the wrong way without helmets.. Cars parked where it is not allowed on the highways...And everybody has a business because the telephone is used constantly and are afraid to miss every fly that flies by..Happily a lot of U-turns are closed otherwise even more problems..
  10. as several countries around the world take measures as covid proof or test,Thailand will do nothing just to get the tourists back.. But what if several infected come and the infectiongrade is going up... Lockdowns again?? That will damage the country more than ask for vaccinationcertificates and/ or tests for the Chinese arrivals
  11. the days of false information about reality has started again...We will see how good the RTP and Government has done everything for raod safety this year...Incomplete information already
  12. The Russian crashed his car on the motorcycle... The motorctcle did not crash into the car???
  13. Wait a while and see how things change again in Thailand... better a throw back again in Thai economy than adequate measures for problems of infected Chinese...if they come
  14. who is going to arrest you, as most checks only is looking if you paid taxes.....in 20 years driving in Thailand I have never been asked one time for my driverslicense, do an alcoholtest, or whatever....If you drunk maybe they wil see the way you drive but otherwise......
  15. offending public morals??? Coyote dancing in a temple??? in schools kids dance with copulating movements...just a few examples....
  16. It is not only Covid, but there are many other reasons that tourist will not come to Thailand...Chinese should be checked as there is a hugh wave going on to start with.. Who says that they have enough money to travel outside the country, as the Covid had an economic impact in China too. Than airplane tickets are more expensive than 2022, and in Europe the elctricity and gas bill are almost unpayable now. Than Thailand is very expensive at the moment due to an expensive THB. Does TAT open their eyes and see what is going on globally or they just watch travelbrochures?? Make Thailand more attractive again...Beautiful places for Gay Marriages, (as it ever will be approved,) No double standards for foreigners and locals, attractive for retirees( they will have children and grandchildren who will visit them), easier to get a workpermit for backpackers... Than Thailand get really more tourists instea dof 25 million arrivals.. An arrival is not a tourist
  17. They could not " find " him in 10 years.. because large mountains of money and high ranked people involved...And now it should go quickly?? There were many opportunities, and if he was really blacklisted with interpol they would have had him already a long time ago... but no nowhere to be found...Should he be traceable now suddenly?
  18. amazing Thailand..... 1,5 trillion Thb..... and after deduct the costs how much is really left???
  19. Without education and severe punishments you can paint what you want, but it will have zero effect....Start with selling cars and motorcycles only for them who has a driverslicense...after a good training .
  20. AS said many times.... They will find or invent laws for ban and dissolve parties for the elections.. They must stay in power...Thai Democracy
  21. expect it says all there is to say... wuth a lot of Covid in China nowadays... and arrivals in China is something else than arrivals in Thailand
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