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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Nobody knows what is happening in Thailand because Thailand doesn't know it itself.. That is why the rules, news, and regulations change day by by day... Even now nobody knows if Tuesday the school will open.. No there is said no lockdown after New Year, but today is the 1st and another 2 days to go before it is the 4th and nobody will know what is happening. How can foereigners who want to come on holiday know what is happening ??
  2. OK.. but today a news story of a woman in Nakon Ratchasima, after 3 doses she has Omicron positive test and travelled with a bus on 29th December...How many did she infect already? It is in Thailand, and in the air and if we lock up everyone who is positive they can write there will be no lockdown, but than it is not necessary because everyone is in the hospital, which are overloaded or at home where nobody control them. You vcan't control something that is in the air and spread, and make you infected even without having any symptons....How do you know that you can infect someone if you don't know that you are carrying the virus???? It is only controlable if you know...
  3. You will see if there are again 20k or 30k people positive with no symptons and all in a hospital...
  4. A trust destination with dancing elephants???Never saw an elephant dancing and the trust... with so many changes every time, the alcohol restrictions, the vaccination problems, and so more... I don't know if we can talk about trust..
  5. That is what needed clear rules, but in Thailand the rules can change sometimes from morning and in the afternoon different... That is why there is a lot of confusion all the time
  6. World wide there is almost no other country that put everyone in a hospital if they test positive.. The are other solutions instead of being in a hospital with mild or no symptons. That would free a lot of beds for people who really need them and give the nurses and doctors some air... But nobody seems to understand.... If you test positive you are going to the hospital sick or not, ana a result is overworked doctors and nurses and nobody gets the treatment they need because it is too busy... The Israeli was tested negative over and over again, he only broke the rule that the did not wait for the result of the test... please inform yourself
  7. Indeed there are not enough beds if you put everyone in the hospitals... As I wrote in earlier posts too, in the hotels there should be facilitation for infected tourists with no or only mild symptons. They don't need to stay in a hospital, so there is space free for people who are really sick. That is why I said a cut finger. Than you are not sick but you don't go to the hospital too... and the same can be done for people who can be elswhere in quaratine if they are not sick.
  8. Isolation doesn't need to be in a hospital..Other possibilities are as good. If you are very sick you go to hospital. If cut your finger you don't need to stay in the hospital too
  9. I partly agree with you. However if the country is open for tourist, and they have to wait for the result of their tests, than they should have at least 1 floor, which they use as a quarantine, and if people are positive and with almost no symptoms, they could stay on that floor or a another real quaratine floor. They paid for the holiday and their hotel and not for staying in a hospital. A hospital is a place where people with severe symptons should stay and not non sympton cases. That is my idea that there is money involved. Or if you don't can handle a tourist don't open the country. Just as you said that you told your family not to come now. and I agree that people should inform themselves ...but as you know Thailand can change everything, it mostly depends on who will handle the case. The Israeli is another story, but he tested many times negative, and still had a problem.
  10. Strange if you are in quarantaine in a hospital if there are no of only mild symptons.. It is all about money apparently
  11. Less than Monday and the checkpoints are useless if you see the stupid driving on the road. In a checkpoint everybody should be checked for driverslicense and do alcohol test instead of watching if you have the correct tax sticker. This week I was threatened by a driver a few meters after the checkpoint because I did not let him switch to the lane I was in. We stood still be thought apparently my lane was going faster. Passed the checkpoint he drove in front of me and braked and drove slowly to impress me. If he was really in such a hurry he better could drive instead of doing this stupid manoevre because now he lost more time
  12. It is unknown why the price is rising...Every business has to be killed I believe.. A lot of restaurants are closed so there is no more demand for pork, and with high prices people don't buy much pork too. But chicken is also rising at the moment..It seems that everyone is compensating for the losses. Pork farmers sell less pigs so the price goes up. It seems that they will earn the same amount, but if the people don't buy anymore because the price is too high, they will get in serious problems. So no the government must not interfere.. Let the market do its job..
  13. The virus and more people vaccinated.. for example, but you can find some yourself if you think, I believe
  14. No of course not, but do you miss so much when it 2 year canclelled??Next year everything will be normal again probably, but now with the possible restrictions in sight it would be better to take precautions first . It will cost less than restrictions till April again
  15. I am sorry but I don't believe anything about a super spreader. Indeed the couple had Omicron, but they did not bring the infection to 11 districts.. Indeed it spreads through the air and 1,5m distance doesn't seem enough, but on the other hand the symptons are much milder than the Delta, and nobody knows where he/she will get infected and by who. Silly to blame just 1 couple.. The other infections came from the Muslims who came back from Mekka. It is better to accept that Covid is everywhere around us, and we must be careful not to get it, but we even can't say we don't have it because of less symptons... In fact we are all super spreaders than. But you can't be blamed for somethin you are not aware of
  16. Smart move to hold the ATK numbers, we test not so many people and those who do the ATK test and will be positive can rise the numbers too high, so denying the truth everything looks well.
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