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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Start checking the RTP as they have a key role in the drugs and the dealers. I know that a dealer is getting away with it every time he is caught for 10-15k... and he keeps going on .. Never understand why the police let him o and not bring him to court. I know corruption, but still why has the police this power
  2. I think that ALL Thai people are important and not only those who are living in a tourist area... The tourists will stay away for a while, because there are too many uncertainties. Hua Hin reopen in 1st of November , today Maybe it will be delayed... a tourist has to make arrangements before going on holiday and as long as the Government is switching dates all the time and can not ease the rules, tourists will not even make a plan for the short term. So why on earth is there such a hyrry for the touristic areas.. Vaccinate everyone even in low risk areas it is better to prevent new outbreaks
  3. In the land of cheating they are unable play fair sports/games.... Everything to do with n losing face instead of hard work / training. In school laziness is rewarded by the no fail policy.. There kids would learn to do something to be rewarded, instead of passing all the time
  4. I have an interntional vaccination passport already for many years, but in THailand they don't wnat to use it..Instead you will get a paper.. Make things easy difficult.
  5. He was not concerned when the 15 year old boy was shot. and if he is really concerned about the violence he would step down... He is in fact the reason for the violence
  6. Moderna in the first place should be given to the people who ordered and paid for it. On the other hand there is always said that Moderna would NOT be used as a booster before somewhere next year... So why registration for a booster of Moderna??????
  7. Retired is retired... Please give some young men/women a chance.. They are the future, but these old men with their old fashioned ideas will only put the country backwarths
  8. The RTP always has one word ready... " jail." ...I think they like jail everybody in THailand. .There are other solutions too, but they never heard of it and besides with the corruption in this organisation it is easier to threaten with jail, because it will be easier to collect money
  9. Same idea as I wrote yesterday.. Because the numbers are low people think it is not so bad and they lower their guards and start acting "normal", but in fact it is even more dangerous now, because nobody knows how many infections there are.. low testcases and rapid tests which they don't count. Today more than yesterday almost 16.000 together, If they want that people follow the rules they have to be honest and test more. Okay more cases but people will be more careful
  10. How can you trust Thailand if they manipulate all numbers.. as testing, recoveries, vaccinated etc. ??? It blame is with the Governement.
  11. No sir, it is very expensive....I wonder how much really is needed and how much will disappear in the pockets. We have examples enough last year ... Probably the costs are the result of not taking care of the vehicles in the past years...Don't blame the protestors for everything
  12. But no flooding according the almighty PM
  13. How do you feel if they treat to you as schoolkids??? They have to obey Mr Prayuth.... I thought he was handling adults and they they " don't" obey maybe they are not suitable for the job.... But just the " obey" .....
  14. The numbers are up again.. Believe it or not the most rapid test are reliable and yes maybe there could be some positive test be negative. Overall it still is not safe yet. You see people gather together yesterday in a restaurant here to celebrate the opening with singing and dancing, pictures on facebook of parties for the retirees and funerals....By minimize the numbers people will lower their guard because they think it is safer now, but in fact they make it only more dangerous. with higher numbers everybody will be more careful. So 15.500 today if you like it or not
  15. Although it is not normal to have sex on the streetside, it is a bit over the top to arrest them. But once again 19th century laws and believes... When will THailand get into the 21st century?? It is the only land that is build on spirits it seems..
  16. An entrance fee to visit the land of scam.. As this week already the court approved the double pricing, the charge for a CoE , an expensive travel insurance, some Covid tests and a probably quarantine hotel, because nobody knows if there is no quarantine anymore in January. If you are at last allowed to visit the place you want you have to pay a lot more for the same attraction than a Thai, even the taxis will rip you off. And than all the restrictions on alcohol and so.........Thailand is really putting an effort to get tourists back..... but some other countries will be better to visit I think
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