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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I am happy to read that he is so wealthy and I am sure the workers who work for him to get him so rich will be paid a daily salary of 350THB a day.. and there will be no room for a decent salary raise... The family has already so much money that as long as they all will live never have a shortage.. but the people who are the ones to give him this wealth must be scrape every satang to get some food... Nice example
  2. As you probably know sound pollution makes people stressed and with other issues maybe it was too much.. Working every day in the noise, and everywhere around you.. Try to find a place to relax... Even the temples are the worst... It would be a start to forbid the temple parties
  3. That they sleep is not the intention. the purpose is to delay their travel and reason to hurry
  4. And the slavery should be stopped... The high earners, companies and owners of the country should stop abusing the people and give decent salaries.. Elderly with 3000 THB a month is a shame.. teachers or classroom helpers with 7000 THB a month is laughable.. and yes maybe prices will increase but must the elite earn billions millions are not enough for them?? No they shout they can't afford it, while they drive many luxury cars, have houses abroad, luxury holidays... It seems Thailand is still living in the time of a banned movie
  5. The police believes a lot in Thailand.. better do proper investigations.. Besides probably the music was too loud and too much noise as it is common in Thailand. Sound pollutions drive people crazy... Even in a shopping mall there is no background music but it seems you are in a pub.. Complaining doesn't help as they have no clues..but it is proven that soft played background music will improve the sales and loud music will chase customers away... but alas who am I?
  6. At the roadside.... hire a ricefield and let the people sit or lay down to sleep.. They are the ones who made a mistake no need to pamper them...
  7. Every year the same story on New Year and Songkran, but nothing is being done by the Government during the rest of the year.. severe punishments, real checking of alcohol and drugs at checkpoints, speeding and lane changing. hold the drivers and show them a 4 hour video obliged to watch so they will belayed more as they should drive normally..and drunk/ drugs in the blood, forbid them to drive on.. confiscate the vehicle until they are totally sober again. Just a few things
  8. What is the problem? The selling ? the masturbation? the many followers?? Many people are exposing themselves on internet for free
  9. Ultra chic P80 air??? not for tghe common people I suppose
  10. Many horses and oxes in the Government I suppose, for the others with their salary raise of 2 % of the 350 THB daily wage they will not be so lucky
  11. OMG even the 90days reporting is giving problems... Thailand and digital products are not a good choice... Mor Prom is another good example
  12. Time to extend opening hours for the entertainment venue and less police to control alcohol and drugs abuse in the traffic
  13. Shame Thailand, Shame you there are no other words for it.. Government offficials 20% and the common people only 2 THB??? Shame ..... there are ways to reduce the costs for the Government and pay more for the people .. The richest and the companies with huge profits should be boycotted by the people
  14. Thai immigration is always a problem, delays, or anything are said to make the problems, but with slow working officers, a lot of administfration at the desk, it will never improve. Why is in the EU or a lot of other countries never a problem But in Suvarnabhumi always long queues ... Last time we came back on 6 October and it was the same problem.. No delays no extra flights but a crowded area at the immigration.. and it takes a time before you passed them.. In 2023 it is not updated yet although they want more tourists, but 30 minutes to enter is far too long....
  15. The people cam prefer what they want, but the army an the rulers elite will decide differently. They will never give up power, and always protect what they have. See the last elections
  16. No wonder.. The Makro is a wholesaler too but it is impossible to buy beer or alcohol before 11.00 am or after 2 PM till 5 PM... Besides that the quality of most wines are terrible and far too overpriced. and with less European tourist coming and staying alcohol sales will go down. Reduce the tax and stop with the alcoholsales ban and things will be better. Example we went to Europe and a bottle of Porto wine was only 8 euro so say 320 THB. Here in Thailand you have to pay for the same bottle 1290 THB....4 times more... The greed of the tax the offices.. In a restaurant we had a very good wine for 15 euro a bottle.. that is 600 THB Try to find a bottle drinkable wine here for that money... imposiible.. all Chateau Migraine quality
  17. zMaybe they should google what the same sex marriges brought on benefits in the countries that have allowed it.. It would really boost the economy, but in reality they don't want it.
  18. That is not the problem.. The problem is that they come with big news that no news is at all.. In 2020 was Prayuth saying that he would make a legal relationship for same sex couples as a gift after the Gay pride than. But after many hearings committees etc are we now 3 years further and again big news.. Parliament approves Same sex marriage.. 4 bills approved... and now they have to make 1 bill of it, again takes time, again delays son in totally 20 years we are not any further.. Thailand would be the first Asian country that have same sex marriage they have shouted in 2017, but in the meantime there are already 3 were it is possible and Thailand still nothing...Why make such a big headline why congratulate the LGBHTQ community with nothing?? I had expected that it was approved, in 2 weeks a second reading and possible from 1 February on. But now there will be several delays again.. I have wrote many times.. They promise but they don't really want it
  19. The same as in 2020 when Prayuth and his Government approved a same sex legalization.. Now it is the end of 2023 and still nothing. Why approve 4 bills. There is only 1 needed, but again delays, committees to make 1 bill of it readings, approval of Senate and royal endorsement and it will be at least 2025 again...20 years to make a law Shameful
  20. Everything in Thailand must be on the Unesco Heritage list.. the food, the dress, the monuments, the events... but in fact Thailand was in former times several kingdoms and mostly Khmer based.... claiming Angkor Wat was an example that Thailand wanted but did not owned
  21. Thailand promises a lot but in the reality nothing will happen. Mr Prayuth promised equality law on Gaypride but after 2 years nothing happened. Yesterday the same.. Parliament accepted 4 bills but they have to be reviewed and vote again and than to the Senate and a Royal endorsement, so probably not for this year to happen.. Same for a new charter.. Difficult to change, but when there is acoup by the army they can write a new one with no problems, but now they promised to change the existing one and it seems legally impossible... What happened when they promised on a crackdown on blacksmoke cars?? drive around and see how many still pollute the air.. promises in Thailand are worthless
  22. deja vu.. Prayuth had promised after the Gay Pride to arrange the Gay Marriage and it was accepted in the parliament. However after many committees and readings and delays still nothing. Now again first reading and accepting 4 bils.. They have to merged to one and it will take again months, and delays that I don 't dare to hope that Gay Marriage will be possible in 2024... They should have voted yesterday to accept one law and gay to make gay marriage possible on 1st of January 2024 or.. so but this in Thailand.. nobody dares
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