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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Maybe he can start with a working and instructed non corrupt policeforce. Now only some places at high ways have tents, crazy drivers pass nothing happens, no helmets no problems and black smoke they don't see. Check everybody not for tax but drivers licence, alcohol test and put cameras a 500m before the checkpoints so they can be stopped and fined. 24hrs not one hour a day
  2. Ok, but you had a problem.. I don't have yet any, but in my family p, butlenty deadly heart attacks .. even after check up, as the doctor said you can't prevent it. I only wanted to know if my heart is still in a good condition by a stresstest or so... I don't want to go into the mill of many examinations etc and with a end result of nothing
  3. According to the hospital I must have a heart attack...so pain in my chest, sweating, dizzy and/or radiation in my arm... Never mind they want to do it...as you can't prevent it anyway to get a heart problem
  4. i went to a state hospital for a heart checkup. I told them I would pay for it, but the answer was it was impossible.. Only when you have a heartproblem and being sent to the hospital by a doctor I could do it.. No prevention.. therefore I have to go to a private hospital
  5. told to or suggested?? he should in jail and nowhere else... How can justice be believable in Thailand?... Jail only for the poor but the real culprits are walking freely around
  6. I never will understand why they have to to carry a Thai flag, just like kids
  7. No clue to solve the problem and to be attractive again for foreign tourists. So local tourist more public holidays more borrowing and loan to show how wealthy the middle class is to go on holiday and more debts.. TAT why are they needed? they have no clue come with fake numbers and ideas that are stupid. And they call it a masterplan..
  8. Camping?? What is that? do you have a permit for it?? O no? than a fine, because you are a foreigner
  9. My passport has biometric chip for some years already. However I went several times out Thailand and came back, and everytime they need my fingerprints and photo.. Should i believe that these machine are working? Even with renewal your visa they need new pictures at the office every year and of course a paper pic,,
  10. Freeze the giant salaries of the company bosses.... until they are willing to pay a bit more for the ones who work and in facto give them their great salaries and profits
  11. stop with 40/50 students in a class, stop with all kind of activities as Wai Kru, marching, practicing for every event.,and more of all stop with all extra classes after school...Students have to go home and relax instead of studying after school and in the weekends
  12. stupidity without borders... What will happen if the "drunk" person is not willing to go to the area? How about the checking? Now a lot of entertainment venues are not following the rules already, as we could read underaged visitors, not respecting closing hours, no or correct licenses. even illegal gambling etc.. First make that the entertainment venues follow the rules and than implement other ones.. And of course there should be a strict control by the police, but that is a dream
  13. Yesterday they urged the public to wear masks again... Now it is fake news??
  14. the 3rd in a week time... Thailand can use it as soft power maybe?? Come and enjoy a possible accident if you travel by bus or in cars??
  15. Everything must be celebrated... a lot of wasted money, in other countries, they just are happy and announce it and finished, but here in " happy" THailand there is a ceremony needed
  16. They never stopped wearing masks... so no need to urge them wear them again
  17. Do something about the dangerous traffic so that less young people die.. They could have babies, but passed away and a result is that the average age is going up....
  18. Not allowed to make fun about this high class hard working system and its officers
  19. Maybe start with the banning of alcoholsales hours, allow e cigarettes, stop double pricing, be friendly and welcoming, just a few things to atrack tourists instead seeing tourists as walking ATM machines. Invest in expats and retiring persons, by more simple visa rules and abolish the 90 days reports, address reports after a holiday and annual renewal. Make long term visa for 5 years or so simple measurements that will do more good than calculate how many Chinese will come
  20. I still believe that daily salaries are not working and there should be paid monthly. As for daily salaries with so many holidays the people don't earn a dime except army and government officials.. Searching on the internet seems that Thailand a minimum wage has of 12k a month, but I know we we can read that teachers often only get 7000 THB a month paid. and if you search more it seems that 50% is earning 88k average...So there should be possibilities to raise the lower salaries. What is the average wages in Thailand in 2023? Wages in Thailand increased to 15452.59 THB/Month in the third quarter of 2023 from 15411.82 THB/Month in the second quarter of 2023. Thailand Average Monthly Wages - Trading Economics https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/wages#:~:text=Wages in Thailand increased to,the second quarter of 2023.
  21. And how many die in accidents because of the lack of good drivers education?
  22. It shows again that Thailand has no clue how to be attractive to tourists... Old fashioned idea's and outdated laws and no clue what tourists want
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