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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. It is not just one but the adding up......Tourists want to relax and enjoy and in Thailand there too many rules especially for foreigners... simple example no helmets or riding at the wrong side of the road..We have read several times already that foreigners have to pay a high fine while the locals don't .. Same for e-cigarettes and the alcohol sales hours ....too stupid for words.. If I am on holiday and it is hot I want to drink a can of beer at 15.00 It is impossible in Thailand if you are a tourist while in other countries there are not such a laws.. adding things up makes Thailand not interesting anymore and that has nothing to do with a visa
  2. The cabinet of...... poorly selected ministers, with backgrounds that are doubtfully for the job they have to do.. But alas. This is Thailand 2.0 and wondering why everything is going back instead of forward
  3. Thaksin is so very sick he has only a short time to live, so he can go home to be with his family for the time he has left... and Next year he will be cured totally healthy. alive and kicking....That is the same treatment for other inmates too.. we have seen it by the youth when they got in jail for the demonstrations, bail was grated, royal pardons were granted, even the hungerstrikers who almost died were treated the same... Yes I feel very sorry for Thaksin.. 15 years in good health and almost dead when he is in Thailand... he could better have stayed away
  4. 8,2 cost for a lack of quorum of unwilling working MP's, but there is no money to raise the daily wages or pensions for the elderly... Maybe let the costs be paid by the MP's who create the lack of quorum... It will soon be over
  5. Happy with the word "could"... it will do nothing in fact.. lottery, maybe less debts...
  6. He doesn't care and birds of a feather flock together
  7. free visa is not the reason, restrictions on alcohol, dual pricing, expensive THB, criminals against tourists, e cigarettes ban, police hunting for foreigners etc etc are making Thailand not attractive anymore for tourists,
  8. Are all Myanmar, Laos. Ca,bodiam people upskilled?? Thai people don't like to work, but like sto pretend they have a lot of money and will borrow from everyone, friends, family, rather than working for it.. I have plenty examples in the family of my partner, in my neighbourhood and people with examples at my work...
  9. In the European community it is easy to find someone who want to do a job.. They are not lazy and the mentality of them is mostly all little bits will help... as here in THailand people don't want to earn 300 THB for a few hours work...they rather have nothing and ask friends and family to support them..
  10. I know what I am talking about very well..Thai people are too lazy to do job unless they will be paid at least 30K a month.. example try to find someone for an easy job for a few hours or a day.. Nobody will come.. nor me as farang nor for a Thai. Everybody is complaining about it. And in a store there are so many workers with so less knowledge that they could easily get rid of 50% of them and in a store there is always work... My parents had a store too and we were never without doing anything.. But we did not have a cell phone too.... Some shops have already fired some people because the profits went down and now the rest is complaining that they have to work!!!!!! almost no time to check their phone they are saying to us... Just to mention.....
  11. Probably another victim of the driving education in Thailand, the cellphone world, and the lack of experience to drive a car.. RIP to her, but it is daily business. When I came to Thailand I was very upset when young people died in the traffic, nowadays I don't care anymore, as I see that they don't care about their lives either...
  12. The problem of costs for companies is a bit fake.. Indeed the costs will go up, but than ( I am sorry to say) a few people must be fired. I walk in many stores and i see a lot of people not working but playing their cellphones.. So they don't have anything to do. The productivity will go up if they know when they play on the phone they will get fired.. On the other hand there is so much work in Thailand that a lot of Burmese/Cambodian/Laos /Malaysian people have to come in to do the jobs.. The ones on their cellphones could take those jobs too.. Everybody happy...
  13. Some easy measures could be done to keep the impact low.. First approve the Gay Marriage.. It will boost the local economy as many want o marry and give parties.. Secondly raise the wages or even better change to monthly payments, so that holidays are being paid too... and spend less money on "nothing" such as committees, meetings, and many other things that are of no use but cost a lot of money...
  14. So called resigned as he promised, but o get a better position is another lie of this party... Don't trust them at all anymore
  15. Not enough plastic to destroy the enviroment.. Please more straws and plastic bags too..and no bins anymore...
  16. He sold his soul and party to the devil already.. no reason to stay anymore
  17. Soon nobody in jail anymore, as they claim that Thaksin don't get a special treatment.. Everybody who will be convicted can say stressed, high bloodpressure, fatgue, etc ....same treatment for all is preventing going to jail...Protesters and demonstrators now you know how to deal with justice.. But hungerstrikers are being handled differently
  18. holidays, parties, never a problem.. in Thailand stress and fatigue... fake news
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