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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. And what are the consequences now??? a lot problems for nothing as stated by Pita already.... New chance for Move Forward Government ?? Can Pheu Thai going on with his deals?? New elections maybe now?
  2. Too expensive and no advantages... still doing 90 days reports, and address notifications.. It is much cheaper to prepare your papers and copy them all several times for several years and pay 1900 THB for extension.. and rubbish that you don't need a health insurance.. Everybody needs one or if something happens you have to pay everything yourself and with dual pricing for foreigners it will be very expensive.. And retiring at 40??? from which planet are they coming??
  3. Only in Phetchabun?? I think in whole Thailand there is nobody who know any traffic rule... Stopping in the middle of the road to go to a shop, turn on the road without watching is traffic is coming, no blinkers when turning of, driving through red lights, parking on zebracrossings( although they are red/white now)etc etc... but where is the police to enforce and teach the drivers...
  4. Shameful, while a few Thais and the unspoken one have so much money that they don't know what to do with it.. The amounts are already out of date and need to be raised at least 5 times and than it is still not enough. Shameful for the elite and upper class that this can happen. Don't spend the money to go to moon, but help people for the economy and lesser household debts.
  5. I hope it will take a few more weeks.... At this moment it is a mess... First the ruling for the voting of the parliament for 2nd chance for Pita, than the ruling if the elections are valid indeed because of the media shares and the MP status of Pita. Because I hope that the elections are being declared invalid and new must be done. It would be much better for Thailand
  6. Than still.... Thai people will run out of money very soon.... too many holidays, nothing about the weather... indeed no because their houses were flooded
  7. I hope that the CC will not give a verdict this week, but that they need more time.... keep the voting for a PM away as long as possible
  8. There is always a reason except that Thailand is destroying its own tourist industry, by outdated laws as alcohol buy/sell hours or days, e-cigarettes, overcharging entrance fees, scamming by taxis and others, tourists chasing by the RTP to fine them ... etc etc... No tropical storms, costs, etc that are the culprits
  9. Anutin for minister of tourism is much better....... He can destroy even more than
  10. When will Pheu Thai open their eyes..Everybody is trying to keep the PM post away from PT. They have made the worst decision to join with the uncles in aGovernment. The best thing PT should do is go back to the coalition with Move Forward and keep the country without a Government till May next year. Together they are strong and changes can be made, but now there will be no progression at all and Pheu Thai stay behind with empty hands. No matter who they will nominate for PM. The senators have already mad their choice
  11. I don't understand the Democrats... They should have voted for Pita, but they didn't... And Pheu Thai the second largest party they don't want to vote too.. I can understand that Pheu Thai is not the best choice now, but with Move Forward they could have shown that they were real Democrats
  12. I hope that it will take at lest till may next year... Just to show that a group of 250 senators are not wanted to interfere in the election as they do now. MFP coalition of 8 parties have to stay and just do nothing and wait till May. See what will happen... The country did not improve in the last 10 years, so 10 months more won't do such a harm or maybe only the businesses of the senators...
  13. Who doesn't want to visit a 4th world country?
  14. Indeed... both have the duty to educate but the only thing they do is damaging the hearing of young and everyone else...But who dares to say something to a temple? who dares to say something to a teacher or director?? Abolish the class system
  15. A ceremony to destroy... everything has to cost money.. no need to hold ceremonies this kind of ...... even so for drugs.. money could be spend much better
  16. The Chinese... no other are so important than the Chinese tourists...
  17. Vote against PT.. See what they do or want to do... They want to form a Government with everybody except MFP.
  18. Government with every party except MFP... .What goods can that bring??
  19. Election promises not to rule with the current Government... PT will be punished for it at the next electionsthe only thing they have now is that Thaksin can come back to Thailand... H igh treason in fact for a fugitive advantage
  20. A crackdown nationwide on sound pollution should solve a lot of problems...Education how bad loud music is for ears, and how sound makes people uneasy/nervous or stressed... And of course enough bins, emptied when busy several times a day and high fines for making rubbish. Why in many other countries they can handle it? Law enforcement by the police, but hey have to work more than from 9 to 17.00
  21. Happiness to the people.. with paddo's opium and cannabis... And they dare to say that the immigration has to control the criminals.. How many criminals will Thailand have soon?
  22. Nothing is allowed to be revealed.. the story of the dead friend must stay in place as Mr Prawith was finished with his job already a long time ago. Why keep this man in place .. no use he is sleeper
  23. Maybe there are too many holidays and there is no money anymore as they have spend it already on previous long weekends
  24. I am wondering what will happen if Pheu Thai is the Government and suddenly as they are already untrustworthy start to talk about changing section 112...Would that be accepted??
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