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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. Maybe the RD should start with the Thai people to let them fill in a tax form ad check if the information is correct. 70% of the Thai people don't pay tax while they have a lot of money to spend it seems, although many don't have that wealth. Foreign taxes are much complicated than they think and it is the question if the RD is capable of handling all that in formation as it will be in the native language or maybe English, but English is not the strongest language here.. and not to speak about the complex information in the language of the country.  Anyway I think it will be more affect Thai citizens than expats.We all know that digital programs are not working well too.. many examples aswe have seen fr the Covid , 90 days reporting immigration services.. If you enter Thailand they local immigration have no clue ..and still need a picture by extending your visa and all kind of information that was given already at the airport a week ago.. So don't worry too much now 

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  2. 16 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

    Do you "brake" while going through a green light?  The truck was going through a green light on a highway... the motorcycle hit his rear wheels.

    When I learned to drive a car we always had to slow down at traffic lights.... not braking, but here in Thailand is speeding the only things that counts and than unexpected things occur as there is no time for braking anymore

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