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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. Maybe Thailand could start to set up  a real good social security system.  First let everybody register where they live and what job they are doing and let them fill in a tax form.  The government can see who is earning what in which job, and how assets they have and can collect tax according.  Now they have no clue at all as we have seen already in several cases last weeks. Than you can chance things but how can you change what you don't know

    • Thanks 1
  2. In fact nothing news. It was already and I wrote several times I had to pay tax in Thailand. Cheaper than in my homecountry. But now my country is going to change the taxagreement with Thailand, so that we have to pay tax in my country and not in Thailand anymore. However Thailand did not approve it yet. maybe shortly and that is more expensive for me 

    • Sad 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    They don't. But what do you suggest they do about it? Street riots have never had any effect in overturning such people it the past, and it would need a complete shutdown of businesses and the economy - a General Strike in Western terms - to achieve anything. And that is never going to happen, as the workers have no voice in Thailand and can't afford to give up their wage.

    In France in 1789 and in Belgium 1830 the elite and the Government did almost the same as they are doing here in Thailand. A revolution ended it and that will cost no money but human lives. It is a sacrifice that is made for big changes unfortunately. It can go but you here more and more people complaining why they voted, that nothing is changing,and things are going worse every year. It will take time but it will happen. A coup could trigger it and I think the army knows it. That is why they come with all kind of financial help, as in Thailand money is important, but it will not solve the problems 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, JayClay said:

    Why is it that these "ghosts" are always telling people to do bad things? Kill yourself, kill somebody else, rape somebody.


    Why do ghosts never tell millionaires to give vast sums of money to those in need, or tell everyday people to just be a bit nicer to their fellow man? Even if they could remind the odd patron of Central to "watch out there's somebody behind you. Be aware of that before you stop in the middle of the floor and make everybody else walk around you" they'd be providing a valuable service.


    But no. Suicide and murder every time....

    Because ghost are the bad spirits that didn't enter the hereafter yet...or they are demons...The good ones we never hear of 

  5. In Thailand loves equals the amount of money you have... Everything is about money, how much did you pay for it? how much do you earn? how much does it cost? etc etc if you talk with someone. Always rmoney is involved and as foreigners still seem to be rich ( which the Government keep to say too by double pricing as "they" have more money") the asks for money will be bigger.. I would say although I love her very much i will look further maybe there are others who don't love me for my wallet

  6. 7 hours ago, chickenslegs said:


    And all those Thais who live and work hundreds of km from their place of registration? (working in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc.). They will get nothing, same as the covid handouts - people turning up in their Benz' to collect a few thousand baht while others queued for free food at the soup kitchens (provided by charities, not government).

    Indeed.. They should register everybody where they live and get rid of the blue family book. Much easier we are living in the 21st century and why a registrationsystem that is so outdated?

  7. I always saying that everybody should register in their own city where they live and that everybody has to fill in a tax form. It is the only way to find these kind of unknown wealthy. They pay not or a bit tax and nobody knows where the money comes from. Besides that the registration of cars and bank assets should be handed over automatically to the taxoffice too. It will show that some who claims to earn 25k a month can't posses 4 villa's and 3 luxury cars unless there is something else the matter...

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  8. 1 hour ago, Adumbration said:

    Good grief....the biggest hurdle on Thailand's horizon is it inverted population pyramid.  And you think that legalising gay marriage will help that issue.  Jeesuz wept.

    the inverted population pyramid will help the economy more do you think??? For me easy.. start with easy to implement measures, for a economy boost for locals.. If there is more to earn things will change, but keep on going like this will only worse things. and yes.. Gay Marriage  will contribute to that.Or do you never go to weddings??

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