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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 35 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Macron was adult when their relationship began, the student is 16 years age, student being the operative word. Teachers have a professional responsibility towards students

    The teacher is in a position of power over the student, so the age difference is immaterial


    I know... trainers /teachers/bosses/ etc and pupils have ethics and are not allowed with their pupils... But on the other hand it happens... falling in love with a teacher/trainer or someone who has authority over you..... 

  2. 43 minutes ago, Bim Smith said:

    Normal? Does he look 16 to you. I question your suitability to be outside a prison wall. 

    I think you don't have to judge me.. There is a difference if the teacher is 23 and the girl is 16 maybe soon even 17.... in normal life it would not be a big problem. But now he is a teacher and it is a problem.. she is not underage but a minor and besides that it would be very different if the teacher was your age.. Old man with kids should be in jail...

    • Sad 1
  3. Maybe there should be teaching how to handle water would be much better... How many taps are running with wasting water?? How much water is being spilled for example Songkran... What has the Government done to prevent droughts?? Floodings they can't handle.. droughts are better,  than they don't need to announce this year there will be no floodings..and than maybe they are right.

    • Thanks 1
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  4. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    I think you are just venting. Tourists getting fined for various infringements rather than locals is what it is... don't break the rules and no problem..... do you believe they should rescind say the helmet law and sacrifice lives? E-cigarettes, give them up, get some willpower. man up, and smoke a proper fag! :laugh: No problem getting a beer at 3pm in Pattaya I assure you, on the beach even. I kind of agree afternoon alcohol sales being restricted in supermarkets and 7-11s is probably not suitable for say Pattaya /Phuket tourist zones.... but just pop in a bar. 

    I think Thailand is still a good tourist destination.

    Ok your opinion.. but I know that several friends have gone to Vietnam or closer at home because the situation in Thailand, about treating foreigners and restrictions...And if I know several people probably there will be more  and that makes a lot.. Living in Thailand is different than a tourist who comes for a few weeks and read the stories of other tourists with negative experiences...Don't forget that

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  5. 6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Thailand is pretty liberal wrt alcohol, and I do not see it inhibiting anyone, particularly Chinese...

    THB is  cheaper than it was 5 years ago v USD.

    E Cigarettes are of concern to few.

    Police hunting foreigners, heck most complain police are inept here. 

    Just a poor economic climate, high flight prices, and more alternatives ... 

    It is not just one but the adding up......Tourists want to relax and enjoy and in Thailand there too many rules especially for foreigners... simple example no helmets or riding at the wrong side of the road..We have read several times already that foreigners have to pay a high fine while the locals don't .. Same for e-cigarettes and the alcohol sales hours ....too stupid for words.. If I am on holiday and it is hot I want to drink a can of beer at 15.00 It is impossible in Thailand if you are a tourist while in other countries there are not such a laws.. adding things up makes Thailand not interesting anymore and that has nothing to do with a visa

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