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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 3 hours ago, h90 said:

    600 baht would mean unemployment and moving to Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos.

    If you want higher salaries than you must limit the worker from outside. Create a shortage of labor. That creates a pressure to higher salaries and higher productivity

    Exactly.... but most Thais don't like to work.. as I wrote before I am trying to find someone to help me with all kind of easy things in the garden or cleaning the roof, I am willing to pay 100 THB an hour and NOBODY is interested because it is a low wage... weeding in the garden or cutting a branch of a tree it is not difficult or hard work, even young ones can do it, but they want more money... and I am not the only one as many Thai friends have the same problem.. Yes I can maybe hire a Myanmar worker, they are wwilling to work..Thais are lazy and want to earn easy money. Look at Big C, Lotus's HomePro and name it too many people doing nothing and if there are a few fired the other ones complain they have to work, as they are not used to it.... only playing on their phones and talking.. salaries can go up for them who work, all others out better for the company and better to motivate people to work

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  2. 1 hour ago, FriendlyFarang said:

    Many jobs just exist because labor is cheap. If you force businesses to pay more the non essential jobs will be cut and many people without work.

    Ever been to Homepro? There are probably 3 times as many employees as customers. Raise the minimum wage to 600 Baht and half of them will soon be without a job.

    Indeed and maybe they will work harder than playing on their phone , give wrong information or have no clue what they are selling or doing

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  3. 41 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    It always makes me laugh when people suggest a wage increase because business owners are so rich, especially a 100% increase.


    Businesses have a business model they work to. If they are forced to increase wages, thus losing profit, they will raise prices to cover the extra payment. 

    It is shameful that the greed of people unlimited

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  4. 32 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Your hospital must be run a bit differently to mine.

    Where I go the outpatients dept is very much like a GP practice in the UK, and by appointment, if you walk in you have to wait until the appointments are complete.

    Just like a GP the doctors in outpatients just do prescriptions and assessment. If you need further treatment you are referred to someone further up the food chain.

    When the pandemic came about the hospital added me into Mor Phrom, at the front of the queue when the vaccine rollout started.

    Don't knock the benefits.

    I have n appointment too, but only to get medication not for further examination or so... And that for a specialist.. This doctor could spend his time better than only see me and ssubscribe the same tablets every 3 months


  5. 1 hour ago, h90 said:

    Which is just wrong...the world is full with PM from second and third parties...Austria had a coalition of the second and third party with the third having the PM and no one thought that is undemocratic. Also a lot presidents say they would never make a specific party member prime minister even if they are strongest. Usually from right wing parties. It is all a question of negotiations. And obviously the strongest party has the most negotiating power. And usually gets PM...but not always. And of course every other party also want to have the PM.

    Thailand is not a western country and we all know what happened when PT was governing. Pita deserves as it is the culture of Thailand that the biggest party has the PM post..

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  6. With all that Thais it is not surprising that there are so many workers from neighbourhood countries here. O am trying to find someone to give a hand in several easy things to do as weeding, trim trees and or clean the roof, I am willing to pay 100 THB an hour but nobody respond or is interested...As the protection jobs should be abolished. If foreigners coem to work here and Thais complain there is a simple answer.. You don't want to do it. Even my foster kid is too lazy to do anything, as it not paid enough. But I told him and every body many times, there is a big difference between nothing and a little bit. It is easy to ask for things and be angry if people don't give it. It is also easy to say that foreigners are  rich, but they forget that foreigners often have low paid jobs to starter as an extra income if a student or so... Laziness will bring you now where

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  7. It is just common in Thailand that you borrow and don't pay back. You see it everywhere and the reason is easy... Thai people are learnt to spend, go on holidays ( even extra holidays are added), wear every day new outfits, and be beautiful with all kind of cosmetics. If you don't do it it seems you are poor and you will loose face.. so borrow from who has money and don't pay back but live like a God... No wonder so many households are in debt. Start to teach how to use money and save before buying or holiday, instead of thinking that today is the last day of your life...

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  8. 1 hour ago, SABloke said:

    The law can be changed. When Prayuth instigated the coup and tore up the constitution, there was a brief period where it didn't exist. Some diehard 112'ers here don't seem to understand that ALL laws can be changed.

    It can end in that the Thai people totally don't respect section 112 anymore, and than there is a much bigger problem. It is impossible to prosecute thousands and thousands people for offending section 112. I see now already that several people don't stand still anymore when the national anthem is played at 18.00... It is just a sign...

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  9. 31 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    IMHO it will be very hard especially on daily workers with no job security. People who only get a job day by day.


    If they are not needed, then no work or pay until work becomes available.


    Those paid weekly and every week need to get 1 months money in advance and for the next 3 months they only get 3 weeks salary per month until the advance is paid off.


    It may cause a big problem in a small business with their cash flow, and perhaps some may go out of business, resulting in no jobs for weekly or daily paid staff.

    As I said a lot of hurdles must be taken, but on a monthly salary than the so many holidays are being paid too, just like the schools, military, Government officers, and companies, Now the day paid workers mostly get nothing as no work no money..and so job security is a thing to solve too, but things can change but need time..

  10. 3 hours ago, h90 said:

    Even I don't want to agree, but I have to...You are correct on the Covid example.....100% correct.

    I think globally in the 1970-1990 many things were much better and people more happy than in the 21st century. So it legit to be very careful with big changes because they are mostly not reversible.

    I think we should be grateful that the previous government had no "big projects" (that would be overpriced nonsense anyway).

    Many things that MFP promised will be a disaster for Thai economy...far worse than "do nothing Prayut"...or it is just empty talk like usual for politician than many people will be very disappointed.....

    The only good thing I see is that Prayut is out.....

    A disaster for the economy is a bit too harsh I think..but time will tell,   more freedom of press and speech, gay marriage, are good thins for the economy. Higher salaries for the people seems to be bad, but if you look in the past than several countries had the same problem, but in the end it brought more prosperity. However I thing they have to get rid the daily salary system and make it monthly, how difficult that will be for most daily/weekly paid ones 

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  11. 1 hour ago, h90 said:

    But they didn't had big projects...so they didn't do much harm.....But MFP want to change everything and having no clue of anything.

    To be stupid is no problem if you are lazy....but it is if someone is hard working

    I don't agree I think MFP has a lot of knowledge and want to bring things in line with the 21st century. But the only thig is in Thailand that everything is going so very slowly as Thai people are afraid of changes, brainwashed in the schools, as it is now it is the best for Thailand. And the previous Government did not have big projects and did not harm the country so much?? I think they have harmed the country much more than any other Government and had no clue what so ever. Not educated, but only educated to order but had no clue what they were doing. best example the Covid crisis and the vaccination program and even still a lot of people are wearing masks because the Government never told them to stop it.  Stupidity and laziness are both problems but hardworking and motivation will always bring you further. That is what MFP has motivation and they will work hard and will face a lot of hurdles but it is for the best of the country.

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