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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 2 hours ago, marin said:

    Way to sweeping and broad of a statement. Also think about the 14 million people who voted for MF. Please desist with the Thai's dont...... Even your analogy is silly. Thai's renovate their houses all the time. The same Thai's want the government reformed, hence the election results. 

    IIn my opinion the Thai army government never have done anything about their house, not even painted with a result a lot have to be done and still they don't want it...Still in same condition as before WWII or even older... 

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  2. Thais don't understand reform or adjust.. They all think it is abolish/overthrow/end or whatever.. I see it as my house sometimes you need to do some renovations. That doesn't mean that I will breakdown my house and a new one, only I will make changes....Why are they so obsessed by idea of revoking and overthrowing.. Why not see that that is something different and not the intention at all

  3. 1 hour ago, h90 said:

    We know a guy who lost his leg, thanks to the explosive tear gas grenades.
    But what is odd: in Thailand they are first far less violent than in Europe, but than it can escalate more.

    I agree but the escalation is apart of the behavior of the police and military.. If you protests in Europe or so the police will not block roads with containers, will not use rubber bullets unless it is getting out of hand.. But Marching on the streets, free to go where they want but controlled by police and army is different than blocking, chemical use, etc and even more worse use a law to arrest people, will make the violence worse... While i Europe there is more accepted  within limits than here.

  4. As Myanmar commented on the election results, it is a move of the current caretaker Government to show that they agree with Myanmar... Just politics, but they forgot the world and the other ASEAN countries were looking too at this meeting, and now the new Government has an extra problem to deal with. But a military based Government  will of course the junta of Myanmar, they are brothers in arms

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  5. I think it says more about the policemen than the youtuber... If you can recruit 50 policemen to play a game, you ask yourself if they have nothing more useful to do or did they do it their freetime. If in their freetime , no problem, only maybe they are not allowed to wear their uniform. But in fact nothing wrong, there is even a program on TV with bloopers by policemen, so why this should be a problem I don't understand

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