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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. 10 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    The problem is that the goons have tanks and water cannon with an irritant added to the water, and bigger guns than those illegally knocked up in Somchai's garage. Riots rarely if ever achieve anything, anywhere. After a few days, after protesters have burned down their own neighborhood and then find they have nowhere to shop anymore, they all fade away. At least in Thailand they keep up the fight for weeks or months, but at the end of it all history has shown that they don't really achieve anything.

    Indeed that is why tougher actions are needed... no pain no gain...Massive disobedience and disrespect, they never can lock up everybody, block the enterprises of the people involved, stop working.. Look how other western countries are doing like France, The Netherlands, the UK, and yes it takes time, but they achieved things...Stupid idea only areas where you are allowed to protests.. don't ask permissions, take the streets, keep it peaceful and gather with tens of thousands turn the whole country upside down , the police and the army can't do anything than. Or do you believe that military and poilce will shoot their family and friends?? Unite is the solutions to tackle this kind of practice 

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  2. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Every MFP voter should have been in Bangkok today... to show these puppets who really runs the country.

    If the Constitutional court kicks out Pita every worker in Thailand should have a sit-in strike..

    no work for anyone until he's reinstated.

    I'd give a couple of days and the regime would crumble.

    Power back to the people.

    I can't agree more... make the senators EC members and judges and their companies loose money, stop the country working and things will change...and not only in Bangkok but all over the country every place... The problem is that because of the Thai culture people are brainwashed to do as their boss tel them, but if this time they don't listen nothing will happen to them, except maybe no payment....

    • Thanks 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, champers said:

    Nobody on here will be manning the barricades. Anyone tempted to should desist; photo recognition seems to work here.

    wait till the holidays at the end of he month.. With Thanatorn they started, this time there is already a lot of unrest in the whole country... and tomorrow we all know what will happen and it will not be acepted

  4. i believe that the Constitutional Court was informed already some time ago, but that the EC only today officially have send the documents to court. I don't believe that a court can't decide in a few minutes to accept the case like this, surely because in fact it was too late and very complex. The judges were well informed already I believe, and as they are military backgrounded too, in this way preventing that Pita can become PM. 

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  5. 17 minutes ago, Otter3737 said:

    By definiton Books are literature  which in turn are media  and by the leter of the law is not allowed  the law does not care about Stephen King/Tomayanti

    so is facebook, line, instagram, tik tok, theTV, the smartphone. and so on.. abolish all as all is media....even a pressmeeting is media


  6. 2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Easy solution, have a closed yet very public vote.

    A ballot box placed at the front of the voting hall.

    All voters take turns to place a sealed envelope with their choice marked on the paper.

    Un-impeded by those who wish to overt democracy.

    The box will be opened, counted, verified  and witnessed by an independent body.

    My idea too.. vote with ballots and open the envelopes on TV by the House Speaker....

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  7. 2 hours ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

    And he has the nerve to complain ???? "It's a good price! C'mon! 100 baht to toil in the hot sun removing the weeds!"


    He's probably one of the boomers who LOVE cheap labor from often-illegal migrant workers, to mow his lawn, etc (on his house he bought with a salary he got by working at a grocery store, now worth like 2 million dollars).


    Boomers Completely tanked the job market and wages with their love affair with illegal laborers doing jobs for pennies.

    you are also too lazy to work i think, as you don't know my garden, and nothing else about me..Work with me for 6 hours a day and you have 600 THB and finished at 15.00 with paid lunch too.. Not bad I think for sweeping, weeding, etc...but no problem I do it myself saves me money and can buy a bottle of wine probably you will 1500 thb an hour

    • Confused 1
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