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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Don Muang is the only airport that get problems with a not damaged suitcase?? In other airports all suitcases are well and are not damaged??
  2. He is not even in possible coalition of 8 parties.. Why should he make a chance??? Let him retire and enjoy his watches
  3. They don't know ow to spend their money.. pleasure trips instead of education.. This is out of porportion for a trip...Let them pay it back and use it for the students
  4. I am not sure the people wanted the last Government
  5. And postponed it will be and delayed and all to keep him in power. He calls for a peaceful and prompt transition, but in reality there are sources who will do everything to prevent a civil Government.. I think that the military want to have at least one or two parties in the Government, but the people of Thailand were very clear that they don't want that. So delay and postpone everything you can and how long it can be done just to keep the power
  6. The General would surely not accept a civil government. That is why they are trying to do everything to prevent a military free Government. However the choice of the people is very clear and in one or another way it is the end of military based Governments
  7. Happily this minister will not be in charge anymore....Cancel the whole idea
  8. How can that happen?? was his penis so long or was he sitting or kneeling??
  9. Pt is depressed that they did not win but want to have main positions...They don't realize that maybe people voted for Move Forward as they hope not to have a new Shinawatra again...But the are desperately seeking for leader positions
  10. the whole senate should be disbanned as soon as the new Government is in charge... and as an extra all these senators should be investigated in all kind businesses the take part in and possible corruption deals. and if found guilty, ripped them and jail them for a long time
  11. The editor has read a medical dictionary I believe...Could not write it in common language?
  12. It shows again how corrupt the military based Government is/was.. even the judges can't do their job properly as all cases against the MP's or Pm are dismissed... Shameful wile their complaints are always honoured
  13. Thai justice is strange.... confess get discount on your punishment with 50% or more...Don't confess and plead not guilty you will be jailed for times they used in the middle ages.. And they say there is no need to reform...Jails are overloaded with people for minor offences, shoplifting, alcohol issues( not drunk driving), and so on.. Jails could be better used for real culprits
  14. Simplicity of Thailand ... Thai people claims parts of roads or parking spaces without permission and the local Government and police doesn't do anything about it.. As here we see even the roadworkers accept the illegal claims..
  15. A bit much for a second place at the elections... Pheu Thai should show they are worthy to rule and be happy with the the first place of MFP. So MFP House Speaker and PM and Pheu Thai deputy House Speaker and less cabinet seats as MFP. Deals can be made
  16. Do they know who is a real criminal, or is just everybody a criminal unless the opposite is proven??
  17. No wonder.. It is not like father like son and the are literally miles away from the public
  18. IIn my opinion the Thai army government never have done anything about their house, not even painted with a result a lot have to be done and still they don't want it...Still in same condition as before WWII or even older...
  19. Thais don't understand reform or adjust.. They all think it is abolish/overthrow/end or whatever.. I see it as my house sometimes you need to do some renovations. That doesn't mean that I will breakdown my house and a new one, only I will make changes....Why are they so obsessed by idea of revoking and overthrowing.. Why not see that that is something different and not the intention at all
  20. I am wondering why it seems to be that we live just in the area that is not covered by the 60%
  21. I never knew it could be so hot.. Dangerous to drive my car as the tires can get on fire.. Most probably someone made a fire that went out of control, instead of such a fairy story
  22. It will be a misunderstanding... There are a lot of people who think that they are important because they feel higher ranked.. Army, mayors, policemen, directors and rich... Time to change this kind of behavior and no mercy for this man. Punish him severely
  23. I agree but the escalation is apart of the behavior of the police and military.. If you protests in Europe or so the police will not block roads with containers, will not use rubber bullets unless it is getting out of hand.. But Marching on the streets, free to go where they want but controlled by police and army is different than blocking, chemical use, etc and even more worse use a law to arrest people, will make the violence worse... While i Europe there is more accepted within limits than here.
  24. Other candidates, more investigations, more delay, more chance to ban MFP??? All tricks they try to play..
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