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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. good to hear. It is shameful to try to put someone aside like they did with Pita. It is abuse of power and lack of responsibility too. and Pheu Thai wil not be happy. Senators have to do the wish of the people unless there are severe reason as high treason or so not to do, but in this case just the election of the PM should be not a problem. I hope they will be banned for 10 years too
  2. probably you never needed a handyman for some small work.. Yes they come an check but if it is only for 1 day they are not interested.. and the young people neither... and I am not alone many Thais have the same problem, they can't find anyone and complain. I have a job for a gardener/handyman, with good payment but nobody and asking around, many Thai houses have the same problem...Nobody wants just to say... Of course there are good working people, but I can count them on 1 hand in my neighbourhood.
  3. no way... Pheu Thai did not get any vote for PM.. It was for Pita and under unconstitutional conditions he was refused the 2nd time
  4. No surely not... The junta and its senators are the first to blame, but be fair already talking about compromising is too early now... first let them vote the first time on this coalition before talking about give up and compromise for the benefit
  5. Not only that, they buy cars, motorcycles without any money but they have to pay monthly sometimes for 20 years..... and even to kids without a drivers license or with in income that they even can't rent a house with.
  6. True colors of Pheu Thai, as wrote already many times, they are bad losers and had hoped they would win the elections with a landslide. But it was Move Forward that was the winner. First they have tried to get the house speaker, and when that failed, now they are going for PM, even without Move Forward, instead of keep steady on the 8 party coalition to end the army governing the land. That would be the greatest win. But no the greed for power will put the largest party in the oppostion and keep the country back from going forward, as they say compromising and sacrificing, but not by us but the others, and we will go with the honors
  7. They want to be rich, and live like rich already, but are too lazy to start working. Try to find somebody for whatever and but the payment is always too low or the work is too less to do it. They prefer to do nothing and borrow from family and friends than earn a bit. They only want to have big money..There is start for the solution.
  8. It is Prayuth and his cronies who are harsh with section 112 to control the rallies after bannin Mr Thanathorn ande Future Forward party... He and this Government are the only ones to blame that there is a call form reform section 112. Because it is not normal that kids of 14 -18 years are being jailed for this law.. As last week another boy now 19 years old is jailed for section112 for 3 years ago. It shows that this kind of abuse of section112 should be stopped
  9. He is totally right... The old dinosaurs have to get out . It is time to enter the 21st century and the old power, stays far behind. The biggest problem is how to stop them, as they made laws and rules in the years that it is almost impossible to get rid of them. Best example are the 250 senators. A totally new constitution must be written to prevent that coups and army can take over again and that democratic principles will be respected. But the army and the elite have the money, with which they can buy(corrupt) almost everyone/thing. I have faith in a better Thailand when the old guard is gone.
  10. Democracy in Thailand?? in writings yes, in reality no, as we have seen the past weeks already. 250 senators, appointed not elected are holding the country back and will do everything to keep the army in power. Amending laws is forbidden as they have already said that parties that amend section 112 will not be accepted in the Government..
  11. It are arrivals and no tourists....That is a difference
  12. Only for those qualified... and that are the chinese??
  13. Too loud music and noise always and everywhere Too much bass that you can kilometers away speeding and crazy car drivers hypnotized motorcycle drivers and the pretending they know everything if ask something, but they have no clue what they are talking about
  14. not only democracy but constitution too.. Thai laws and rules to prevent civil governments is better
  15. Pheu Thai is very greedy to form a new coalition with the army based parties. Why not an easy solution in my opinion. Keep the coalition with MFP and the others as they have now and choose for a kind of interim or temporarily PM as long as the cases for and against Pita have been solved. if Pita indeed unconstitutional was treated last Wednesday he still can become PM. If the ITV shares are being rejected by the CC he can be MP and PM and if his case against the EC is cleared, maybe new elections have to follow. In the case of an interim PM Thailand can go forward, It will stop the caretaker Government now still in power, and maybe it can silence the rallies, which is good for everyone. Besides that if the Government mange to keep the senators away from the PM election there is nothing that holds Pita back. In the case the should be convicted for his mediashares and banned the interim PM can become the official PM and everybody happy.
  16. Don't let the military win and get back in the Government..They have showed already they are not democratic worthy.. Section 112 needs to be reformed and Pheu Thai don't need to do it, but can't block MFP from doing it. If the coalition now formed stays together it is a clear sign that both parties respect the vote of the public. If Pheu Thai decides to reject MFP and works with the armybased parties again, it will not be accepted, and be a shame for will of public. But Pheu Thai must not forget that the Governments they had were always ended by a coup. So why should they now work together??
  17. As we could read yesterday it is very needed to amend section 112 as a teenager is convicted for 1 year in prison for an action of 3 years ago when the kid was 16... Shameful that kids are being convicted for section 112. That is never the intention of the law... Pheu Thai will not accept parties that want to amend section 112, but why are they in this coalition than with Move Forward??.. It seems already an untrustful partner
  18. But with the recent developments about the rejection of the voting last week about the secon chance of Pita, I am wondering if Pheu Thai now has to further to form a Government. Pita and his coalition is stil in the race....
  19. It is your own fault that there will be protests.. First by ridiculous voting of senators and than by the verdict to suspend Pita and the unconstitutional decision to refuse a second vote for Pita.. Don't spill your tears now, accept that the people will must be respected
  20. Oh Father Prayuth, now you ask to stay calm, but who makes the people angry first??? If you never listen to the people and don't respect the elections, why are you surprised that they take actions???
  21. Democratic Thailand with freedom of speech, only if you don't say anything about the Government and other officials, no show alcohol even if you are in party and e-cigarettes as everything is forbidden almost, except for ones in power
  22. Outcome will be if MFP is in the Government with Pheu Thai we don't vote Pheu Thai...
  23. This political instability will cost Thailand dearly. It will not end in a week but can take a long time, even a new coup will not stop the protests, as the people already have announced that they wil not accept that. Time goes by and other Asian countries will be glad that investors will come to them, as in Thailand even after a coup, the instability always will be and can end as in Myanmar in a kind of Civil War.... Sadly that 250 men are capable to bring Thailand to the edge, only for their own wealth.
  24. There is no constitution in Thailand, only laws and rules that can be bend to keep the junta in power, no matter what. A civil Government will never be possible as we have seen that 250 senators have too much power and next year probably new will be appointed to keep the power. Unless the people don't accept it anymore and demands new elections as now seems that the EC has made their mistakes for the elections, these should be declared invalid and new elections have to take place... Than the people can show their power and give parties so many votes that the senators are out of the game. They can burn coffins for the CC and parliament but that will not work. Civil disobedience, demonstrations all over the country in large groups, blocking ways in Bangkok during rush hours and so on will disrupt the country etc etc and give a strong signal that the people doesn't accept the current situation
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