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the green light

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Posts posted by the green light

  1. It is just a reassuring news that you need to register  for the vaccines in order to get an appointment.  -normal procedure for administer of the vaccines.


    The type of vaccine administer always depends on supply and demand. You read a lot about all type level of efficiency. The reassurance is that any vaccine can save your life. 


    there should no issue regarding the time table or the vaccines. 


    Even being inject with any vaccines, there is a fear that this virus will mutate again and all of us in the world may need a booster shot


    That is a major concern in the medical world. So go ahead and take your shot  as soon as you can





    • Haha 1
  2. 8 hours ago, pantsonfire said:

    Can people on tourist visa register? Is it only sinovac

    every expat  means anybody who is not  a Thai citizen. You should be OK. 

    But why would you get your vaccine in thailand when you are just staying for 60 days only.? signing up for appointment may roll over your 60days stay


    The government has announced that you do not have a choice which vaccine you will be getting.  It depends on availability.


    Good luck

  3. 2 hours ago, fleccer said:

    It's obvious that there is another purpose, all this obsession of wanting to vaccinate all of us at any cost arouses many suspicions. We were told that the vaccination is needs to reopen the businesses and bring back the tourists, do they really think we're all idiots? If they really cared about the economy they wouldn't did the lockdown, now that the disaster is complete they want to reopen. They did more damage than a war it will take decades to return to pre covid status, history will judge them 

    question: assume they open the country to tourism, who will come  and get the risk of infection ?  and deal  with Thai quarantine on the way in? and returning quarantine on the way back to their on country?  


    Wishing and dreaming are free.. you expect that from kids.





  4. The PM points out the main issue is availability of the vaccines and method of distribution. We all know that..


    People should not read into  it that there will be a quick solution within few months and return to normality . everyone is focusing on tourism.  Nobody will go on vacation to Thailand this year.. That is a wishful thought. 


    Given how other countries are managing the vaccine distribution for many month , herd immunity has not be reached yet or even reached it  like in the Seychelles island people got  infected (recent news). The fear is mutation of the virus. 


    Assuming that the virus does not  keep on mutation ,  we should look at mid next year before most of the population will be vaccinated


    In today news, Guangzhou went into lockdown even with their vaccination effort.

    Normality in the world will not happen soon.


    NOBODY will go on vacation soon.






  5. 22 hours ago, fishtank said:

    The requirement is to report 90 days in country

    90 day reporting.  OH yes!!!!!!.. just a  sleeping that many people worry about it. I have a friend who mailed it and never got back the confirmation.


    you can use the mailing method for the 90 days reporting.  and you have the receipt from the post office.. it should be enough that you did it in good faith.


    I do not know  the penalty of not doing the 90 days .My guess that it is a fine when you renew the visa. right? .. best use a visa renew company for your visa




    • Haha 2
  6. Every person in authority has a story to tell .. My story can be a good one too with no medical degrees.


    let us forget the past and focus on the future. It is a well know  fact that herd immunity does not eradicate the virus.


    Vaccination will only build the antibodies to prevent infection. However with the mutation of this virus,  only pfizer and moderna has a better chance to prevent infection because these vaccines were develop using a new concept to build antibodies(MRNA). Other uses the "dead bug approach"  .Infection may be possible.    Still better than none.


    You can still reach herd immunity without infection.... however the number of  death can he higher because human bodies are different reacting to the virus.


    This guys is not saying anything we don't know already.





  7. NUMBERS, NUMBERS and NUMBERS.. It does not mean anything and there is no reason to panic .  the virus  is in full blown mutation and spreading.   Amazing Thailand and Happy life 


    Herd immunity does not kill the virus .It is still alive.  herd immunity by infection is a one way to solve the problem if the government can't get enough vaccines.  Is it enough? 


    the problem with the mutation of the virus ...can you reach herd immunity without vaccination? 


    There is different composition of the vaccines between Moderna/pfzer ( uses MRNA)  and the rest of the bunch ( using flue dead bug)


    So far only the MRNA vaccines can withstand the various mutation of the virus.

    Others can prevent death and hospitalization but infection is more likely.


    any kind of vaccines is better than none.  Infection will always be there for a while. There are no quick solution to return to normality soon.  The whole world is in a "stop mode" - nothing is moving  across borders and holiday travelling is dead. 


    Reading the international news, the whole world is not at ease  from China, France, Australia, US and UK and many other more countries. There are still no confidence that any vaccination can contain this virus and for how long?


    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, grandpa said:

    Whoopee-do! And what about all those elderly and vulnerable people in other parts of the country who are having to go without at the expense of the unlikely "cash-cow" of the Blackpool of Thailand! I guess that they are just expendable as long as Phuket is ok.


    How come citizens of Phuket require only one shot of vaccine to allow tourists to come in, but those who may or may not (probably not, if they have any sense) wish to enter, have to have 2 shots!


    As they will presumably have to wear masks outside their rooms, it could make for some interesting sun tan marks, and also, how do you swim with a mask on, unless you are diving of course!

    forget how many shots


    No tourists will dare venture into Thailand and return with the virus to their home country......Thailand is not Greece or Spain.. there are no restriction coming into those countries...However Phuket still have a  quarantine ...


    I think by now, most of the people who visited Thailand in the past will look elsewhere for a vacation.

  9. it is great to see the vaccination process moving along....

    But I cannot see how vaccinating Phuket only has any effect on tourism.


    'Nobody in his right mind would venture into thailand  know the infection rate is  increasing.  and get sick..


    Unless you are  vaccinated first and willing to be quarantine and not able to leave the island .. May be , it will work for some people.


    Nobody will come now.. why would anybody spend  $1500 for airline ticket , $500 for health insurance,  quarantine hotel and Covid test in Phuket = $,1000 and testing and quarantine again in their  home country ?


    All that to just go to Phuket and forbid to go anywhere else....People in charge are smoking sea weeds.




    • Confused 1
  10. it is a reality and  sad to read about the spiral  virus infection and death.  It is a serious problem because it does not include other unreported cases. It is quite worry some.


    the main issue is vaccination What I read there seemed to be a lot of problem and politic procuring the vaccines and where to administer them . To be gentle and positive. I will use the word "not organized" , you can fill the blank for a better word   "c...tic"


    A  lot of politic are being played because of tourism : vaccinate Phuket, Kho Samui first in order to open for tourism.. The real fact  and a pipe dream for many in the government  : nobody will come to thailand  for a while.


    Must to Vaccinate by age group to drop the death rate should be the highest priority and not by district. The other real fact people now are willing to pay of for good vaccines. it is ok...safety health is important


    I am glad the private organization and institutions will do the right thing and take " the bull by the horn"  and bypass any government method  to help the procurement of the vaccines 

  11. 10 hours ago, Excel said:

    Well of course we can not comment too much on this.  However it does appear that finally someone has finally grasped the baton in the race to help the nation.  Taking that baton away from the well connected Health minister and the buffoon PM may will rancour those individuals and their sycophants whose main aim is to line their own pockets at the expense of the nation. Of course there may be downsides to these actions later but let's just accept for now that somebody has finally got fed upon with these self serving political fools and has a desire to help the nations people out of this crisis, not just a select few of them.

    something need to be done. It is the right thing to do

    We all know that Moderna and Pfizer are the best available vaccines-- no death or health complication problem. 

    the problem is procure them. and for how much.  even some every month is better than none at all.


    Forget the free program.. Any money you pay for an available vaccines is a fresh welcome.  safety of health has no monetary values.

    It will cheaper than a bottle of whiskey.



    • Like 2
  12. On 5/24/2021 at 11:06 PM, ubonjoe said:

    The Pfizer vaccine was on the approved list when the 7 day quarantine was available if vaccinated.

    The Thai FDA approved list is only for giving the vaccines here not for entry to the country.

    after being vaccinated , you can always return to thailand using the  14 days quarantine and health insurance package . The Phuket package has also a short quarantine and covid test  and a 7 days to" keep an eye" on your health condition before you will be free to move around. 


    Just because you are vaccinated and live in Phuket, it  will not give you the opportunity to move around.. you are still treated as a VIP tourist living in thailand.. (longterm visa every year, 90 day reporting...etc...).The Phuket plan has many rules and  restriction to follow for all foreigners.



    if you have money.. then it should not be a problem --just as small inconvenience.


  13. People hesitate about getting the vaccines. It is not about which kind of vaccine

    Young people feels that they are immune because of their age other fear that the vaccination will not provide them adequate protection.


    The truth of the matter is that none of the vaccines has proven perfect protection  and for how long. Many unanswered questions...


    The only thing we know that the spread of the virus infection is going down with vaccination.

    • Like 1
  14. 15 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Seems my decision to go back to the US in a few weeks is a good one.

    check the CDC rules below 

    .1      Before you arrive in the United States:

    • All air passengers coming to the United States, including U.S. citizens and fully vaccinated people, are required to have a negative COVID-19 viral test 

    After you travel:

    • Get tested with a viral test 3-5 days after travel AND stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel.
      • Even if you test negative, stay home and self-quarantine for the full 7 days.
      • It sure is a lot of fun - then when you come back to Thailand you have the quarantine and COvid health insurance too.. I see a lot of $$$$$ spend just to get  a $20 shot.
    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, fleccer said:

    Yes, I know, but Thailand is not Dubai or Singapore. Thailand is structured for mass tourism as it always has been. And the queues of those queuing for food are a consequence of the lack of tourists. Elite tourism alone won't be enough. Those who have the money will increasingly be a small minority and I don't see why they should choose Thailand as a tourist resort among a large of opportunities world

    Wealthy tourists  have a list of places with amenities to visit . When thinking of what Thailand has to offer : weather , cheap place to visit, relaxed infrastructures, nice beaches in Asia, and most important lovely ladies for entertainment, and more...

    Not counting the expensive airfare coming to thailand, Thailand fits well the travelers who want to stretch his money for a vacation 


    for rich travelers  , money is not important . They can get all these amenities and better  anywhere in the world. Thailand is not on their list. With so many Thai restrictions and relaxed rules in other countries,  probably they will avoid Thailand this year.


    Thailand  is best to attract the average tourists by vaccinate  quickly the population, eliminate the quarantine and  health insurance, drop the evaluation of the Baht ..Until that happened the tourism industry will not recover.



  16. I do not understand the June  date  for the start of the massive vaccination effort. May be  - there is not enough vaccines ordered yet for every one.


    It is too late for a lockdown. The virus is now locally in Thailand. Mask  or social distancing are not effective since this virus is airborne


    Reality--The infection and death  numbers will be in that high range for a while until the vaccination program is rolled out.




  17. Many articles are being published regarding the financial situation of the government : diminishing surplus, raising debt ceiling ,  lowering growth projection ,  and tourism.


    The major influx of foreign currency is tourism. Thailand had 2 great years of increasing tourism (2018-2019) . 70% of herd vaccination is not the main solution to bring the tourists back to  Thailand.


    People going places on holiday do not want to have their hand tied and other hands in their pocket. 


    The average tourist want to go to cheaper places than their own country with amenities and most important be safe. People with a lot of money have time and they can go anywhere .Thailand is not the only place to consider.


    The government will need to do more besides vaccinating people.  The government needs to understand that average tourists have a job and  few weeks to go on holidays. The tourist quarantine dilemma, buying insurance to enter the country, Covid test administration cost , inability to move around the country,  closure of entertainment places and restaurant, and last the re-entry restriction coming back to their own country. All hindered their choices to come to Thailand on holiday and have fun. It is not enjoyable to spend money when they hands are tied.


    It is true that vaccination is the first step toward recovery   But the government need to do more to bring tourism back : no quarantine ( cost =Baht 50k), no travelling insurance (cost= Baht 20K), lowering the Baht (around 1 US=32 or more), incentive for restaurant and hotel to open and stay afloat, free covi-19 test, and arrangement  to  make them safe to return to their own country .


    In my opinion, until some of these points are reached,  tourism will not improve in Thailand.





    • Like 1

    "The aim is to get a first dose into the arms of 70% of the people in Thailand by the end of September. "


    To reach this goal of 70% , the Bangkok Post estimated  that they need to inoculate a minimum of 500,000 people per day assuming people are willing, vaccines are available, and infra structure are in place.  However it would be realistic to assume 150k vaccination per day.  70% herd immunity will be reached  next year.


    Quite aggressive since no other country were able to reach this  goal in few month.


  19. 20 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

    What do these people in the government think? All those "health workers" sitting at home and waiting for better days? They have to make ends meet too and they will find a way to get to their goal. 

    i do not know which online service to order the honey....it could be dangerous and not safe . you are sharing your home with a stranger - my guess is that payment  are made in advance .It  will attract theft ,  and poor service 

    but I am sure that the masked face street market is still thriving. at least you see what you are getting

  20. 5 hours ago, AlfHuy said:

    That's all a scam.


    I saw a girl advertising:

    Hello, my name is Song, I am 24 years young, attractive, educated, lovely.

    I am 162cm tall, 49kg only.

    I worked in a beauty spa as Head massage therapist.

    Due to restrictions, I can't practice my art anymore at our premises and have decided to do home visits.

    Please give it a go and I am sure it won't be your last booking.


    Thai massage 300/BHT/hour

    Oil massage 450/BHT/hour


    Extras can be added.



    Sounded lovely. Good hearted as I am, I thought I have to support this lady.

    Took my phone and gave her a call. Lovely voice she had.

    I booked for the same evening and told her that I would take 2 hours. 1hour Thai and to relax, 1hour Oil.


    Booking was for 7pm. Shower taken, nice underwear on and here I was, waiting for Song.

    At 6:40 I went down to the lobby, maybe she comes a bit earlier.

    At 6:58, a pick-up truck arrived and soon, driver was calling my name.

    Here she was, Song, the lovely massagist.


    nothing beat the face to face buying

    with online service, just like buying goods,  you do not know exactly what you getting


    it could a dog looking girl or her grandmother-

    • Like 1
  21. 3 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    So, 90% of countries will not be applicable as they have huge Covid numbers, and there are no planes flying. Anything else that could stop a huge influx of tourists ? I hope the authorities will be at the airport to welcome all the new tourists !!

    it seemed a desperate move to attract tourism and another disguise of the quarantine.

    nothing will move until a lot of thai people get vaccination and quarantine removed.


  22. 9 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Current official response to this, easing of measures!!


    Now try a full lockdown as you should have done at the start or be prepared for far worse to come. Disastrous news on all fronts.

    It has been proven in other countries that any preventive measures to contain the virus have not eliminated the spread of the virus .Mask and social distancing just contained the number for skyrocketing.


    The  number will go down once quick vaccination will start. If local AZ is not available by the first of next month, it will be a problem because the government orders for other vaccines  are in queue and are not  available immediately


    They may get few millions but not enough to vaccinate 50million people by end of this year.


    we all hope for the best.

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