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the green light

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Posts posted by the green light

  1. 6 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

    But alas no mention of which year ............................LOL

    luring tourism in a country is always a wishful thinking for many countries.

    tourists select travelling spot based on amenities on how they want to spend their money, and fun things to do , and most of all safety.


    As long that there is any kind of quanrantine..no visitor will ever consider thailand.

    the second main point is how safe thailand will before 70% of the population to be inoculated with the vaccine and which one.


    Vaccinated people from USA can travel but they require restriction coming back. they need to show a negative test 72 hr before departure. the fear is that more restriction may be added. It makes going out of the USA worrisome. You do not want to have the problem to be stuck overseas and unable to come back home.


    From the Chinese survey done earlier, it shows that the Chinese tourists  will wait 4-6 month after 70% of Thai population are vaccinated before visiting Thailand.


    As of July, Greece, Turkey and Spain are countries you can visit with no quarantine if vaccinated...Thailand should drop all kind of quarantine to be competitive with the rest of the world or just focus on inoculating their people.


    There is a lot of work to be done before we can talk about tourism now

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  2. 22 hours ago, Rhacsyn said:

    The island in itself is most certainly alive and kicking and stunningly beautiful, albeit with a few current severe restrictions as you say ????

    the article says:

    1. need to be vaccinated

    2. need to have a negative covid test

    3. you are not allowed to travel out of phuket for 7 days with limited mobility.


    So many questions left to answer:

    1. do you need another covid test after the fake quarantine for 7 days.

    2. How can they control being 7 days in Phuket?

    3. how far are you suppose to move away from the hotel.?

    4. what prevent anybody to take a bus  or drive out of bangkok?


    Tourists will not be fooled. The 7 days will look like a quarantine. they will not come.

    Poor plan.



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  3. 4 hours ago, WingFat said:

    Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech...these are the best performing vaccines...get them if you can. Pay for it if you have to.

    Both vaccines uses MRNA principle with protein to help the body develop immunities. So far, they are reliable.   different storage temperature makes them harder to distribute Pfizer in rural areas because of refrigeration. Moderna is a good welcome into the vaccine race.


    I read somewhere that the cost will be around 3,000 baht for the 2 shots. When it comes to health and reliable medication, price has no value.

    It is still worth it.


    The news have indicated that they may be vaccine booster. The 2 companies are working on a booster pill. That is quite logical. and  interesting.

    so  sign up for it.



    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    Good news, but will they ever order it?? I can approve it, but if there nothing coming than this is no news

    the decision to order and how much is up to some governmental official.

    My good guess is that it will be offered at private hospital at a fee- not free -

    There are handling and shipping fees, and refrigeration.  At  least,  Moderna should be available mid summer.


    It is still good news -now  you have a good option no matter what it costs.

    Rejoice and be relieved

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, tonray said:

    A very good reason to stay out of IDC...wonder what happened to the maskless "middle-finger" waving farang from last week who reportedly was caught on overstay ?

    these  Farangs are tarnishing the farangs' image in Thailand.

    Due to this pandemic, the world has changed on how we live and do business.  The days that farangs believe to continue their "free spirit" living in Thailand are over  for a while. If they don't like it, they should be returned to their home country.


    Everybody living in thailand need to fall in lines with Thai regulations and procedures and give a chance for the government to contain the epidemic. 


    The same rules have been implemented everywhere else in the world.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    For a "rough" comparison on case fatality, the UK is now reporting zero deaths despite having a higher daily positive case count than Thailand

    Statistical numbers are never linear. They will go up or down over time. We can only  conclude that this virus is still prevailing and mutates  well in our society,  and unfortunately  people will be infected. 


    Countries who have inoculated more than 50% of their population with the vaccine  have seen a rise of positive Covid19 test results. It  still not a good feeling.

    but I am sure progress will be made to control this virus.


    the big question is how long will it takes to reach that level.

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/8/2021 at 9:16 PM, Danderman123 said:

    I plan to get vaccinated again, even though I have had 2 jabs of Moderna. Getting a different type of vaccine later this year may both extend my immunity and give me wider protection against future mutations. 


    Or I might die from the combination. 

    It is always a tough  medical decision.   It is an unknow territory because no Vaccines has proven the duration of its immunity and how it will work when mixing type of vaccines. that will be more studies,. 


    The worst scenario,  there may be  some kind of a booster by the end of year. That would help.


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  8. 21 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    This is the most important which seems to totally escape the panicked masses: a massive economic depression is coming!


    Until now the governments have kept the house of cards from collapsing with huge amounts of borrowed money, sending the national debts into the stratosphere.


    Sooner or later the piper will have to be paid...and it's gonna be painful...


    they need to lower the baht to reflect the country economic.

    however the Baht is being kept high to help the King and his entourage lives overseas.

    • Sad 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    The rumor du jour is that the government is going to extend quarantine for all incoming Farangs to 14 days again. There is a Reuters report that claims its a done deal. No fun.


    who is the stupid farang who wants to come to thailand and get the virus.

    there is no Soil NANA or  Cowboy/ For love Thai style ...send money it will be enough 

    Life in thailand is not what it used to be before and there is NO NO value added to be in thailand now.

    Greece just opened up with no quarantine- check it out.


    • Sad 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    No one here has the data to know the future trajectory of the epidemic. It may have peaked, or this may just be the beginning. We don’t have the random sampling data.


    People are nervous, and are expressing their apprehensions, that’s normal. 

    nobody can predict when a virus infection has peaked because this virus mutate very fast and what kind a precaution you take to prevent infection. with no vaccination yet.. things can go out of hand.


    The only way to control it now  is full lock down and no travel especially when the vaccine is being  administered.


    Countries with a strong vaccination rollout still are having problem  with their infected numbers going up.... they had their first, second and third lock down.


    the government will use trump's trick that it is nothing and it will all go away by mid summer and back to normal. 


    Sorry people....don't get your hopes up.. full lock down is coming.




  11. 8 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

    Now should take head out from behind! Make test station for free 10-20 place every province! And make some kind home quarantine option! 


    impossible.. it will look bad for the government..

    the government goal is to show that they are handling this matter  well. they want lower numbers.

    because they do not have any plan in place. just like the vaccine roll out.

  12. 7 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Especially in Brazil, where case numbers are halved during weekends. 


    People don't like to drag themselves to a hospital during a weekend. 

    it does not matter how you look at the numbers and justify to yourself it is just temporary and everything else is back to normal in few weeks,


    The government is in hot water in the vaccination plan. They are way behind in the game in getting the American vaccines. EU and other countries has already put their order for the vaccines. Their commitment for Pfizer is not there and hopefully they can get their local vaccine on time.  however if the local vaccine has problem and create some death.. They are done.


    Regarding tourism-- forget it nobody will come this year to Thailand.





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  13. 7 hours ago, DavisH said:

    It's certainly NOT out of control. Just stay at home if you are afraid. 

    Containment is not the solution...as long as the vaccine rollout is not happening, the number of new cases  will be high.

    For the numbers to go down. it is very simple : 1, stop testing and 2. reject admission to hospitals.


    For the farangs - not to worry as long as you have money, there will be always be a bed  reserved at the hospital. 


  14. 8 hours ago, smedly said:

    really ?, do explain

    the virus is rampant in thailand for a long time. the government is not doing a good job testing people.

    there a few cases showing from testing people. but these cases are from  people checking in the hospital because they are showing the symptoms. 


    The government policy should have been buying pfizer  or moderna last December instead depending just on the [local]  pharma company.

    Vaccination is the way out and not containment


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  15. 6 hours ago, Excel said:

    2028 ?

    herd immunity will be reach in thailand when 80% of the population gets the virus and  70% recovered.

    so the government don't care about the vaccines.


    however the image of the government is tarnished for tourism to come back.

    nobody wants to come to thailand and get quarantine when going back to their home country.



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  16. 5 hours ago, bermondburi said:

    Just wondering if it's Beaconhouse? The mum of a boy in my son's class was at Maya Club the same night as the woman who came down from Thong Lor. The mum tested positive but the boy was still at school for a whole week before she knew. Boy was in P6. 


    Fortunately my kids left straight after the exams to join me in Saudi, but not good for those kids and their families who were there in that week between infection and diagnosis.

    it does not matter which school.

    quarantine your child and test them for covid 19.

    if you can afford the school you can afford the Bht6k for the test.

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