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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. F1, Taylor Swift, aviation Hub, visa free access to the European Union, and now this nonsense. Achieved nothing. The only thing he has achieved is opening up the borders to more mass cheap tourism, thus destroying the experience even for those on a cheap holiday because they will be surrounded by mass cheap tourists. You do wonder how grounded in reality he is from his privileged upbringing.
  2. I want what he is smoking He really is utterly clueless.
  3. How long before they start paying tourists to come to Thailand ? My prediction they will open borders to China, and allow a one way open border policy for Chinese to live and poo in Thailand for as long as they want. Of course China will keep controls on Thais entering.
  4. Can anyone explain to me what this is all about ? So the political party that belongs to the property developer from Sansiri promised people money ? I'm confused.
  5. I didn't see any duct tape. I am thinking the system used maybe similar to what hotels use - so either one large place for the air to go out, etc Although i cannot confirm this.
  6. If Anutin Charnvirakul stood on a platform of right wing politics, and denounced Srettha Thavisin for his mass open door immigration/tourism policy, he would win alot of votes in Thailand. He's done the rhetoric before, during covid. Many local thai's i remember agreed with him. Whilst Thais were masking up and being careful, you had foreigners coming out acting like big shots not abiding by the rules/laws and showing respect as visitors in the country. He got much support for being one of the only guys to dare speak up. This time next year Thais will be furious when tourism levels reach record breaking figures, rents shoot up, and there is a takeover by the Indian/Russina/Chinese communities. We've seen protests in France, Spain, Japan against mass tourism. Srettha is from a background in Real estate, and that's where most of his policies (in my opinion) seem to be benefitting. He is doing very little (or unable to) to diversify Thai's economy the way Vietnam or Malaysia have done to great success. Instead it's more a less a push to cheap mass tourism (but on Steroids). It's if Anutin is wise enough to realise the open goal he has.
  7. I don't have a photo. I would need to go back to the condo to take a photo.
  8. It's large cylinder type BARRELS.
  9. Thailand is a developing nation, not a developed rich country. Homes are still needed for Thai people, before foreigners come and speculate / hide money, etc A government should remember this - there first job is to look after it's population, MORE SO IF THE COUNTRY IS DEVELOPING. The PM / Sansiri property development would love this, but it would hurt local Thai people.
  10. Sussssh won't someone think of the tourism (c) Thailand 2024
  11. Disgusting mass tourism, attracting only cheap tourists is a disgusting policy.
  12. Beautiful country set to be destroyed by this PM with an influx of mass tourism. Enviromental damage at the worst.
  13. No attempt made to diversify the economy Instead a reliant on cheap mass tourism. Disgrace
  14. India has no reciprocal deal for Thai's, despite their economy GDP per person being 1/3 less than Thailand. This open door policy is going to create havoc for Thailand. No other country is this open for India. There spend is relatively low per person too. Malaysia and Dubai have recently back tracked on their visa relaxation for Indians.
  15. I'm surprised there's been no oppositon to this in Thailand. There is clearly a conflict of interest in opening the flood gates.
  16. Despite record volume of tourists this year, revenue from tourism is down. Hence Thai logic is to get more people in to recoup any downturn. Clearly they are attracting cheap dross tourists. No attempts to clean up the industry and attract 'quality tourism'. Always the easy option. You are about to get a carnage number of tourists and visitors arriving in Thailand. To the point it's not going to be a place you can enjoy. I guarentee this time next year you will see local Thai's protesting that tourism is too much. The PM who is a property developer has his own motives.
  17. The flood gates are about to open. Reading on facebook forums Indians are going very hard for this.
  18. You wanted to explain immigration. It was the British who needed the indian population in both world wars, then wanted them to come to the UK to work after the war. This is only going back 60-80 years. So there will be family links to have a larger population of that community. Eg, France basically looted and colonised alot of Africa, so you will see many links to African nations France. It's all a load of nonsense anyways. Trump didn't ban any muslims like he said anyways, is all a bit of xenophobic baiting.
  19. The UK looted and pillaged many muslim countries - including Malaysia, India (strong muslim population), then used those populations (especially from India) to help them during both world wars. Then wanted them to come to England to help rebuild the country. Spare me the nonsene. The problems with the UK aren't muslims. It's the mismanagment of the country by a horrific government, financial crisis, inflationary causes like Ukraine war, covid etc
  20. In todays day and age it's absolutely pointless asking for documents. I have been in India and China, and on most high street printing shops you can get a copy of literally any document you want - be it bank statements, letters, anything.
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