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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. I do feel for some of these massage girls, especially around walking street. Massage after massage - and certain groups you just know aren't going to give them a single tip. I will always tip a massage, even though i am against the principle of tipping automatically.
  2. I am absolutely confused to the high hells on what to do here. So we are in Thailand. We arrived on visa exemption. Our child enrolled into a senior school here, she's 13. The school has said her getting an education visa is not an issue. They have said it may well be tricky for me or my partner. We do not have bank accounts here in Thailand. During covid, my partner was granted an O visa, and my daughter an Education visa. But we did that whilst in the UK, anticipating joining the school in Thailand. In the end because of covid we didn't even travel ! So will my child be easily granted an education visa? Furthermore, is it for single entry ?! Or is he allowed to leave the country and then return ? I ask, because we have a wedding back in the UK and plan to return back for Christmas to be with family. So what do me and my partner do? None of us have issues with taking the odd flight out of the country (eg Singapore, Malaysia) every month (infact we would love to!). Can we keep doing this indefinately or will we eventually be stopped ? Furthermore i was thinking should i just apply to the UK high commission like we did before to an education visa and O visa? Or would that mean that we would need to travel from the UK for it to be valid, eg do they ask to see tickets as part of the application?! What other options are open to me? We are not over 50, and we have no bank account in Thailand ! I am utterly lost as you may well gather by ramblings ! Any help would be welcome.
  3. Ideally i would have liked it a little set back, away from the traffic congestion and fumes. Do you see luxury condos on highways in the USA or UK ?
  4. You confuse standard air pollution, and localised pollution. By localised pollution an example if you were standing next to someone smoking all day, or (in my case) walking along a pathway a few yards away from extreme car exhaust fumes. Am fully aware Bangkok is no Scandanavia for clean air, what i have not noticed is the extreme traffic pollution that in my opinion is now at the most extreme i've ever seen.
  5. Exactly how i feel. We're all coughing our heads off. Yet here you have a luxury condo, built in this hot spot.
  6. Come on now - there is levels of pollution, proximity to the pollution etc In this instance, the walkway is very close to the road, so you may as well place your nasal passageway directly over the car exhaust.
  7. Long story short, we'd seen this perfect condo on Asok, Bangkok. Few minutes from the BTS and MRT. We were already to go, we arrive on the ground, and then it hits us - VEHICLE EXHAUST POLLUTION. Never in my life have i seen so many vehicles on Bangkok roads. Maybe coming from the UK, and seeing pollution massively cut, i've been climatised to things being 'cleaner'. My last few long stays in Bangkok have been during covid where traffic was light. But no longer, oh boy no more. We got of the BTS and did the two minute walk up to the condo. Goodness sake, the volume of exhaust fume just hitting us made us ill. All of us have developed coughs these past few days. There's no escape from the pollution. Little side soi's all similarly packed with cars (and present you with the added bonus of accident risk). Yet we have viewed one of the most luxurious condos we've seen. When you are indoors you feel worlds away from the disgusting pollution a few yards away. We love it. But my goodness it's built on a main road. The pollution is just horrific. Why are condos in Bangkok built like this, surely it's better to build luxury in a nice neighbourhood, not next to heavy traffic ?! Anyone have thoughts on this whole subject ?!
  8. Top tier Chinese tourists don't want to come to Thailand. They yearn to travel to Europe, USA, etc
  9. On the ground at the moment Bangkok is absolutely rammed. Never seen so many tourists around before. Vast majority from India and the Arabian sub continent.
  10. I won't be returning specifically for the visa. But if i was to return home, and my child had an education visa. Could i then obtain the O visa here in the UK ?
  11. Thanks guys ... Is it possible if my child then gets an education visa in Thailand, enrolls in the school. Could i then possibly return back to the UK, and apply for an O visa ?
  12. Hello all, hope you can help. We entered Thailand on visa exemption (i believe that's what it is). We hold British passports. We are now enrolling our three children into school. Is it correct in believing they will be able to get an education visa? The issue then lies in what option is there then for us as parents whilst in Thailand with our children? Ideally should have done this before we left, but we hadn't officially joined any school before we left, so didn't have the documents. Any help appreciated.
  13. Will it still be "no meter" - 3 Billion baht sir.
  14. If you want to make payments from tourists - surely monies could be raised without the rip off illegality stance ? The knock back effect to the countries reputation is it is seem as constant rip offy.
  15. Why is it so difficult for Thailand to sort of the issue the country has with Taxis and tourism? It's such an awful presentation to the world.
  16. I am just curious as to whether there have been any scientific tests on the rats the come out at Silom at night. The size of them, lack of fear, jumping velocity, don't remind me of any rat i have seen in the world over. I understand them being well fed with the rubbish just thrown on the streets at night for the bin collection. Rubbish isn't put into any containers, so the rats have easy access to the black bags. Lack of predators with low tourists numbers in the Silom area (as opposed to be pre pandemic) mean they are barely disturbed. Thoughts ?
  17. The size of the rats walking around Silom were like a cat. It doesn't help rubbish is just thrown onto the streets for the nightly bin collection. You'd think they'd have some form of container, than just throwing black bags out.
  18. What's his stance on Nana plaza?
  19. Save you time - but unable to open a window. The trade offs.
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