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Everything posted by RubenRemus

  1. Unfortunately we cannot....the MAGA PR flak banned anyone not funded by right wing think tanks from the briefing room.
  2. Are you serious? Obama got more elector votes both times: 365 in 2008 and 332 in 2012. Trump barely beat Biden's 2020 results. Sorry: he's hanging on by his fingernails, even if you want to pretend otherwise, and will get creamed in the midterms.
  3. Likely has more to do with old sperm.
  4. Charitable donation programmes and "charities" have little to do with most development aid, although it's true that humanitarian work is often funded through it. Rather, development agreements are usually done as partnership between governments, not NGOs. That's why it's done in conjuction with foreign missions and departments of state.
  5. OK, watched it now. It's 10 minutes of the guy swearing he's neutral and then spitting out opinion after opinion on US politics with, frankly, very little evidence. Strange how a guy who makes his living helping people move their money and get second passports believes that the solution to today's political context is to, wait for it, move your money and get a second passport.
  6. Russia is a pariah state because it is lawless and invades its neighbors. The United States is withdrawing a small part of the billions it spend every year to help other countries. How is that the same? Were Americans pariahs during the Vietnam war? What about the second Gulf War?
  7. What a waste of taxpayer money. This isn't a public US official. Seriously, who cares. I'd much rather investigate all of the foreigners now revolving around Trump, like Musk. Once again, the Repubs expose their hypocrisy.
  8. Foreign aid has always been a strategy to counter Cold War soft power from the Soviets and Chinese with Western soft power. The American aid mechanism is the best in the world, and anyone who supports completely dismantling US aid infrastructure better come with more of an argument than "saving money" and "inclusion is bad,"
  9. Absolutely. Why should the EU view American passports, imports, or policies favorably while the MAGA hats wish them ill? Why should the Philippines not tilt to China if it becomes clear that the Americans are no better? All things change in time, and MAGA seems to be intent on rewrite all of the international norms at play -- of course there will be a reaction.
  10. Except that he was convicted right?
  11. You can check it out yourself: https://12go.asia/en/travel/surat-thani/koh-samui?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1p28BhCBARIsADP9HrO8J9URjoMocJlE0jlFA19TxRmBIVNvw5VpjteEuCKQfF7dIn9-daAaAmOAEALw_wcB
  12. "Cabinet minister Michael Gove has claimed that the infamous Brexit campaign promise about leaving the EU leading to £350 a week for the NHS had been “delivered”. The levelling up secretary offered no evidence for his claim on a Brexit boost for the health service, as he recalled the notorious pledge on the side of the Vote Leave battle bus." Unfortunately, getting hit in the face with reality is usually painful. Perhaps you'd like to return to smoke and mirrors?
  13. So what? Here are photos of houses that Texans lost in recent hurricanes. Now things are even, I guess.
  14. X: source of all knowledge. This reminds me of "They're eating the cats! They're eating the dogs!" Without any real evidence all you're doing is the spadework for those in power who want to divide us.
  15. All the right wing UK public finance experts here.... wonder why you're spending your days posting on a Thailand expat site instead of lending your incredible wisdom to political leadership in London. We ALL know that the single biggest problem with UK economy is fallout from Brexit. So to prove your credentials, please do share your genius posts from 2016 where you advised against this brilliant move by the Tories.
  16. Well, you wrote "Even those that can afford to live there are leaving" and then you pasted a graphic about "population decline." No wonder. But given that all you are doing is copy and pasting from AI, you may be surprised to discover that other members of this community are using critical thinking skills.
  17. Wow, Thanks to a link to an X post with a robot dog QR code. Consider your facts impeccible. Loads of the projects paid for by that bond are either well into progress or already. Some, like Los Vaqueros Reservoir, are to fund phases of massive ongoing investments to expand. While "completed" the larger vision is still many decades away.
  18. Update your facts. Since 2020 California's population has either remained unchanged or grown every year. You basically cherry picked the one year that no one was moving.
  19. Honestly, this is the MAGA recipe. Keep the plebes down and dumb so labor is cheap.
  20. Back to your hole, Bugs. You have disqualified yourself.
  21. Sure: and the federal income tax slab up to 500K income is 35%. But when you deduct your mortgage interest, college investments, self employment expenses, 401K and IRA investments, etc, the overall tax picture is pretty good. And let's not forget your mega backdoor rollovers, offshore investments, and foreign currency advantages. Other countries exist, so don't give me this argument that Californians pay overly high taxes.
  22. Tampa had three hurricanes hit in one year. 1,500 homes saw major descruction. Is this the reason? https://www.tampa.gov/fire-rescue/about-us/chief-tripp
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