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jaywalker last won the day on December 20 2017

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About jaywalker

  • Birthday 05/29/1967

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    USA & Thailand

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  1. I recall (showing my age here) 1999) seeeing the headlines of the Pattaya Mail that siaid "Prostitutes an Elephannts Wiped off Pattaya Beaches". 26 years. I'll give them an "e" for effort........nah. I like hookers and elephants. It's why I like Pattaya.
  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
  3. He just wanted a Vegamite sandwich.
  4. If they had decent parents, they wouldn't be covered in tatoos with purple hair and nose rings.
  5. Not to excuse drunk driving, but I almost hit a cop between Pattaya and Sattahip once. They were pulling people over for "driving in the wrong lane?" once I guess? about 10:00 AM and I was trying to figure out what the possible trangressions people were commiting might have been??? I glanced in my rearview mirror for two seconds. When I looked up again there was a cop in the road almost in front of me. I bet I missed him by two inches. Kamikaze cops, running out in front of moving vehicles.
  6. Tell that to the Jews (6 million dead), or Russia (20 million dead). Pol Pot wanted to eliminate the family structure to create a Utopia where government knew better than the parents, and he ONLY had to kill 1/3rd of his population...It didn't work. I'm sure the millions they all killed never thought, "Huh, well, I'm glad society hasn't broken down". TO EACH his/her OWN after they become an adult, but leave the STATE out of parents' and their kids' lives (aside from abuse), and I would argue that allowing my little boy to get a tatoo, or smoke methamphetamines, or get his willy lopped off all fall under the title of abuse.
  7. I agree. It's up to the kid (when they become an adult). They see it every day. They can make a decision once they are no longer a child. I say Up2U when it comes to adults. I recall going through grade school with a boy that was 8 or 9 and CLEARLY, VERY effiminate, as well as a girl that very masculine...they were born that way, but for heaven's sake can we not all agree that genital (surgical and chemical, irreversible) changes should wait until the child is no longer an a child, but an adult? I have an 81 year old distant cousin, and a 38 year old nephew, and they are gay. I DON"T CARE! If they want to grow long hair and start wearing dresses.......It's different than gay. I have to admit, I cannot fathom never being able to have an orgasm again....and parents are doing that to KIDS??? Rock on Vivek!
  8. Here ya go. Trans people are not. When the government gets involved, and FORCES the transition of a child upon parents, and takes away children from parents...THAT is destroying society. This is a Canadian example, but living in Thailand, one should realize that governments will do ANYTHING to get more power (and riches). Covid should have taught all of us Hoi Palloi that fact.
  9. That cop on the left. I think his beret makes his ass look fat. ????
  10. If a kid is gay, then they are gay. I have a couple gay relatives. It's the way some folks were born...I get that. I have no problem with that. All Vivek (and I) are saying is that little boys should not get their tackle lopped off, and little girls should not get their breasts lopped until they are 18. Then it's up to them, as an adult to decide how they want to live their ADULT lives. Humans below the age of 18 are called "children" for a reason. I recall being 7 or 8 years old standing outside in a thunderstorm, hoping to get hit by lightning, so I could then turn into a supehero. Bad idea. Transitioning before one's brain has fully developed is akin to hoping to get hit by lightning. Bad idea.
  11. It's a mental disorder in KIDS. If a 10 year old girl said she was a 50 year old man....Something is wrong with the kid.
  12. Poor baby. My daughter is 18 now. I keep wishing she was just 2. Cutest thing on the planet! Such a pretty life to see grow into an adult. Drag this POS to the nearest tree.
  13. I encourange any US Army or Marine Veteran to check out Mat Best on Youtube. He is cathartic. He really helps. The worst part about being in the US Military (as a grunt), isn't being shot at and shooting back, it's what's going on in your head, both during and after. I started off in the Panama Canal Zone in 1985 and made it to Bagram and Baghdad. Mat Best does a remake of Dolly Parton's Jolie, Called "Jody"...
  14. So Thailand joins an Elite Club. The USA and Eritrea are the only countries that tax folks domestically on income earned overseas...Now Thailand. Why on Earth should I pay US taxes on money I made in Kuwait or the UAE or Thailand? I pay local taxes. I've been DECADES outside the USA. It's just wrong. Aside from a USA passport (which I loathe), why does Ceasar still demand MY money? It costs a mint to every time I step in the US Embassy, and that's IF I can get an appointment!
  15. It's profitable alright. I once took a taxi from the Hiroshima train station to the Hiroshima airport hotel. Roughly the same as Mo Chit to Suvarnabumi. $150 USD (I forget how many Yen...18,000 or so)... About 6,000 baht. Ouch! I only had 10,000 yen on me & I had gotten them from a USMC base in Iwakuni... At an ATM. Thinking 10,00 baht will get me from Don Muang to Chiang Mai...should be enough. I'm just going across town in Hiroshima. He had the meter on as well. I was able to put it on my expense report no problem, but the problem was finding an ATM that would accept international cards . The only one was in the Airport a half mile away, inside a Japanese Post Office that closed at 5:00PM and it was 5:30 PM by the time I hoofed if over there. The taxi wasn't hauling me another inch. He was an inch away from calling the cops. VERY nice hotel manager that spoke great English got us to agree that I would leave the money with him, and he would hang onto my passport in the meantime.......I took the bullet train to Tokyo for work the next day (I had bought the round tip ticket at a Travel agency on the USMC base), and did my work at the Tokyo port (2 hours working) and started wandering AIMLESSLY thru Tokyo looking for an ATM that was in English, and that took a Mastercard debit card. I stumbled upon a farang on the street, and he lived there. Canadian guy. He took pity on me and hooked me up with a Japanese Post Office that was open. WHEW! ============ I was in Iwakuni for work and got to see the cherry blossoms in March. GORGEOUS!!! Hiroshima was a beautiful city (this was all 20 years ago). The people were, to a fault ALL super nice. Riding the bullet train was cool as hell. Nuclear war is the worst thing that could ever happen, and I'm happy I got to see it as a really nice place.
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