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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. This is all "Bread and Circuses" - An attempt to be "seen" as trying to "do something" to divert attention away from the myriad of other problems city hall should be focused on.


    "Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is metonymic for a superficial means of appeasement. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the generation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through diversion; distraction; or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace, [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_and_circuses ]

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bigfarang1948 said:

    I just love reading these ignorant assumptions which are loaded with contempt of this fisherman. Are you a fisherman yourself or just another armchair expert on all things? What other hardworking group of Thai's living from hand to mouth are you going to bash and insult next? Your post sickens me.

    So just let them fish 24/7/365 is the solution?


    Ever see that TV show "Deadliest Catch"? They work like mad men too, but only during an allotted season.


    Ever heard of deer, bear, duck, turkey etc seasons? The wild populations need time to replenish for the next harvest, especially for something that is harvested on a commercial scale.


    This fisherman doesn't seem to grasp that concept.

  3. Cop gave my wife a 10,000 baht ticket when a speeding motorcyclist, in the wrong lane, with no insurance and no license ran into her truck.


    Know why? The cop told her "You have farang name. All farangs have big money".


    I was in Bangkok, and she was in Pattaya when it happened to boot! A hundred miles away, and all it took was her having a Caucasian name.

  4. 25 minutes ago, samjaidee said:

    I've been working in government schools in Vietnam for 10 years and haven't seen a child writing with their left hand. Here they're also forced to use their right hand. They also learn cursive writing from the start. No print writing. It's crazy.

    My daughter is a Lefty. Wife wanted to make her write with her right hand???


    I cut that idea off at the knees quick-fast.

  5. 1 hour ago, mok199 said:

    yes this countryneeds a complete makeover...and mabey the bad habbits are too entrenched....I have a 4 yr old,i wont rely on a school ,or a new dog and pony photo opp,to teach my boy English..we do it at home, and out doors, and at the mall ,and at the beach etc ,we don't let up,we teach him relentlessly.its fun and its work, we see results,but, when parents are afraid to think outside the box and feel the system will provide everything..they are wrong,and lazy....''TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL''...cosby stills nash and young..

    It's Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (plus about a hundred other things above).

  6. 10 hours ago, decca60 said:

    Just circus....my personal boat is inspected every year for boat licence renewal. 5 mn just check life jackets and nothing more.Nothing about my licence,fire prevention, rescue material,radio,engine security and maintenance, hull condition, anchorage systems,waste water systems etc..etc.. Same inspection in my country of origin takes 2 hours and no mercy if you are missing any legal point. And this is not commercial operation, just private one..when I quickly look at these boats on trailers with not even a little rope to secure them while the tractor is racing in Jomtien streets, I wonder how they could be floating...amulets miracle surely

    I was once on the overpass (flyover) coming from Bali Hai headed towards Sukh some years back.


    Toyota Tiger truck apparently had to slam on his brakes (which amazingly did not fail). Only problem was the 30 foot boat he was towing didn't have any trailer brakes AND the boat wasn't tied down.


    The truck/trailer were all jack-knifed up, with the boat laying alongside it on the road.


    Som Nam Na

  7. 1 minute ago, 300sd said:

    So these local (small operation)Thai fishermen with their puny little nets and the huge capacity of their boats are going to decimate many species of fish in the Gulf of Thailand and outside? Not likely. But just to make sure please have our fisheries department (if there is one) show us the studies of this decimation! I'm sure they have a fisheries department with all the best information from their fish habitat studies etc.


    I do admit unfortunately that Thai fisherman most likely through all their garbage into the sea, the same way that many Thais treat their garbage!

    I'm guessing you missed all the hoopla about how the EU stopped importing Thai fish a while back due to a variety of reasons, over-fishing being one of them?

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