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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. I was staying in Pathum Thani once. Some teenagers had a modified "Low-Rider" truck with ambulance lights and sirens on it. They came back and forth, right near my building, screaming thru the intersection about a dozen times one evening.


    Not a cop in sight.


    About a week later, cops were there at rush hour writing tickets for people stopping beyond the white line at the light. Worthless Buffoons In Brown...

  2. 4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    They got it wrong, Chinese do not push and shove, they are a civilised race, especially at the breakfast buffet of the 5 star hotels we have stayed at 555


    Image result for picture of Chinese people stampeding


    I got caught in a wave of Chinese humanity (err, INSANE-NESS) at Nong Nooch Gardens on my first ever visit to Pattaya when they opened the gates for the elephant show.


    About a thousand elbow jabs (I was giving and receiving) later I made it to the sidelines. My ribs were sore for a week!

  3. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    poor little fella ....  he will have scars for his life now all because of a few seconds alone  ..

    very sad .... 

    Hopefully he's young enough that he'll heal with no scars.


    I recall my IDIOT mother letting my little 5 year old brother fry his own eggs.


    Mom thought he was the cutest little thing, standing in a chair next to a hot skillet with bacon grease in it. The chair wobbled one day, and he went catch himself & yep, sure enough, hand plant into the frying pan.


    Blistered the tar out of the little guy's hand. She was her FIFTH kid to boot.


    One would think she would have known better, but obviously not.


    Anyhow, he healed with no scars.

  4. 14 hours ago, DavisH said:

    Rather than a blanket ban on corporal punishment (which, in theory, there is already), teachers should be better trained at making students more accountable, and also how to make lessons more engaging. I think a lot of Thai teachers just sit them in rows and read out aloud from the textbook. Students must be quiet and listen. I couldn't imagine anything more mind-numbingly boring. Because the teacher cannot control a class when students are allowed to interact and discuss material. Schools should also be allowed to fail students, suspend them, or make them repeat a year. It can happen occasionally, but it's not very common. Students might them put in a better effort to pass their courses. 

    I TOTALLY agree! I had a super cool marine biology teacher & I loved going to his class.


    All the rest were like Ben Stein.


  5. 3 hours ago, Spaniel said:

    Back in the early '90's I worked at the US embassy in Bangkok.       Although I didn't work in the Consulate I knew a couple people there and I recall them saying US citizens that were returned to the US flew economy class.     Maybe that policy has changed.     Can you tell us where you got the info that the USG  will buy the most expensive airfare?

    I read it a few years (maybe 5) ago on the embassy website as I recall. It never said business class, just "Most Expensive" ticket.

  6. 15 minutes ago, JSixpack said:

    First try reinstalling the display adapter driver.

    Where'd it go???


    Yeah, that was one of the Google solutions. It claims it has reinstalled, but no change.


    Just out of the clear blue, it was fine one minute, then POOF! It's all afflicted...


    AHA!!!!! I just fixed it!


    See attached. Thanks JSixPack. You got me to explore the driver a bit more.





    EDIT: Oh yeah, look at the choice of display settings I now have.


    This is more like it.




  7. And I cannot change it back.


    Just sitting here & the screen went blank for 30 - 45 seconds & now it's all wonky & I can't change it back.


    This is all I get on display settings (attached).


    1024 X 768 is the best I can get. Only other option in 800 X 600 (no thanks).


    Any suggestions? I searched all over Google. & got 100+ different answers, thanks in advance if anybody here can point me in the right direction. 


    Oh yeah, it did this yesterday & tried "System Restore" to 4 days ago. No help.


  8. On 9/12/2017 at 7:17 AM, koo said:

    I read Allen Carr's "Easyway to stop smoking".


    I really works if you trust yourself to understand and pick up the ideas in the book, and also are truly willing to quit smoking.


    The best part is that you don't need to buy or borrow the book, it is now also a free download: http://prdupl02.ynet.co.il/ForumFiles_2/15119301.pdf

    Thanks! Been smoking 33 years. Time to quit.


    Doing OK so far. Started about 3 weeks ago & slowly cut back from two packs a day to one pack, to half a pack, to cutting a Swisher Sweet cigar into one inch pieces & just sticking them in my mouth till they get wet (and I get a bit of nicotine out of them).


    Had some nicotine lozenges for the longest time, but could never use them, til today. I had 3 of them today. I only sucked on a cigar plug once today.


    I'm off to read that book now.


    Thanks again for the link!

  9. 14 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    According its enlightened policy of never doing anything to assist British citizens under any circumstances, the British Embassy would have let him serve his 100 days in Phatum Thani jail in lieu of paying the overstay fine followed by transfer to Immigration's medieval standing room only jail in Soi Suan Plu, until he could raise the fare home, i.e. until he died which would probably not be long in there.   Sounds like Uncle Sam might stump up for his fine and repatriation.  Lucky for him he's a yank.

    The US Gov't will buy THE MOST EXPENSIVE (yes, they actually highlight that fact) airfare back to the US they can find, then it will be like a student loan or child support debt. It will never, ever go away until it is paid off or he dies.

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