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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    Why not amend it?


    Everyone allowed a musket would be about right


    These people are literally insane



    More "LAWS" will do nothing to prevent this!


    Blame the Liberal Media if anything. They divide the USA and stir up hate...It's all they do, then some psycho decides to go on a rampage due to too much Rachel Maddow.

  2. 9 minutes ago, JimP said:

    We enjoy Pattaya while on holiday. I take my wife and two young kids.  Yeah, sometimes there's a pool full of fat old men baking like lobsters, but they are harmless.  We're on the beach for a bit, some pub grub, and in bed by 9pm. All this BS happens when families are asleep in their hotels. 


    There's a fair chance the clown deserved to be booted out of a bar, but stomping his head in is taking it a bit far.


    Toss a drunk/obnoxious person out on the street, but then stomping his head in by 15 guys is just ludicrous.

  3. 11 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Not true.  Australia is an excellent example.  Tougher gun laws there have worked out fantastic.  There's your proof it would work.


    The right to bear arms was written into the Bill of Rights in 1791.  I dare say times have changed since then.  Dramatically.



    Yet I get treated like a criminal for having a LEGAL .38 in my truck, in a holster, inside the glove box in the USA. It's not even a "concealed weapon". No different than having a fishing pole in the back of my truck!


    That cop just HAD to run the serial number on it though, to see if it was stolen!


    I got it by accident...loaned a friend $950 USD, so he could pay for (of all things) his police academy tuition. He insisted that I take that pistol as collateral. I still have it 25+ years later.


    I lost all trust in anybody with a badge that day.


    Oh yeah, I have never shot anybody in my 50 years on this planet.


    "Yea though I walk through the Valley of The Shadow of Death, I shall Fear No Evil, For I am the Meanest SOB in The Valley".

  4. 7 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

      You were being paid to put up with that unlike us who were paying.  The painting and preparation of concrete to paint was the worst.  I will be redoing bits of it for years.  TIT.


    The Thai company certainly wasn't paying enough. Cheap B*stards.


    The job did have one perk though, as it was a military contract. I had a letter from some General & the cops would never try to milk me for going 123 kph in a 120 zone as soon as I showed them that letter.


    They'd suddenly stare at the peculiar anomaly on a billboard somewhere near by and tell me "You! You! Go!"

  5. 10 hours ago, Jip99 said:




    An excellent appraisal of the difficulties faced when dealing with Thai workers....... pushing it a bit to blame the junta for years of neglect and culture.


    I had no particular love for the corruption it replaced, but they rolled in with their tanks & promised to "Kiss it and make it all better".


    3 & a half years later & nothing has changed, at least not for the better.

  6. I've kinda withheld an opinion on the Junta, but. this is FAILURE.


    I worked 18 months or so for a Thai company as a consultant/trainer, and NO MATTER WHAT I SAID, the workers would just grin at me and do it however they wanted to do the work.


    It was probably the most unfulfilling job I ever had.


    Suppose I has delusions of grandeur, in that I figured I could turn them into a highly efficient, productive crew...NOPE.


    I quit, as I could not figure out what purpose I was serving, other than to present a Farang face to the customer on occasion.

  7. Damned Stupid Phones are apparently more addictive than yaba.


    I refuse to own one. I have the stupidest phone I can find. I check email etc on my 32" TV/full sized computer monitor.


    I use my phone for...wait for it...(*GASP*) TALKING to people, and NOT while I'm driving! I can always call them back.


    Some folks act like somebody just lit a stick of dynamite in their pocket when their phone rings...GOTTA ANSWER THAT NOW! Idiots.



    They should fine the driver 50,000 baht and his company twice that, and suspend his license for 6 months.

  8. 1 hour ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

    Hmmm.... Oct 2017 - May 2014.  That's only 3 years 5 months since the self-proclaimed "anti-corruption" regime seized power.   And it's only just now announcing it will...


    OMG, or should I say OH MY BUDDHA?!  Exactly W_T_F has Fearless Leader and his regime been doing for the past 3 1/2 years?  Can anyone recall even one single instance where the regime has actually targeted and successfully stamped out corruption by any individual(s), organization(s), or [fill in the blank] entity?  I seem to remember the military assault on a remote beach in northern Phuket for beach chair violations way back in late 2014 IIRC.  Other than that I confess that I'm drawing a blank.  And not only is the Russian mafia apparently still thriving here in the former Land of Smiles but a recent visit to Nana area on Sukhumvit revealed the Nigerian mafia, as well as Middle Eastern variants, seem to also be exploding in growth.



     You forgot the much vaunted Bicycle Lanes in BKK.



  9. On 9/6/2017 at 2:45 AM, Nong Khai Man said:

    One Track Minds.....

    Get a life, or better yet a katoey.


    Why is it a crime to admire beautiful people?


    16 minutes ago, Global Guy said:



    Another teacher. I sure didn't have teachers like this growing up! BTW, her uniform hides an incredibly in shape body.



    Ahh. Such a beautiful lady. The thread that never gets old.... 


    The beautiful lady that sang that cute song that started thread this will remain in my mind forever. NOTHING wrong with admiring beauty.

    Unless you prefer this, which you "Can Not Afford".




    I guess it's just "Politically Correct" to slam us red-blooded MEN who appreciate beauty. all the while forgetting that it was some horny MAN that sired you?




  10. 3 hours ago, newnative said:

           Miami Beach may be smaller than Pattaya but it's part of the Miami Metropolitan Area of 6 million people.  Too big for me.  Others may love it.  Yes, a condo bought 15 years ago in Miami has increased more than a condo in Pattaya--but it still has the high insurance and condo fees relative to Pattaya.  And, we're living in the here and now, not 15 years ago.  For my rather small retirement budget, Pattaya works better. 

            Would I like a cleaner ocean and less traffic congestion?  Of course.  (On the plus side, the ocean looks clean from 29 stories up and I prefer to swim in a pool.)  I put both of those things in the Negative Column but my Positive  Column is still longer--and has big ticket items like Cost of Living and Health Care.  For those with a longer Negative Column, I wonder why you are here.


    I fail to see what your logic is about cost of living etc on whatever budget, when the topic is garbage beaches VS clean beaches.


    Pattaya Beach is a sewer. Miami Beach, Melbourne, Port St. Lucie, Daytona, on up to Jacksonville...clean as a whistle except for storm related flotsam (aka seaweed).


    Here's Port St. Lucie, just North of Miami an hour++ or so.


    Keep an eye out for the rubbish/garbage...Oops. you won't see any. Nice to watch though.



    Not sure how they got by w/o beach vendors and touts trying to sell you shit you could care less about at the beach either??

  11. 8 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    Crikey.  I live in Melbourne Florida and the beach here is world class compared to Pattaya.  Have had many trips to Pattaya and it just gets frustrating that what is a naturally pretty scenic area had such terrible infrastructure, sewage, drainage, beach maintenance, etc.  I love to swim in the ocean and over the years just came to accept that even Jomtien or Naklua beaches just were not usable for swimming.  Too bad because Jomtien beach road really used to be pretty cool. Could take a nice long walk, hop off anywhere and rent a chair and take a snooze.  Go for a dip, etc.


    I lived in Central Florida, not far from Daytona the first 30 of my 50 years on earth. I do not recall ever seeing as much as a spectre of garbage on the Atlantic Beach side of Florida.


    Pattaya beaches are a pathetically far cry from anything on the East Coast of Florida, nor the US in general.


    BTW this thread is not about condo prices nor hooker prices (though Pattaya wins hands-down on the latter).

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