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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 9 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    There just doesn't seem to good co-operation between all the stakeholders  and if it keeps up- the problem will be solved- no one will want to come to Thailand because of the chaos.

    Already there Bro. 


    I agree with you it's a shame. Last time I flew Utapao to Samui & back, I just parked....about 5 cars out there. No parking attendants.


    I was there about 5 days.


    When I went to leave some Yo-yo appeared & asked me how many days I had parked there. Now there was about 3 cars on 10 acres/24 rai of parking lot, that my Dad's tax money had paid for.


    I told him one day. He said "OK. 50 baht".


    Utapao is marginally closer than Swampy to Pattaya. Definitely closer to Koh Samet.


    It has runways for B-52 bombers. It was an alternative landing site for the NASA Space Shuttle.


    They just cannot seem to figure out who is going to line their pockets it would seem?


    Oh yeah, they'd have to hire more immigration officers too.

  2. 10 minutes ago, LennyW said:

    I fly into Swampy a few times a month and i can tell you that over the last 4 - 5 months this has become a lot more common sight, definitely an issue with immigration staff or the lack of, but also you get 2 or 3 fully loaded A380s arriving at the same time and that sure does not help.


    Just wait till they get the Indians they are pandering to bring in.


    Most are nice enough folks, but PEE-YOOO!


    I broke my toe once when stepping out of a shower. The Indian guy said "You Americans", and shook his head "You are always bathing" like I was an idiot for taking a shower.


    First time I arrived in Abu Dhabi Air India had just landed a 747. Utter, and total chaos.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:

    I was inbound at Swampy 4pm yesterday, yes there were queues but it took me a reasonable 30 mins to clear, passengers going through at 40 to 60 seconds. Bigger frustration was the 2.5 hrs in a taxi to Ekkamai, the last 500m I jumped out and onto the back of a moto taxi.

    Rush hour in traffic. If you'd arrived at 1:00 AM it would have been 2.5 hours at immigration & 20 minutes to Eckamai.

  4. 7 minutes ago, jonclark said:

    I think you missed the point. Using tech more effectively would free up IO from menial tasks to be redeployed to more important tasks. Not make them unemployed or cut off their rice bowl. 

    They are Luddites. That was my main point, also, that ANYTHING, especialy a Thai gov't tries to do will usually take 3 -10 years longer than they say it will take (Pattaya tunnel for example).



  5. 14 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    well, the problem will go away if they don't pickup their act- why would anyone getting screwed by waiting for hours on lousy immigration processing ever recommend visiting Thailand - when in fact they will probably do the exact opposite.   

    There's a fool born every minute.


    Many come to Thailand. Many are born in Thailand and work for the government.

  6. 1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:


    And the real shame of it all, lies in the fact that in a desperate bid to keep tourism arrival numbers ever on the rise, they are going after a lower quality tourist, than in the past. The hordes arriving on the super low budget tours, just do not bring in that much cash for the local people. The western tourists who used to be far more common here, spent anywhere from $100 to $2,000 a day. It is representative of the astonishing lack of vision this administration, and everyone within it possesses. The hordes just make the entire tourism experience less pleasant, and more challenging for the people, the roads, the airports, the infrastructure, and the destinations. And who really benefits? 


    The fact is, Thailand is not keeping up with their neighbors, who are trying harder, streamlining their visa process, making it easier to invest, and own land and property, and offering a far warmer welcome to Westerners than Thailand is. 

    I recall flying in from Sandland on a tear around town and blowing 20K baht in an afternoon. Not including hotel either. 


    Yeah, you are right.

  7. 4 minutes ago, jonclark said:

    I am amazed at just how far tech has come every time I return to the UK and then even more amazed at how Thailand is soo far behind the curve and how inefficiencies of time, money and effort could so easily be rectified. 


    The number of people in Thailand doing the most menial of tasks is monumental. 

    Pfff! The US spent two or three billion USD on the Obamacare website that doesn't work.


    If you want something to NOT work online, then leave it up to the government.


    Also, those "menial tasks" as you say are their rice bowls. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Jimbo2014 said:

    Most Asian countries have really worked to streamline immigration and ensure its a very fast process...  most... except... The Kingdom of Thailand! - which really relies on tourism.  Im not sure what the salary of an immigration officer is but you would think it would be worth a few baht to ensure a positive first impression for tourists and a free flow for business travellers.  

    They are usually indifferent or friendly to me....about like anywhere. I almost had one cute female ready for a date (if I had asked her out), just because I said Sawatdee Khrap in perfect Thai (not hard to do). I was much younger back then even though I'm still a hansum man.


    Who cares about their attitudes, just staff all the freaking desks when you have 9,000 inbound passengers would be OK.


    Unrelated to Thailand, but related to immigration & airports, I've had a few US IO's ask me how long I've been out of the US.


    Last time was....Errr...7 years. He said, sounds like fun man. Welcome back.


    Got peeled off to the side & extensively grilled by somebody with a badge at Heathrow once, in transit from Abu Dhabi to Miami. Nice enough guy, but he asked me about 75 questions. Still have no idea why, and this was pre-9/11.



  9. 18 minutes ago, QuantumMech said:

    If there's a huge queue, I'd like to avoid it if possible :)

    I doubt it.


    If you get lucky, they may have someone speaking Thai, directing Thai's to go to the Citizen's side of the mess.


    My wife goes thru the US side with me in Chicago (or wherever) in the US, & I hit the Thai side in Thailand when I'm with her.


    I stood in line with her (like a dumb-ass) in Chicago once in the foreigner's lane for half an hour. The IO looked at me like an idiot (I was) & told me to take her thru the US Citizen's lane next time.

  10. 10 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

    & there lies another problem the incompetent staff that can't advice Tourists as to the most appropiate ramp to spread the influx 

    I recall....it was maybe 2002/2003 or so, airport staff would flag everyone down AFTER they'd EXITED a flight, and want to see your BOARDING PASS????? This was in the jetway/walkway, about 10 meters from the aircraft door, nowhere near immigration.


    Still trying to figure that one out. I was flying in/out of DMK once or twice a month & they did this for about 18 months.


    The first two times it happened, half the (I was one of them) passengers had to go back and clamber all over the plane to look for our discarded boarding pass, as we were trying to GET OFF/LEAVE a flight!

  11. 2 minutes ago, Kaoboi Bebobp said:

    I have a feeling many officers don't last long because the work is too hard and sustained. Plus, I believe many candidates simply don't have the head for visas and maybe don't have the cash to buy the job, too.

    Methinks you hit the nail on the head there my friend.


    I doubt many have ever even traveled and have no earthly idea how one feels after a 27-30 travel time, with 20 of those hours in a metal tube, and on a 12 hour time change feel....NEWSFLASH....It's not all that pleasant.


    DMK was great 15-20 years ago.


    Now the Chinese hoards have invaded, along with the Russians & they simply cannot keep up.


    I doubt they pay for their positions though, as there's generally not much bribery going on at immigration = another reason for them to take another civil service job where they get a cut of everything.

  12. 12 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    It is a very small way of saying we are not capable of taking care of this task, and therefore we would like to show some humility to our valuable, incoming guests.



    I agree with your entire post, but the part I quoted will never, ever happen. Then again, once a (any) government is in control of pretty much any and everything, you can expect it to be mismanaged by unmotivated, lazy staff.


    Immigration Departments the world over are the worst of the worst when it comes to bureaucracy.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

    Those who ever had to deal with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs know about the limits of its staff efficiency. 

    I went to the MFA in BKK once to renew my wife's and daughter's passports once.


    My US passport was not available to me, as it was tied up in getting a work permit. They wanted to see it so my daughter could renew her passport & is the only reason I was there.


    Nice lady accepted my Florida driver's license. Took about 20 minutes total. I thought they were pretty nice.


    Still trying to figure out why my wife wanted a Thai passport for our daughter, as she already had a US passport & Thai birth certificate.


    I just say "Yes Dear" most of the time though.

  14. 1 hour ago, Misterwhisper said:

    Unbelievable! Why is this department seemingly totally incapable of training - and deploying - enough officers at BOTH airports?

    It's like double doors all over Asia. They have TWO doors, but they only ever unlock one of them.


    What's the point of having two doors, when you only ever use one?


    Been asking myself that for 20 years or so now. Maybe I tink too mutt.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    I hope there is the same chaos next week when I come back from Singapore on business and waltz through the Priority Lane.


    My smugness will be difficult to conceal, indeed. 

    Definitely worth a business class ticket at least, or just "drag the bag" (Thai wife) with you everywhere you go so you can go thru the Thai's Only lane with her.


    I always fly business class, & haul ass to immigration to beat my planeload of passengers at least.


    Not so easy at immigration on the way out. I was stuck there for about 1.5 hours & almost missed my flight once. Luckily I had my copy of War and Peace with me.

  16. 7 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:



    Jerome Taylor posted this on Twitter yesterday. It shows the queue for immigration at the arrivals area early yesterday morning at Swampy.


    I wouldn't even have to pretend to be paralyzed if I were at the end of than line.


    I'd be flopping on the floor with back spasms in about 20 minutes.


    What I'm amazed at, is they are actually (more or less) standing in a line instead of a mob.

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