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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. This sounds like a PERFECT Thai explanation...just with soup...



    "How come there's a dead lizard in my soup?” 

    Waiter — “In fact, sir, I have no positive idea how the poor thing came to its death. Perhaps it had not taken any food for a long time, dashed upon the soup, ate too much of it, and contracted an inflammation of the stomach that brought on death. The lizard must have a very weak constitution, for when I served the soup it was dancing merrily on the surface. Perhaps — and the idea presents itself only at this moment — it endeavored to swallow too large a piece of vegetable; this, remaining fast in his throat, caused a choking in the windpipe. This is the only reason I could give for the death of this reptile.” 


    Source: http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/waiter_theres_a_fly_in_my_soup

  2. On 9/25/2017 at 12:51 AM, gk10002000 said:

    While Pattaya has many things I love; the baht bus system is fantastic and convenient, I love the farang food especially german, full english breakfast, some decently priced hotels with pools, some good nightlife, etc.  I really like to swim in a clean ocean so over the years, as even Jomtien became to me unswimmable, I have split my time more to other parts of Thailand, Koh Samui was OK, Phuket Karon and Kata beaches, and a smattering of Patong.  If Pattaya actually had clean water, gosh the place would totally rock


    Pattaya has changed a LOT. Beach has always been horrible, since I can remember from 1999, but the population has exploded, with zero thought on how to cope with it. Ko Larn was cool back then...still a paradise.


    Now it's a dump within less than 2 decades.


    Silly me! Thinking/dreaming about logic in Thailand!

  3. On 9/25/2017 at 12:09 AM, Dmaxdan said:

    This obsession with whiter skin seems to of epidemic proportions here in Thailand. They need to learn that you can never be more beautiful than the way nature intended.

    My wife is dark. Gorgeous breasts...not that big = PERFECT to me. I guess I love her? At least I don't have to worry about them sagging to her knees when she's 60.


    I would not trade her for anything after 16 years.


    The Thai "Pretty's" they have at auto shows etc look more like mannequins than pretty to me.


    Then again Pattaya, the Family Resort Tourist Capital of the Universe is a cesspool. Ah, logic, once again is absent in Thailand.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Thian said:

    In that case the EU should even add extra rules and regs right after the Thai do abide to all the rules.

    They also do that to me every time i apply for a visa...i bring all paperwork mentioned on the website but still they demand me to bring more when i m standing there in person after hours driving.

    http://www.iamthai.com.au/images/IAT_I Am Thai_logo pink2 72dpi.png

  5. 12 minutes ago, zyphodb said:

    Hard to have much sympathy for them as they've pretty well wiped out their own fish stocks using illegal nets and slave labour, and just want to do the same in other parts of the world...

    BUT...You no unnastan! This is Thailand. I am Thai people! Can do whatever I want!


    ....As they turn their rice bowl into a toilet.



    Moto taxi driver said that once to me, driving thru traffic, with his phone to his ear. I told him to stop & let me off, because of the phone.


    He got all bent out of shape about that. "I am THAI. THIS IS THAILAND! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!"


    Not with me on the back of your bike pal.

  6. 1 minute ago, Media1 said:

    Mai.pen Rai

    Yep. Idiotic how people go nuts over the "Media" reports on such idiocy though.


    "I saw it on the news!  It MUST BE TRUE!"


    I could care less whether Ying is guilty nor where she is. This Dirty Harry junta is an absolute joke with this story of "OOPS!"


    "Well, Golly Gee Shucks boys. Darn it all to baked chocolate brownies and back! She got away. Now, one you naughty boys had a key didn't you? You bad mischievous bunch of cops".


    No worries. Just Public Enemy Number 2. She's REALLY sneaky is she not?

  7. 4 minutes ago, impulse said:

    Article in the BP today says there was DNA taken from the car, and results will be available in 30 days or so.  


    Which is interesting contrast from some other infamous DNA results that were ready pretty much by the end of the day.


    Bet the DNA turns out...however they want it to turn out, in 30 days...Maybe. They have a month to get their shit together.

  8. 1 minute ago, mikebell said:

    Judging by the fine detail regarding the engine numbers/registration particulars, I decree this investigation 98.5% complete.

    I've almost forgotten what the investigation was about.


    They are doing a great job with that at least. Now it's all about retarded cops.


    The idiocy surrounding it becomes the focus of...what was it we were taking about?

  9. 9 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    These silly stories being put out from official sources and dutifully retailed by the tame Thai media really are getting beyond a joke.

    Well said.


    It's beyond ludicrous. I am apolitical. This farce is like the "The Emperor with No Clothes" though.


    Makes General P. look like Mussolini to me.



  10. 1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

    Did not expect such an easy escape though.  Walking through casinos in Cambodia.  Don't the Thaksin hating elite own them ?  Don't most casinos have functioning surveillance ? If your piece of the puzzle is, in fact, the whole puzzle, your junta's ineptitude has now entered uncharted waters.  On the other hand, if they looked the other way, it is the first smart thing they have done in over three years. 

    They looked the other way for sure.


    Also, I doubt any casino cameras would be functioning, unless it served a pre-planned purpose.

  11. 35 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

     It is either sheer ineptitude or good sense on the junta's part. 

    Say it again. Both are true.


    Prayuth probably put her in a burka/abiya & scooted her out the VIP lounge at Swampy.



    There's ludicrous, and then.. there's THAI LUDICROUS.


    Got a former PM, sister of an ousted PM & she's on trial for bazillions of baht/crimes against Thai humanity..Pretty much a female Hitler (according to the charges), and just goes "POOF!"


    "I ain't seen her lately Somchai, have you? Well, I was chowing down on my 3 lb bowl of lunch time rice & may have taken my eyes off her for 15 minutes, and she went 'Poof', she was gone.


    I am apolitical. but come ON, if the General did not sanction this????


    Jerry Springer comes to mind, and the public eats it up as the truth.


    The woman most likely got a charter flight out of DMK, with 75 soldiers to escort her.

  12. 3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    meet for the first time on Monday to lay the groundwork for the probe.


    Huh? Wake up boys! We got's to go lay the groundwork for a PROBE!



    That bunch would have me shaking in my boots for sure!



    I'd imagine shaking in her high heels with her brother in Dubai.


    Hope they like stinky folks that never bathe. Dubai is literally the armpit of the world.

  13. 3 minutes ago, vogie said:

    We were not there, we will never know, but it doesn't take long for the drums to heat up even with minimal usage. I cannot believe for one minute that 'some' trucks over here get maintained as they should, a simple brake adj probably never happens till its too late.

    The original post I replied to was the poster stating that it could not happen as they were air brakes, but you and I know that is not the case.

    Agreed. I've worked on many an air brake.


    I started from the ground up & what you say is correct.


    Damned air brakes are DANGEROUS to work on. Those springs that keep the brakes locked are deadly if one has no idea what they are dealing with.



    As usual though, we'll probably never hear anything else about this from our trusted news source(s)...Might actually shame & name a company that keeps its drivers yak'ed up up on yaba.

  14. 8 minutes ago, vogie said:

    You are wrong! When leaving the depot the shoes will be cool, after some usage (depending on the severity of usage, going down hills etc) the drums will get so hot the shoes cannot possibly touch the drums as the S cams will have reached their limit. 

    What makes you so knowledgeable? I have served my time as a hgv/plant mechanic and ran my own haulage company for 20 years, your creds?

    Google brake fade.

    Take it easy. The OP makes some valid points for consideration.


    The driver was high/drunk & it could never be his fault. That's all that matters to the press.


    I was in the heavy duty truck business for 30+ years myself.


    Brake fade I agree, could have/probably may have contributed.


    In my 40+ years I have yet to encounter a 2 km "accident" that could be blamed on anything other than a stone cold drunk driver.


    Here is an accident.



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