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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 10 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

    Wonder how much that junket cost the Thai taxpayers and how it would have been better spent on kidney patient care. 

    Figure 180 or so countries, some of whom have more than one consulate (like the USA, so call it 200) X probably $3500 USD per business class return ticket X 2 people per consulate = about 400 X $3500 = $1,400,000 USD/46,493,200 THB.

  2. 13 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Now if they genuinely introduced reliable technology to actually determine the absolute truth, when asked if they had ever taken a bribe, or been involved in activity that was profitable, but outside the law, I wonder who the hell in the BIB that passed the test, would be left to collect the brown envelopes every month? Especially since if they were telling the truth, they probably shouldn't know when and where to pick them up anyway!

    To the BIB, whatever they do is deemed appropriate, because they did it.


    No one will ever fail, because they'll smile real big as they are lying.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:

    Nice pic. One big happy family, or is it ten?

    They had a rash of complaints from the consular officers that they missed somtam and having to actually follow road rules wherever they were.


    One said "It's incredibly difficult living abroad. THANK Buddha for diplomatic immunity on the roads! I have to live like a peasant. No soapies, no karaoke girls, no bugs to snack on, I cannot get in on any scams etc....It's pure hell."

  4. 9 hours ago, thhMan said:

    I spent more time teaching and double checking staff work than doing my own job

    When the time was right, management removed me and put the person I trained (Thai) to take my position

    Never again... 

    Been there, done that also. I was teaching them how to rebuild the engines on some 30 year old Air Farce trucks.


    They had all the torque spec's laid out, laminated, in front of them in Pathum Thani.


    I had to go see the Marines for 2 - 3 days in Sattahip (saltwater in their diesel).


    Got back to BKK & there's a bent piston rod & ruined engine head & a bunch of blank looks.


    Never again.

  5. 2 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

    Like asking in a bar if drinking should be banned.


    Can anyone here admit that they have never visited a gogo bar or paid for sex in Thailand?

    A friend once told me that the free P***y is the most expensive kind. They are also called a wife.


    He is right. I've spent FAR and AWAY more money on my wife than hookers.


    2 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    Many people also have the idea that all prostitution is the same as depicted on American TV shows. Drug addicted hookers standing on street corners, turning tricks in alleys and getting beaten up by their pimps.

    I would not touch a hooker in the USA with a 10 foot pole.


    They ARE all drug addicted crack-heads/meth-heads due to the Puritanical laws.



  6. 5 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    Two years late. And only because you saw the threat of Hitler moving to your neck of the woods. But then we were, and still are grateful for your help. But now is the time to put your toys away. 

    All I have to say is.....


    A little 85 year old lady was pulled over by a deputy.


    She handed him her drivers license & her concealed carry permit.


    Told the officer she had a .380 Ruger in her purse, a .38 revolver in the glovebox, and and a 12 gauge shotgun in the trunk.


    He asked..."What are you scared of Ma'am?"


    Said she wasn't scared of a damned thing.

  7. 2 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    It's well to discourage poor people from gambling, esp. unregulated gambling where it's more likely they're being cheated. I've seen Thais lose so much in fixed games of pok deng they had to borrow money and pawn their household appliances. So in this case the police may be doing these people a favor. Think about whether you'd want your Thai mother-in-law there.

    Totally agree, in that gambling is idiotic.


    I mean, it's a lot of fun when you play with nickels & dimes or Monopoly money.


    Why people want to bet large sums is beyond me?

  8. 23 minutes ago, amvet said:

    The vermin are the folks who keep have hi so dogs instead of adopting street dogs and neutering them thereby reducing the population.  My street dog that I adopted as a pup is clean, fun and as playful as your hi so dogs and I have helped Thailand by taking her off the street and making sure she does not reproduce. 


    I am helping Thailand to control rabies and taking dangerous dogs off the street.  Do your part too.  Adopt a street dog. 

    What? Pray tell is a hi so dog?


    Mine is a Maltese & I got her purely by accident...my Aunt passed on & I took in her idiot mutts. Out of the 3 dogs, (Chihuahua, Pomeranian & Maltese), the Maltese is cool!


    The Chihuahua is scared of his shadow & the Pomeranian just barks & sheds hair. I'd plug that Pomeranian with some lead to the skull if my daughter had never seen her.


    Why don't YOU adopt this lady's 40 some-odd dogs?

  9. 7 hours ago, Nord X said:

    I see that it turns out that this guy did not enter the enclosure trying to get a wild boar as stated in the OP after all. He was infact hanging over from above teasing the bear with food attached to some string and the bear reared up and managed to get hold of him and pull him down in to her enclosure. The guy ended up with over 1000 stitches for his stupidity. I hope the bear gets a better life out of it.

    You just wrote a far more succinct article/post than the original ever will be = What you wrote makes sense.

  10. 2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    lol ...  my sister has one the same ... sam ...  very friendly and a good dog.

    That pic was last March. She's had her annual a haircut now for the summer (in the USA). Stupid mutt refuses to be more than 10 feet away from me.


    She loves me for some reason? Got two other dogs & they will never be as cool as this one (Lolly)


    Nothing at all wrong with loving a mutt.


    It has gotten to the point in Thailand though, where drastic measures need to be taken.


    General P needs to roll out some WW2 tanks throw canister/grape shot rounds at them.....It's LUDICROUS!

  11. 15 minutes ago, amvet said:

    How many had rabies?  The reason I ask is if they did have rabies certainly they should be removed. 

    Never said they had rabies.


    Just 57 dogs starving & most likely had heart worms.


    They get heart worms from mosquitoes. If you keep a dog inside at night, then they probably will not bitten so much (my mutt stays inside at night). She also gets a monthly worm pill.


    Hell, they even cull elephants in Africa for the benefit of humans. Why? We have thumbs and brains I guess.

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