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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. Though this seems to be a place for backpackers, read the reviews here about sewage. Thousands of people read these reviews.


    Have you noticed the number of vintage websites most hotels and restaurants have?

    It kills me when I see the 1995 "Enter Our Website" splash page. clap2.gif

  2. It's very simple. Why you NO UNDERSTAND.

    Q: Government computers are unsecured in Thailand.

    A: Nobody would find the link, that's why they are unsecured.

    Q: There is corruption on the islands.

    A: There is no corruption on the islands, otherwise we would have known about it.

    Q: Thailand has seen a drop of 78% in overall foreign investment in 2015.

    A: It's a temporary effect derived from the new policies of BOI to attract quality companies in 2015.

    Q: Country is unstable since 2014. Could it be because...you know what?

    A: Nonsense, the current administration has saved Thailand from chaos, it's the foreigners that have been gradually destabilizing the country by overstaying.

    It's also those bridge players in Pattaya and the kids drinking cough syrup.

  3. My buddies used to try & book their hotels via email & invariably got the confirmation back (IF they got an answer at all), then invariably got the "Solly Sir Fully Booked" when they tried to check in.

    They'd ask me to go look the lady in eye and make her show me on paper their booking, and get a copy of it, scan it and email it to them.

    One of my favorites is when they bring out the appetizer after you've finished the main course in the restaurants.

  4. I hope this does not not sound too elitist, but being a upper middle class American from West Los Angeles and Hollywood coming to Thailand, the very first thing I noticed was all the super low class tourists.

    It was really a eye opener. Its all good and a big adventure for me every day being a single guy who is bored with the Nanny States of America. I find the total lack of political correctness to be incredibly refreshing.

    But there is NO WAY my MARRIED friends in the USA would find anything in Thailand interesting other to see how the other half lives and to gain a new appreciation for the Caribbean, Aspen, Sun Valley, Malibu, the Florida Keys, the South of France and the Amalfi coast. And you don't really need big money to hang out in these places on vacation.

    And even the five star hotels in Thailand are lacking by USA/EU standards, but of course the hotels are much cheaper.

    And all my rich friends here in Hua Hin from places like Switzerland are old guys partying with their Thai girlfriends for six months and then its back to Zurich to make sure the Ferrari battery is not dead. smile.png

    Yeah I never noticed the number of true LOUTS in Pattaya when I moved there from a year in BKK back in 2002.

    I was always flying in & out a lot, working in BKK and Sattahip and had some down time, that I spent with my wife in our swimming pool.

    I left & took the wife w/ me in 2004 for work, came back in late 2009 with a pocket full of money & decided to be a bum for a while on the darkside of Pattaya.

    It didn't take long before I realized I was living amongst the dregs of society.

    The main reason I liked Pattaya back in the early 2000's was because of Koh Larn, which was pretty much deserted and unspoiled. Nowadays they have 100 overloaded ferries a day plying the waters back and forth.

    Glad I got to experience some of what it used to be like.

    I have a house in Surin. When I get there I'm bored to tears. When I'm away for a while I can't wait to get back.

    I love Thailand, but many changes are happening.

    As for Chinese tourists not going into bars, I stepped away from my chair at Peppermint on Walking Street once for 30 seconds and a wave of Chinese came in, one of which promptly took my seat. Barbarians, and they call farangs Quai Loh (foreign devils).

  5. If I want high end or even medium end with clean beaches, safe drinking water and sane drivers I'll go to Hawaii or Florida. I probably won't even see any litter much less have to smell it or see rats teeming in it.

    Thailand is for the low end traveler or for the sex tourist. Yes Thailand is cheap if compared to true high end places in Western countries, but it isn't cheap for what it is. It surely isn't safe, either.

    The only other attraction which is significant is the change in culture - doing and being somewhere different with different things to see and different food. That part I like.


    Blah blah blah, any opportunity to tell us how bad Thailand is and how great the West is, the rhetoric is stale and way past its sell date.

    He's not saying the West is perfect, but he's spot on with regards to the quality of the beaches here. I'm guessing you've never been to Florida or Hawaii? My friend keeps sending me pics like this from Florida. I'm jealous. Can't even swim in the water here....

    Yep that's Florida. 105 million tourists in 2015 and very little garbage anywhere.

    Florida sees record tourism numbers in 2015
  6. And what action is being taken against the crook who drove the taxi?

    Probably set to receive a commendation from the RTP, and, possibly, a high-ranking position... coffee1.gif

    He probably got a reward from the RTP for 'Being Honest When Caught'.

    He should have been fined 18,000 baht & banned for life from the taxi ranks.

    He most assuredly should not even be allowed to keep even the 600 baht fare.

  7. I have to smile at the righteous indignation so many westerners display here.

    As a Brit who reads US, Western and Russian "propaganda" news I would suggest that corruption is just as rife in our countries as it is here.

    Look at the EU Audit where the auditors refused to sign off more than a 100 billion pounds of spending.

    Thailand is just a fumbling child when it comes to ripping off its citizens.


    The Washington Post never comes out with such hilarious headlines though!

    "Corruption Improves" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  8. Slow Loris are the only toxic primates in the world. They have poison glands near their elbows that secrete into mouth and the bite can be toxic. Very sick or even possibly death to the recipient of the bite.

    The Slow Loris can put it's elbow in its mouth????

    He can also put his elbow in his ear clap2.gifcheesy.gif .

    Good thing the BIB aren't after a Fast Loris...They can't even catch a slow one.


    Slow lorises have a toxic bite, a trait rare among mammals and unique to lorisid primates. The toxin is obtained by licking a gland on their arm, and the secretion is activated by mixing with saliva. Their toxic bite is a deterrent to predators, and the toxin is also applied to the fur during grooming as a form of protection for their infants.


  9. The standard sickening result in Thailand. He should be jailed for

    a very long time for vehicular manslaughter. If he did

    this in the states, he would be in a world of hurt....

    A ban ?? For a country obsessed with face, I wonder if

    the government has any idea how stupid this makes them

    look on the world stage...

    They have no earthly idea/clue, nor do they care at all.

    The whole world revolves around Thailand ya know?

  10. I do not really see why everyone is so negative, this can only be good for the country.

    Let's see....Joining ASEAN/AEC/whatever where English is the official language & pay English teachers 50,000 baht a month?

    Spend BILLIONS on something else?

    Country in chronic drought then flood mode?

    Spend BILLIONS on something else?

    Country in chronic "constitution-writing" mode for 80+ years?

    Spend BILLIONS on something else?


    Sure it would all be great if they could first locate their buttocks with both hands.

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