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Everything posted by jaywalker

  1. Kidnapping someone with a motorcycle. I must try this sometime. Seems feasible.
  2. Thanks. Not doubting you, but made me laugh. I have a friend that always wears long sleeved shirts.... to hide his track marks. Great guy. He got off the sh#t he was shooting up in his veins and is one of my best friends. He passed out in my floor a few times. Joe. Body Bag Joe. Hell, I've done it a few times......just booze. NO DRUGS illicit needles.
  3. AHA! You've been to a Tiffany show too!! Otherwise...you'd have no idea what one was. ???? No worires. the single one I went to was quite fun. The ultra-hot Lao-looking gal I decided to spend a few days with talked me into it. We had a blast that night. Crimony, that was a long time ago. 1999 Now I'm a decrepit old Geezer singing Prince songs in my head.
  4. Never got vaxed, never even even had the sniffles. Probably been the best couple years where I never even got the flu (which happens from time to time). 55 and not in my prime, yet I survived without a mask. ============= I noticed some things 20+ years ago about Thailand. Whenever Western governments do something, Thailand tries to follow suit. Just easy stuff. Shut-downs, buy submarines for the Gulf (that is only 200 feet deep), no smoking in bars (thanks Billary), ============= Edit: Oh yeah, Hookers (I do love hookers :-) Bless their illegal hearts!
  5. Well, not Pattaya, but BKK. Sukh. Soi 10. Jim's Tailor shop. Yes Indian but what does that matter? I've had some seriously quailty suits made there. Brioni and Ralph Lauren quality. I jumped under his awning in a thunderstorm once, and he invited me in. Didn't try to sell me anything, just offered me water. coffee, or beer. I needed a couple business suits a month later, so I went back to Jim's. SUPER quality cashmere wool. EXTREMELY reasonable on the price as well. I think I had to go in for 2 fittings more after my first visit. They fit perfectly. I've been tooting the horn for Jim ever since, when this subject comes up. Those suits would have been $1,000 each (or more) in the USA. I paid 1/10th of that. Many /most Thai-Indians are super cool folks.
  6. I just glanced at the picture & thought they had maybe raided the Tiffany show. ????
  7. ....and this is the first time I've ever hear of a 'computer malfunction' being blamed for a death. unless he chopped the wires off and stuck 220 Volts up where the sun don't shine. ????
  8. I always wondered where all the Therameee Cafe ladies went when the sun came up.
  9. Description of the suspect: "He was wearing a STUPID FRICKING MASK".
  10. Because I'm a Florida-Man. "Hay ya'll watch this!!!" "Just going to the moon is all. No Mushrooms nor Timothy O'Leary required"
  11. Get some sleep says the BUTT-Ugly British gal. "I may want to have sex in the morning." ROFL ???? I recall a Nana gal who took offense to my fifth session that night.
  12. 23 years here. No Change, except for the Chinese tour buses. I recall a Pattaya Mail headline back in '99 that boldly proclaimed "Beach Road Cleared of Elephants and Prostitutes!" ????
  13. Gotta love Saul. What a great actor.
  14. Could be quite usefull for shipping as well. An interesting thought and could be quite useful if not for the Brown Envelope problem.
  15. He was toking a newly legal dooby & passed out. Seems obvious. I got chased out of my girlfriend's 2nd story room once by her father, which is what I figured this was about. No biggie, just par for course at that age. Gotta jump, then JUMP!
  16. Ah yes. gun control laws in full effect. I used to have fun with my potato gun. Made it from PVC pipe and a Coleman lantern stiker. Used hair spray as the explosive.
  17. It was probably a cop to save her a trip to the police station.
  18. Same happened to a friend in BKK back then. He got most of his stuff uf to his 2nd floor but still cost him a million baht. Marines came and got him and transported he and his wife to Nakon Nayok. Floods aint funny. The pathetic part is that every polotician and their brother claim they can fix an un-fixable reality. Hurricanes hit New Orleans, Typhoons hit Manila. Floods happen in Krung Thep. They make an etraorinary mess, and I wish they never happened, BUT, I have been thru 4 Florida Hurricances, 2 Taiwan Typhoons. 1 Phillipines Typhoon, PLUS a major Taiwan earthquake, and a couple tornadoes in Florida (a pine tree fell on me). It's all in the cards folks.
  19. Mayhaps time to get the Lolita crew into action!
  20. Must be a fairly small pond (or some stupid fish) if the fish cannot avoid an elephant foot. No easy answer, except to plant some kind of food they love in their own environments as much as possible, and respect national preserves. We've got bears and deer and turkeys in the USA. Bears get into my garbage on occassion. Deer and turkeys try to eat everything I plant. There's always a solution.
  21. Because it's only knee deep...Ya wuss. When it gets neck deep and you're on you're roof, they'll help. Maybe, usually. Just joking Amigo. Sorry to hear you are having problems. Hope all works out well for you. I'm sure it's not funny on your end.
  22. Sang Thai Party. Sounds like a brand of cheap whisky. Just need lots of soap and the cast of Nana, and they could have a grand old time on the leaky parliament floor, and then rinse off in the floodwaters.
  23. They could use sailboats and have the same effect! Bust out the college rowing teams!!! Think outside the box!!! Green energy cures all!
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