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Everything posted by jaywalker

  1. What? No boats to push the water back up river?
  2. Agreed. The linked article makes no reference to the headline at all. Management needes to lay off the Lao Khao.
  3. Welll. they attempt it everyday with the safety standards, low balconies, open elevator shafts, wearing flip-flops on wet roof(v)es, texting on motorbikes, racing, 4 people on a moto, worthles electrical wiring etc.
  4. They have dog shock collars that give them a little jolt if they wander past a certain perimeter. Just a thought.
  5. Them damned roadside noodles are some of the best groceries on Earth. Right up there w/ sticky rice, som-tam and BBQ yard buzzard. Am in Florida now and willing to risk life and limb (plus 27 hours of airline nonsense) for them, too many times to count. I did it all for noodles! I swear!
  6. Probably wearing flip-flops. Mai Pen Rai attitude claims yet another. RIP Dude...
  7. Wrong. Beauty is in the eye of the BEER-holder. ????
  8. She's 45. Never heard of Pattaya I'm sure. Much like nude beaches in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, this vile practice never happens. I'd give 500 baht to see that cop's reaction. I would have been rolling on the floor...."thanks for making me laugh at 0 0300 hrs today....you little cutie pie".
  9. 22 years ago, in my fovorite Krung Thep internet cafe....1:30 PM or so. relentlessly molested. Her hands all up my shorts. Quite enjoyed it for maybe 2 or 3 days, then it was "CRIMONY! Leave my willie alone for 10 minutes please???" I never went to the cops though.
  10. I totally agree with you my friend. The topic,,,,and Pattaya just made me laugh. Not you. It's a jungle out there.... for all of us. ???? Love ya Bro!
  11. Weeeellll???? Is she "working" or not? To be or not to be. That is the question.
  12. I LOVE it!!! ???? Civilian...you sound like Al Pacino in the Godfather. Cheers Brother ????
  13. Farang accuses random'tandom chick of grabbing him by the willy while walking down the damned road! I could go on for days.
  14. Was she working at the Tahitian Queen? I CONFESS! Guilty as charged, though I DO APPRECIATE all the dancing lessons. Now I can dance.
  15. WOW!, Hate yo hear such. My daughter is 16. just learning to drive. I suppose the crazy's are everywhere though, around the world. Still, sorry to hear about this.
  16. Reminds me of the motorbike driver in Pattaya, that crashed and died while wearing a condom some years back. ????????????
  17. The clown had a full body tatoo. Tells me his future was fairly bleak to begin with.
  18. Yes. Oh yeah, cars drive drunk and forks make people fat.
  19. Yes, and risk getting a ticket for "Stopping too suddenly". Some clown with no insurance T-boned my wife's truck once, speeding, wrong side of the road, no license, no insurance. Cop told her she must pay 10,000 baht. His reasoning? "You have farang name. All farangs have big money".
  20. I took my buddy to Koh Chang 20+ years ago, from Pattaya (he was visiting from the US with his half Thai wife). Not a matter of "IF" it was a matter of "WHEN" I would get pulled over by some suicidal BIB walking out in front of my truck. Sure enough, an hour into it, I get pulled over. To this day I have no idea what my offense was. I asked my wife and she said, "Just, give him some money!". ???? 200 baht and I was off again.
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