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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. Sounds more like "listen to Srettha", than "talk with" him.
  2. Because you don't have one. Or if you do, you're plus-poor at making it.
  3. The fastest swimmer chose where they were going to be born? How did they manage that?
  4. Again. People taking "pride" in winning the birth-place lottery. There's nothing to be proud of. It didn't involve making a smart decision, it wasn't the result of hard work and dedication. We just pop out of whoever made us, wherever that person happens to be at the time.
  5. Sorry. I misinterpreted the question "why?" in the post to which I responded. I thought you genuinely wanted people's opinions on the reason that the restriction is in place. Pretty daft of me 🤷🏻‍♂️.
  6. I didn't make the law. I'm also not necessarily a fan of it. I'm suggesting a potential justification for it's existence, which is what you questioned. If you don't believe this is the official justification, then provide your own theory. If you believe the theory is correct, but the law is still unjust, I am really not the person you need to be convincing. If you were just looking for an excuse to tell us all how you don't care about the law, then that's been duly noted. Next.
  7. I am English but, just like most of the population, I had nothing to do with either the positive or negative things other people from my country did. I've never understood the human race's obsession with taking credit for what their ancestors achieved.
  8. Are you just trying to argue for the sake of it? Can you really not see how a narrow enclosed tunnel is more dangerous to be trapped in than an open road?
  9. If you break down in a car you have a great big box around you to protect you from any impacts. You seem certain that there will be another car "behind" you soon. I'd suggest there's a significant chance that the other car would be on top of the broken down bike, rather than behind it.
  10. Only for the xenophobic amongst us.
  11. If this visa is as good as it suggests to some of us, then I imagine both visa agents and schools are worried. Perhaps that's why such an ambiguous announcement was made? Perhaps there's now a "negotiation period" between interested parties in order to add in some additional restrictions and make sure that whoever made the proposal can afford a nice new car this summer.
  12. I don't think it's a speed issue. My guess is that it's to do with breakdowns. Just imagine your bike engine cutting out in the middle of one of those narrow tunnels. It's a long way to push the bike to the exit with all those cars and lorries bombing down the tunnel at full speed. I'm not saying I agree with the restriction, I'm just trying to think of a reason why it may be in place.
  13. I'm confused. Why should any Thai businesses owner be concerned about anybody's connections in Nigeria? What were these business owners frightened of?
  14. Where does it say that you need to hold any money in a Thai bank account? All I saw in the announcement was that you need to be able to be able to prove that you have 500,000bt. No mention of where that 500k needs to be.
  15. To be fair there did used to be limited multi-entry (double and triple) tourist visas available. But they were replaced by the METV. Currently, as far as I'm aware, there are no multi entry visas available with restrictions on the number of entries. Of course, nothing is impossible in this country. But usually Immigration manage to find new and surprising ways to make a visa less useful than originally hoped - the METV, for example ended up having the restriction that you can only apply for it in your home country. I'd be highly disappointed if Immigration just pull out an existing restriction (entry count) to make this visa less useful, rather than coming up with a brand new kind of stupid.
  16. It doesn't specificy any restrictions, either. Yes, you pay more for a multi enty non-O. Just as you pay more for multiple entry categories on any visa. This visa, for example, costs 10,000bt. Re-entry permits are a complely different thing and not relevant when discussing the amount of entries available on a visa while still valid.
  17. You'd also need to either, * Know the person's pin code/unlock pattern * Look identical to the person * Cut their finger off and take it with you , depending on which security system the victim has on their phone. So, yea, still seems more secure than cash.
  18. I don't understand what argument you're trying to make. You appear to understand that the new visa is to enable remote work; as per the announcement. So where do you believe the "gray area" is?
  19. The documentation is very clear that it is aimed at people who work remotely. There's no "gray zone". Don't do business in Thailand/with Thai companies and you'll be fine.
  20. But 180 + 180 is 360. This means you would only need to spend 5 days out of Thailand per year. I think most people would be fine with that. (edit... 6 days on a leap year)
  21. And I have already pointed out the flaws in your interpretation. There was nothing clear about it at all.
  22. It says you can extend your stay once for 180 days. Your stay usually starts when you enter the country. Please feel free to point out anywhere where it "clearly states" that you can only stay for 180 days within a year. If you can't do that, then let's just wait and see, rather than waste any more time of the good readers of this thread by arguing over interpretations.
  23. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make but if you're pointing out that it says you can extend your stay once, I'd again be inclined to assume that means once per entry. Anyway, let's wait and see...
  24. It's a multiple entry visa. What do you propose would happen on the second entry? What is the purpose of a 30 day extension to a tourist entry if you can simply re-enter and get a further 30 (or 60 now) days? Okay. But then you're interpretation is contrary to every other multiple entry visa in existence in Thailand. And what happens when the permission to stay has expired, and the (multiple entry) visa itself still has 4.5 years of validity? You could be right. Nothing is beyond the realms of believability when it comes to visa legislation here.... But I highly doubt it.
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