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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. What service are you using to watch the football?
  2. I don't think it's my reading comprehension which is the issue here..
  3. So let him get on with it. It sounds like he doesn't really want any help so why should you go out of your way to assist him further?
  4. Okay I need to be fair to Chope. He did call for a general election. Credit where credit's due, although his motives for doing so are somewhat questionable.
  5. I have read the story. Maybe you're confused about the Taxi driver being called "Guy"? There are only two people involved here; the taxi driver (Guy) and Patcharee, the lady who left the money in his car.
  6. You've had other advice and seem to have ignored it. I have to say I'm with @Lorry here, every toothbrush I've bought has been much harder than expected. I buy my brushes at 7/11 and on the first attempt I made the mistake of buying a "soft" toothbrush which was extremely firm. Turns out that super soft is the way to go for a genuinely soft toothbrush. They also have "medium" available in some 7/11 stores which seems to be the top of the scale these days. I'm assuming "medium" toothbrushes are what used to be sold as "hard". I bought one once while having a senior moment and it felt like the bristles had been stuck together with glue.
  7. Agreed, Mr Conservative. Will you please propose a general election, then? Thought not...
  8. If you check the url in his pic then you can see the name of the resort he's talking about. I don't know why he feels the need to be so cryptic; maybe he's just bored?
  9. I did read the thread and I didn't see any responses suggesting what I suggested. I did see other posts which talked about using 3rd party tools which may be more than the OP needs. If I did miss a post with the same content then I apologize for any offence I have clearly caused.
  10. Right click on the drive icon, select properties from the pop-up menu, go to the "tools" tab and select "disk cleanup". This will provide you some safe options for recovering space.
  11. It seems common in Thai reporting to incorrectly say "including" then list every item. They really should use a phrase such as "consisting of" instead. I don't see how you managed to jump to the conclusion that just because the "including" list was full, there must have also been 5 other cars, though.
  12. Quieter roads, in my opinion can be more dangerous. On the highway you're surrounded by traffic so you have no choice but to be alert the whole time. A quiet road can lul you into a false sense of security; you can be crusing along, enjoying the scenery and only half concentrating on the road then all of a sudden a car pulls out from a drive you didn't see, or a dog, chicken or child run out of seemingly nowhere and that's the end of your trip to paradise. If you don't have much experience I'd suggest maybe starting along a beach strip in a relatively un-busy period then once you're feeling confident make a trip into town, get yourself into a bit of traffic, and then eventually hit a highway. Make sure you have experience in all kinds of scenarios before embarking on a big road trip. While in the UK you could see about taking your CBT. It might be expensive and take a couple of days of your time, but it could also save your life in the long term. You are overpaying your bribes by a massive factor.
  13. It depends on how you define "best". It would need to be an extremely loose interpretation of the word, at best.
  14. He won't have the support of the ERG, or any of the Boris Brigade, so it'll be difficult for him to get enough support. Especially as Graham Brady has confirmed that they expect to put the vote to the membership. He's definitely the best of a bad (an awful) bunch, but it'll be difficult for him.
  15. Brand new reports on LBC that Boris is trying to return as leader, that's what! ????????‍♂️
  16. Congratulations on your legacy, Liz. You were the shortest serving PM in British history and you manage to cause unprecedented damage to your party and country in those 6 short weeks.
  17. Congratulations. Your post appears to have a higher approval rating than Liz Truss.
  18. It sounds like you don't know how democracy works.
  19. Why waste your time doubting when you could spend your time educating yourself instead? There's plenty of officially provided figures that prove the damage Brexit has done and continues to do to the economy. There is now additional time-consuming, and hence expensive, paperwork required to export to the EU. This makes our products more expensive and delivery less reliable. This is why exports are down (hint: that "makes a difference to today's mess"). Even the Tories hand-picked poster-child for "how to prepare for Brexit" are now unable to sell their goods in the EU.
  20. Which party called the vote? Which party then insisted on taking pretty much the hardest option on the table? Who then went on talk about the importance of growth despite backing a policy which actively demotes growth? How do you possibly think any of your arguments are absolving the Tories or responsibility? Firstly, I doubt it. Secondly I've just listed the things that the Tories specifically did to worsen the problem and you've ignored them and gone on about it being a global problem. I'll try to make it simple to help.... If a car runs me over at high speed, you can argue that the driver is at fault. If I then, rather than calling an ambulance, decide to pour salt into my open wound, then the additional damage is 100% on me and my stupid decisions.
  21. If you say it enough times then maybe it will become true. But for now you haven't said it enough times so it remains completely inaccurate. No other government in the world has taken themselves out of the largest free trade block in the world, and then gone on to crash their own currency with a completely unfunded budget of tax cuts, threatening the entire pension industry. None. All countries are struggling, nobody denies that. But most are trying to combat the issues, rather than introducing some brand new (and completely unnecessary) problems on top.
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