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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. I consider myself quite heavily left-wing, and I agree with Mr Freeman. I'm not familiar with Mr Murray or his comments on pride month, but I am opposed to pride as a general concept; taking pride in your nationality, skin colour* or sexuality* (ie the way you were born...) is quite ridiculous. *if you have faced persecution and overcome it as a result of your skin colour or sexuality then you may have cause to be proud. You may also have cause to be proud simply for having the courage to come out as being gay, but those are personal achievements and don't warrant a festival.
  2. So have you now accepted that, this wobble aside, Labour aren't in fact going to do enough self-harm to lose the election to the Tories?
  3. Nice. I was going to go more meta with my QR code, but I like Thailand too!
  4. Please explain further how a QR code details what you buy? Where you buy.... Well the bank knows know who's account you sent money to and when, but the same is true of debit and credit card transactions.
  5. True, if you don't trust the source. Of course, the same thing applies when clicking a link in an email. It's not the technology that's the issue...
  6. Okay can we request for the thread to be closed now, then?
  7. You want women to band together in order to remove one of the few legal advantages they currently hold? Good luck with that.
  8. Websites are designed to support browsers, not operating systems.
  9. Because you quoted that line and that line alone, as opposed to focusing on the actual content of the post.
  10. Probably not a serious thread but just in case anybody who does open this thread for serious debate, I used to have horrific sleeping problems and dreams/night terrorrs. I used to drink a lot of coke zero and sice I stopped, the frequency of such activity has reduced from several times a night/week, to once or twice a month or even less sometimes. My best guess is that it's the caffine that was aggravating the issue*, so if you drink a lot of coffee or soda, particularly after mid day, try cutting that down. *Yes it could be a reaction to another ingredient, which is why I used the word "guess".
  11. No I'm clearly very stupid. So please, being the technical expert that you are, could you explain using a QR code for payments using your banking app is a privicy risk.
  12. Is that definitely your slip and not somebody else's that was left in the machine? Because, as @ChaiyaTH says, the slip in the photograph appears to show a withdrawl of 400bt with no fee.
  13. With luck? What exactly would be "lucky" about such an impressive looking visa going the same way as the 300bt tourist entry fee?
  14. The more I think about this visa, the more I'm sure it's never going to happen, anyway. Like you say, the total of 180+180 over a 5 year period would make it worthless. If it is indeed supposed to be a multiple entry visa, then even if you had to pay the 10,000bt on each entry and extension, then it still sounds too good to be true. I personally think that somebody in Immigration feels that they aren't being "appreciated" enough by somebody in the education ministry and this announcement is some kind of encouragement technique.
  15. As others have previously pointed out, yes. Every type of multi entry visa allows this presently. Therefore it would be significantly more difficult to implement an alternative arrangement specifically for this visa. I'm not saying that they wouldn't do that. But it seems like a lot of effort.
  16. As @DrJack54 said, just go with both passports. When I did this at Suvarnabhumi a few years ago, I was taken away from the immigration counter and taken to a little room where the officers did a bit of admin, so factor in a little additional time for that especially if you're the type of person who usually cuts things fine time wise.
  17. Final entry. And again, that's an arbitrary restriction made up by either yourself or whoever you read it from. And again, that would mean that this visa would work completely differently to any other visa. Possible... But it's an extremely unlikely situation.
  18. If you're the kind of person who lets your wife have control over the remote then I'd say divorce is an eventual inevitably. You won't be the one calling for it, though.
  19. Odd. I see Thais order it all the time. I don't like it myself.
  20. There are plenty of Thai dishes that come non spicy as standard. Fried x in yellow chilli paste, fried noodles in soy sauce, fried x with cashew nuts, fried ginger, most of the noodle soups, chicken duck or pork rice.... I do agree, however, that choosing a dish that is supposed to be spicy and then asking for it to be prepared less spicy is, as you say, a waste of time. Those dishes simply taste awful when doctored in such a manner.
  21. Are you trying to change the key on an existing installation of Windows? Or are you doing a brand new install? Some of these keys can be used in either way, but some can only be used for brand new installs. If the key can only be entered during installation, and your computer already has a different windows license embedded in the hardware, then you may need to make a custom install media which bypasses your computer's built in key and allows you to enter the new one instead.
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