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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. I imagine this visa will be very popular amongst the unmarried under 50s. I wonder the price of the agent-assisted fee for those without the financial proof. Or, maybe like with the METV they will allow you to self-declare. I wonder if they'll be any silly restrictions on having to apply in your country of residence. That would be pretty dumb for a visa designed to entice digital nomads, but TIT, right?
  2. I think you've misunderstood. It's a multi-entry visa. This means that you get 180 days each time you enter the country whilst the visa remains valid.
  3. If you ask to be seated, then I highly doubt you're going to have a problem with being asked to move regardless of how many of you there are...
  4. This happens to me quite often when I go into a relatively quiet (or, more often than not, empty) restaurant alone and take a table for four. When they ask me to move, I ask why. If they say that the big table is for large groups only then I point out that the restaurant is currently not busy, and I offer to move should customers start to arrive. That's usually accepted by the staff. But if they still insist on me moving then I comply by moving all the way to a different restaurant.
  5. It has massive black borders top and bottom.
  6. Both those who are married and those who are retired can stay here indefinitely on visa extensions. I think you married folk do pretty freaking well when it comes to visas. Yet all you can do is moan that other people may also finally get some of the same privileges that you've been enjoying for years*? Self, self, self, self, self... * That's assuming that these new options even provide anything like as cushy arrangement as you have now, which I highly doubt.
  7. No it's not either of those, as far as I understand. When you open a bank account you give them your mobile phone number. This mobile phone number must be registered to the same person who's name is on the bank account. That, and only that. After which you can travel wherever you want and use any wifi you like.
  8. No it doesn't have any features for manipulating images. Maybe if you created a Windows 11 install with rufus, then created an iso image from the media you created with rufus then that might work. I haven't tried it, though. Also, my suggestion was multiple OS on two drives. Don't end up like me and find out that your recovery media is f*ed along with your computer 😭
  9. On two lf them I would suggest you install Ventoy and a few of your favourite recovery ISOs/OS Live images so that you will always be able to at least boot your system no matter how hard the installed OS fails.
  10. Those with money may do as they please. Those without must be whipped into line. Niiiiice.
  11. Aren't you from Sweden? If so, then according to this post, you're just as "same same" as your favourite nationality... https://www.lonelyplanet.com/articles/countries-that-issue-multiple-passports
  12. We're allowed to ask mods to post on our behalf??
  13. It would certainly be nice to think the season could be more competitive but I think this victory was down to a combination of: 1 - good upgrades for McLaren 2 - a track that played to McLaren's strengths (and masked it's weaknesses) 3 - Red Bull not quite dialling their car in. I'd imagine it's possible that we'll see a couple more races where this perfect storm creates some competition again, but I doubt we'll see him regularly competing with the Bulls. I'd me be more than happy to be proved wrong, though!
  14. The OP was very clear about two points: 1 - It is *illegal* businesses that they are targeting. (so to answer your first question, yes that would be fine so long as you are very clear on the 'blabla') 2 - That it is *all* foreigners that are being targeted, no mention was made specifically about the people in question being farang, and no reference was made to hygiene habits. (So to answer your second question, farang are allowed to make money, even if they don't wash)
  15. You make some good points. But try to avoid getting offended by what some people say.... You do yourself no favours wasting your time getting upset by other people's ignorance. The whole "I didn't try to change their mind" point in the OP is, honestly, ridiculous. If I correct a factual inaccuracy, I am almost certain not to be successful in educating the person who made it - and it is not my aim, anyway. I would however like the correct information to be available to anybody else who might be reading. The same is true with opinions.... If somebody offers up an opinion that I disagree with, I'll offer mine, and I'll point out any flaws I find with said person's opinion. Again, not to change the mind of the person who made the point in the first place; their mind is almost certainly made up. However, any readers who are undecided surely have the right to see both/all sides of a debate. The problem is when these disagreements descend into pages and pages of people going around in circles making the same argument over and over again. I do try my best to bow out before it gets to that stage, but I guess we're all only human....
  16. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that "the majority is usually walking on the right side..."? Or are you just using this as a euphemism for "me and my mates"? The only logical way I could make a "rule" out of this, in absence of anything officially written down, is that you should be mimiking the way we drive on the road; which is the left-hand side. Personally, I tend to walk on whatever side suits me, or even straight down the middle sometimes. The variables that help me 'decide' (it's quite instinctive, really) include shade levels, oncoming foot-traffic and, of course, where I'm actually heading.
  17. If only there was some kind of network of shops that dispense medicines which could have taken on the task of distribution, as opposed to having all these separate weed shops pop up....
  18. I saw a post I didn't agree with and I didn't comment There's a difference between not agreeing and somebody just posting misinformation. Most of the times I see people called out (aside from where there are specific personal gripes between individual members) it is because somebody has posted information that is factually incorrect. As ASEAN now doesn't have any in-built fact checking, users are of course going to want to prevent such false information being spread. I still like the person Still like who? This is a web forum. I don't think most of us are forging deep personal bonds on here. Perhaps 'I still respect the person' would be better? I didn't comment and I just kept scrolling on... have the new owners approved this policy?? More should practice this A bit preechy.
  19. Indeed. Quite why a study is needed to understand the fact that escapisms are used the most by the people with the <deleted>test lives, and the least prospect of any kind of future, is beyond me...
  20. They'll blame who they're told to blame. They blamed the EU when the government told them to, now they'll blame the ECHR. Never mind the fact that the way asylum seekers are handled is mandated under our UN obligations... That's not how scapegoating works. I wouldn't worry too much; by the time the election in finally called, the government's supporters will be nothing other than a statistical insignificance, anyway.
  21. No... We were specifically discussed the bus. However, just for you... The only traffic you will encounter on the journey in a taxi would be: 1 - from your door to the highway 2 - from the highway to your destination If you get the train, it's pretty much the same: 1 - From your door to the train station 2 - From the airport to your destination If you just prefer the bus or train, that's fine. We all have preferences. But there is no way that you're avoiding traffic by using either method.
  22. There's no mention of farangs in the artical as far as I scanned it. I'd imagine the foreigners that are being identified are from neighbouring countries with large weed production networks. (edit... Highlighted the difference in two words which some members are apparently having difficulty differentiating even when pointed out to them)
  23. Step 1 - Arrest a few foreigners, call it a crackdown, and get some big media attention. Step 2 - Announce an investigation into the results of the crackdown showing that everything is now fine and there is no illegal cannabis in Thailand now. Step 3 - Announce that, as the foreign threat has been subdued, there's now no reason to alter the existing bill.
  24. Have you searched the model number on Lazada? If you check the filters and set location to "Local" (which means within Thailand), then any taxes will already have been paid or avoided on your behalf by the importer. There are quite a few Thailand bases sellers on Lazada even for obscure ChinaConsoles.
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