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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 8 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

    One of the first cliche investment rules was "never put all your eggs in one basket". Was so surprised that a company would try to buy the whole of soi 6

    They have diversified in a number of ways. Bars on Soi Chiapoom, Soi Bongkot and even a restaurant on 3rd Rd. at one time. Problem is most of those diversifications failed miserably.


    Oh, and lets not forget the online forum they own (although they deny it). Another failing business.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Kaopad999 said:

    Correct. Sadly, there are many people here with a similar mentality as the American. 
    I often wonder why these people even stay in Thailand? ... Complain every day about Thai laws and blaming everything on Thai people, but still choose to stay here..
    Honesty, it's embarrassing especially when you know that Thai people come to this forum and read all of this stuff. What must they think ? 

    Hopefully they think, "What a crazy stupid government we've got, making all these crazy insane laws just to protect themselves. I won't be voting for them again." The defamation law was originally created to stop Thais criticizing the Thai government on line.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, madmen said:

    A lot of the hardcore bashers here are OS however they do Sucker in posters who clearly live here. These fools join the party with scathing attacks on government thinking they are not traceable. 


    Penalty will be jail and then blacklist forever. I wonder how the warriors that laid down roots here will handle that? 

    Thats why I always use a pseudonym and a VPN to post reviews on TripAdvisor or TVF.

    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, EricTh said:

    It seems that this event happened in July 2020 which means he's on amnesty if he's not on other visas.


    I just went to Tripadvisor and looked at recent comments, it's all negative, did he have a few friends who created multiple accounts just to bad-mouthed that resort?



    I saw one bad review (probably the subject of the OP) and many excellent reviews. I wouldn't have considered not booking this resort on the strength of one bad review.


    I stayed in a resort in Koh Chang a couple of years ago. Same as Faulty Towers. I gave it a bad, but honest, review on Tripadvisor and Agoda, from whence I'd booked the resort. My friend, who was with me but had booked separately, left similar reviews. Didn't get a knock on the door.


    As others have said, the resort owner has made things much worse. Instead of letting one bad review die a death, he's made the bad review front page news. Knowing that I may be prosecuted for leaving a bad review of this resort, I would avoid it like the plague.

    • Like 2
  5. 11 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    That may well be true, it may be false.

    The family may well have been dysfunctional and she got out by heading south, found her farang and is living well. 

    He's desperate with his own situation, possibly of his own making, but she is his only family connection.

    If she still doesn't want him around then fine, buy the old guy some clean clothes, a good meal & a bus ticket back home.


    Its the most likely truth. I speak from personal experience and the experience of the majority of bar girls. Fathers/husbands who use and abuse them then move on to a younger model, leaving their family to fend for themselves. My in laws get not one penny of my money, no meals, no clothes, no bus tickets. I don't even give them the steam off my s**t. Its called karma.

    • Sad 1
  6. 22 minutes ago, wilai said:

    Posts deleted due to name calling. Try to keep things friendly boys. And a message to new posters. We allow more banter on these threads than other forums so please don't take one liners so personally as to cause arguments or ill feeling or we will have to moderate more stringently....Thanks.

    Calling me a "turdcutter" is personal abuse. I suppose its OK for a non Man U supporter to do this on the Man U thread, but not OK for me to defend myself. OK. I get the rules.


    Sorry, I don't like those rules, unfollowing this thread, as have most Manchester United supporters.

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