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Posts posted by polpott

  1. Just now, rott said:

    No argument with much of what you say, except for the last bit. 

    When I lived in the Nakhon it was normal for people (er not me of course), to take their bottle of Blend or Regency in and instantly be given glasses and a bucket of ice. 

    I know restaurants in pattaya that do the same. No corkage but you pay for ice and mixers. Normal practice in Thai establishments.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    The case is yet to go to court so it's not yet determined wether the reviews were false and fake or if he was lying and cheating to get revenge so maybe we should wait until then to see if he should be strung up.

    Those issues will be of no concern to the court. True or false doesn't come into it. Said/not said is all that matters and on those grounds he's banged to rights I'm sad to say.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Police also have to abide by the law.  (yes, I know the BiB are a law unto themselves) 


    The way around it would be for the father to report the daughter as a missing person, then I agree the police should investigate, legally, but you can't have people go to a police station to find out where their friends and family are now living because they lost touch with them.  Such information could also be used for nefarious purposes.  


    All at a price. Not available to a drunk laid in a shop doorway in Pattaya.

  4. 12 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    Thanks for posting... Don't give up just yet.


    As you've seen this thread is alive and kicking... It's overflowing with bitter middle aged men who were tormented by United for 25 years. Their team was losing at football, they were losing at life, and throughout that time United were there to remind them what a winner looks like.


    Now they are a bit older, they have probably achieved at least something (reproducing), and United have hit a tricky patch. Of course they can't wait to come on here and deride us. That's the small man (or willy) mentality.


    It's funny, I can't remember caring in the least about Liverpool or City in the 90s, can you? 


    You are welcome to post any time pal. 

    I watched a BBC program the other night "Liverpool, The 30 Year Wait" Left me thinking "Well done guys, you deserved the title". Why? Because more than being a United fan, I'm a football fan, something the majority of merchant bankers on this thread could never understand. Just a bunch of tribal knuckle draggers. And to answer one poster, I've never even visited another club's thread, let alone posted on it.


    Just look at some of the posts since I made mine, mentality of a 10 year old. Way below my level. I'm out.



  5. 21 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    I forgot some essentials too: the place does not offer Full English Breakfast, fish & chips or bangers & mash nor 39 baht Leo. Just so CCs know. 

    Apparently did an excellent breakfast when first opened but reduced hours since Covid have meant breakfast has been cut.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Ventenio said:

    This is why it's great to be a business in Thailand!!!!!!  These farangs come here, give me 100,000,000 billion baht and then IF they complain I will sue them for 100 zillion baht and throw them in jail.


    These farangs love not having rights.  The farangs love being controlled.  The farangs enjoy not being able to do or say anything.   And these farangs keep coming.......wow, really not very clever these people.   soon farangs will be jailed if not tip and leave me best review ever.   

    I live in Thailand and realize I don't have rights and it's futile to complain about service. If I ever have problems with a hotel I just urinate on the curtains before I leave.

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    • Haha 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Myran said:

    Meh, I'm on the hotel's side on this one. You don't bring outside beverages to a restaurant without expressively asking for it beforehand, and if they deny you, you accept it without arguing. I doubt he would've been taken to court if he had posted a 1-star review with his actual experience rather than acting like a drama queen..

    I doubt he would have been taken to court in any other country in the world, especially not by the police. Beggars belief.

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