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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 1 hour ago, Speedo1968 said:

    I drink water ( some times with black or pink salt ) and try and meet the 2 - 3 litre every day.
    I don't drink any soft drinks or alcohol and drink only one real coffee a week.
    Having worked / lived in many hot countries one learns the importance of water

    My GP recommended that I drink 2l per day. 3l in the tropics. Also to take electolyte replacements (salt tablets). My son always drinks a pint of water before bed if he's been on the lash. Never has hangovers. As others have said, urine needs to be clear/pale amber. If much darker you  need to drink more.

  2. 1 hour ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    Need a trickle down system here--sharing is caring! ????

    If you were a mate of mine I would be happy to, I have more than 100 doses in reserve. However, I had to visit an ED clinic where I was trained in the use of them before I could be proscribed them. On my first visit I was given the injection by a trained nurse and left in a room alone with my wife. 20 minutes later the nurse returned but nothing had happened. Left to go to an unrelated appointment at another hospital. During the journey on a rickety old bus, it suddenly happened. Very embarrassing sat in front of a female consultant with a massive erection!


    At the end of the day I wouldn't advise anyone to use them unless they knew exactly what they were doing.



    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Victornoir said:

    Petty contract shenanigans, rogue clauses and nationalist pressure on a laboratory are not worthy of a big country. And there will be a fair backlash who starts now with AZ blocking

    Petty contract shenanigans by the EU to disguise their failure to negotiate a timely and watertight contract. No rogue clauses except the after the event rouge clause inserted by the EU to prevent the UK from receiving their contracted doses. No pressure on manufacturers from UK other than trying to insist that their fairly negotiated contract is adhered to. A completely unfair backlash from the EU which the UK is dealing with by bringing on board Moderna.

    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    You have a vivid imagination, or another theory, they were just rubbish and eventually ran out of money as expected like so many businesses

    OK. Examine the strange case of the Baku Group, now owners of the Avenue and other ventures around Pattaya. Indian owned but silent partners.


    Why Baku? Capital of Azerbaijan and known as the money laundering capital of the world with the main players being Indian. Indian business, by nature, means that large percentages of their cash needs to be laundered.

  5. 1 minute ago, redwood1 said:


    Lose money day after day is kids stuff...........


    The big league is the Indian restaurants........No doubt losing money year after year after year.........Which just encouraged the opening of more  Indian restaurants, because they did not want to miss out on the opportunity to lose money too........

    There's money to be made in washing Rupees.

    • Haha 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    You no mirrors in your home????????????????????????????

    Had a sense of humour failure? Never met a Prestonian with a sense of humour. Going back to UK shortly for birth of my first grandchild. Daughter and son in law both working at RPH currently so I'll probably call into the Market Tavern for a beer huddled up next to the fire. I'll have one for you both.

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    • Haha 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Dene16 said:

    When children started school recently there was an immediate increase in cases. Children have not been vaccinated and have probably been the most prevalent of carriers and most likely to infect others spreading the virus to parents and thus further to others

    Opening up schools and universities is indeed the biggest worry. Hopefully children's vaccinations will be approved soon.


    Personally. after all the over 50s have had their second dose, I would work from the youngest upwards. The younger generation do seem to produce the most superspreaders, probably because they are the least likely to follow Covid rules.



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  8. 2 hours ago, DerbyDan said:

    that would suck if you ended up needing to get a second dose


    1 hour ago, Puccini said:

    What I remember from the reported babbling of various Thai ministers and other officials is a document evidencing the second of the two vaccins I'ation shots having been administered not earlier than three months and not later than two weeks before arrival in Thailand, but let's wait for the publication in the Government Gazette to have the final word on it.

    As I'll probably be getting the AZ vaccine, that's 2 doses 3 months apart. One when I first arrive in the UK at which time I'll be given an appointment for my second dose. I will return to Thailand shortly after my second dose.

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