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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. I agree, his outburst was completely unacceptable. What is also unacceptable is this part of the article.

    "Chiangrai Sintanee Company has terminated its employment of Wissawapol (surname withheld) from May 4 onward in response to his inappropriate verbal expression."

    How can writing on Facebook possibly be considered a verbal expression. Verbal expressions are spoken, hence the use of the word verbal.

    Aren't there any editors in Thailand?

  2. The first paragraph says it all. Reputation, reputation, reputation. It's all you ever hear.

    Not once have I seen a press report from the UK that worries about the country's reputation in the eyes of foreign tourists.

    Reputation in other matters, yes, but tourism, never.

    When will Thais (sorry about the generalisation) do things simply because it's the right thing to do rather than to bolster the country's reputation.

    • Like 1
  3. "Police and the governor of Pathumthani arrived to inspect."

    whistling.gif yeah, like that is normal for the Governor to follow BIB around on patrol.... cheesy.gif

    I smell a big fat......... set-up.....

    As always TIT and there is a lot more to this story....wai2.gif But we will never know....

    Quite right. According to the article the Governor arrived before the police even opened the truck.

    The Governor must have a psychic working for him. Told him there was a big photo opportunity coming up.

    • Like 1
  4. I was eating in a restaurant once upon a time, when a guy comes in and replaces the filter in the big water machine just outside, people used to fill up jugs for home use.

    It was completely covered with black, green, and red mold.

    I asked him how many liters between changes.

    He says, every six months.

    Brilliant announcing the testing. Gives everybody a heads up to change their filters. Even if it hasn't been 6 months.

    Maybe someone's replied already but here goes.

    Those water filters are supposed to be covered in green stuff. I think it's algae; it's one of the several filters the water goes though to make it clean. Most of the older houses in Bangkok have them.

  5. Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

    It doesn't sound like an American name?

    Interesting. What does an American name sound like? Pachino? Weinstein? O'Donnell? Obama? How about first names. Are Barak, Woody, Cassius and Luigi American names?

    It probably has one of the most diverse mixes of cultures of any country in the world.

    As I'm sure you know, almost all converts to Islam adopt an Arabic name. There are many converts in the US. At some point in the future all those Arabic names will become American names.

    His name sounds like a completely American name. An African American islamic convert from New York.

    • Like 1
  6. "To prevent such tragedy, doctors suggested that children be taught how to swim and save their own lives in a water accident since children, who had learnt to swim with instructors, had a tendency to survive drowning better than those who could not swim by 20 times."

    The nature of drowning is that no one survives it. You either drown or don't. That is of course unless someone resuscitates you, after drowning. In that case, you have survived drowning, but not due to an ability to swim.

    What baffles me is that children are not taught at school. Some will argue that schools don't have swimming pools; neither did the primary school I went to in London in the '60s yet we went to the local swimming baths every week. Learning to swim was a fundamental part of the school curriculum.

  7. Already then. No food vendEr.w00t.gif

    the second side says






    Brilliant multi lingual skills in play here. I wonder how badly they stuffed up the other languages.

    It's a bit silly to criticise someone for a spelling mistake whilst making one in you own post.

    the second "sign" (not side) says

    If side was you intended word then it's still incorrect as it doesn't make sense in the context of the OP.

  8. He could have just as easily killed them in any number of ways.

    The gun made it more convenient...but was not the reasoning. Sounds like he made up his mind.

    Perhaps, but the other people would have had a better chance of getting away if he tried to use other means. Much harder to dodge a bullet. There's a reason why people usually use guns, not knives, in those school shootings we too often read about.

    You're right, there's a reason people ALWAYS use guns, not knives, in those school shootings we too often read about.

    The reason is quite easy to work out. They're called shootings, not knifings, because guns rather than knives are used.

  9. When I lived in Thailand I worked for a Thai Chinese man. He was married to a Malaysian Chinese woman. Our biggest client was a Singaporean Chinese man who was married to an Indonesian Chinese woman. Their daughter lived in the States and was married to an American Chinese man and their son lived in Canada and was married to a Canadian Hong Kong Chinese woman.

    The Chinese are not stupid. :-)

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