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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. Now we will have even more of the world speaking 'American' English, when word constantly tells them they are making spelling errors when they are not.

    British English is soooo yesterday. American English is the language of world trade, of the internet, and all of the most popular websites are American. British English is used on some tiny fog shrouded island somewhere off the coast of Europe by a tiny number of people who the world has passed by.

    Wake up! Shakespeare died already. tongue.png


    Don't forget Canada. We too spell words correctly. The americans get some of them wrong.

    Not to mention that Americans can't pronounce aluminium.

    Alooinum tongue.png

    The reason they pronounce it differently is because they spell it differently. Aluminum. They omit the second i, therefore their pronunciation is correct.

    • Like 1
  2. Easy. Educate mothers that when little Somchai gets a cold it can't be cured by antibiotics. Then tell the doctors not bow to pressure when mere Somchai demands them for her little emperor.

    Educate mothers? Good luck with that one. They can't educate children properly; how will they educate mothers?

    I think the biggest problem is pharmacists giving prescription medicines without a prescription. Is there anything you can't buy over the counter here?

    • Like 1
  3. They are going to release tigers without claws back into the wilderness? Is that normal procedure?

    My thoughts exactly. Adolescent tigers are taught how to hunt by their mother. How are they going to survive in the wilderness?

    Maybe it's a very large enclosure that just gives the impression of being wilderness and they will continue to be fed by humans. smile.png

    Edit: removing the word 'be' before 'continue'.

    • Like 1
  4. "Thaniwan Koonmongkon, the President of the Thai Restaurant Association, revealed that restaurants nationwide have lost an average of at least 30 billion baht in revenue during the last six months."

    How is that possible? Does the journalist who wrote it know what the word average means?

    How many restaurants have a average of 30 billion baht turnover in good times let alone losing an average of 30 billion baht?

    • Like 2
  5. It would take a long time for me to list all the pickpocket attempts and scams I've either been involved with or seen during my travels to the big tourist areas in Europe. We had a guidebook that listed the main scams in Paris. We saw every one and had the "gold ring" scam tried on us. I had the book in my hand, and showed her that section. She just shrugged her shoulders and walked over to her partner in crime who was standing nearby. Didn't faze her one bit.

    Yep I was with a tour group gazing at the Coliseum in Rome. Two young girls approached one of the guys in our group and tried to sell him flowers. While he was distracted a young man picked his pocket and immediately handed the wallet to a guy on a Vespa. I was just quick enough to tackle the guy on the Vespa who dropped the wallet and ran.

    They were definitely Romanians.

    So, at least you got his Vespa, :-)

  6. or WTH is a 15 month old baby doing out on a balcony in the first place

    Didn't you read the original post?

    His three year old sister opened the balcony door while the father was out of the room for a minute.

    I hope that clarifies things for you.

    What's the three year old sister doing out on the balcony!

    This is only supposition but the OP doesn't mention that she was on the balcony only that she opened the door.

    Maybe the baby was trying to get out and she, being only three years old, thought she was being helpful by opening the door.

    Or maybe she threw her young brother off the balcony.

    Who knows? I'm not psychic. Are you?


  7. One simple question, Will the finger print scanners be attached to anything in real time or otherwise ? Who is then going to manage the database, and will that database include fingerprints ( criminal) from other countries? ---- or is this simply a show of "scanning your fingerprints"

    "The general recognized that scanning fingerprints would not flag any inbound foreigners unless they had a criminal record in Thailand or were wanted by Interpol."

  8. Where else in the region do they fingerprint tourist arrivals like this?

    Presumably going to be checked against biometrics?

    Do they even have automated readers yet? Doesn't Somchai still key the data in by hand. At least, once its done the whole system will be automated and less open to abuse.

    They might even catch a few Thai criminals . kamnan po only hung out in his own house for 10 years. I am sure the other major criminals will just get caught at a border post.

    In answer to your first question, Cambodia.

    In answer to your second question, Here's a quote from the OP. "Fingerprint scanners were chosen over biometric passport scanners as they are better able to identify criminals who have officially changed their names and have passports under their new identities, Gen Pharnu said."

    I hope that satisfies your curiosity.

    • Like 1
  9. 1,000 baht a day on an unsecured loan of 300,000 is only 10% interest, not a bad deal. Better than some banks here, the banks are the real loan sharks.

    I don't know the formulae to work out APRs but what I do know using simple maths is that 1,000 baht per day x 30 = 30,000 per month. 30,000 is 10% of 300,000 therefore 10% x 12 = 120% per annum.

    That is not comparable to a bank.

  10. It is sad because she probably needed the money and met a dealer through her job in hotel 300.00THB a day and was offered ten to 20,000 THB to be a mule. All the while the big guy takes little or no risk.

    That Culture is so two faced in their laws and how they are enforced. You walk down Sukumvit and Soi 3 most of the people of that culture smell of smoking the drug. The back streets along Soi 5 are worse.

    Have never used any drugs and do not understand those who do, no self discipline or such a bad life they use drugs instead of removing the cranium from their annus and get on with life.

    Hope you are not too offended !! Jerry

    Do you drink alcohol? Alcohol is a drug.

  11. Border fingerprinting ? I dont think so somehow cheesy.gif

    why not the American's do it...the equipment to do this is not expensive/electronic and info just goes into the immigration data base they are already using, you already have your photo taken coming into Swampy, so implementation of this is not so difficult

    Doesn't Cambodia already do this as well?

    Yes Cambodia does finger printing in the capital at the airport.

    ...and at land borders between Vietnam and Cambodia. I can'y comment on land borders between Thailand and Cambodia but I assume the Cambodians also have fingerprint scanners there also.

  12. I like it...

    But....but.... Suthep, Abhisit..........what about their crimes of genocide?facepalm.gif

    Here's a very simplified definition of genocide.

    the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

    Are you suggesting that Suthep and Abhisit (you're on first name terms with them?) are deliberately and systematically trying to exterminate all opponents of either of their political beliefs?

    Genocide is not a word to be used lightly.

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  13. Just1Voice, on 22 Apr 2014 - 12:24, said:

    Public castration with a dull, rusty knife, then knees shattered permanently with 10 pound sledge hammer would be a good start for them

    A certain Ed.. the editor, from one of Phuket's online media would consider your thinking primitive, if true, then you are not alone, I would gladly stand beside other primitives.

    So, would either of you actually do the castration or knee cap shattering yourself?

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