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Everything posted by 2ndhomepattaya

  1. How gullible can you be seems almost unbelievably stupid
  2. Absolutely, otherwise I am certain otehr relatives will have the same issue. But hey, you are a rich farang
  3. Nice idea, but this UNfreezing of the (frozen) pension will never happen. The UK government has no interest and no incentive to make it happen. I wish you well in your endeavour.
  4. I am sure immigration will very much mind....sounds pretty illegal to me, just don't do it
  5. Read the Reuters report..it did not attempt to fly direct. " The plane was a charter ambulance flight travelling from Thailand's Utapao Airport in Pattaya to Moscow via India and Uzbekistan on a French-made Dassault Aviation (AM.PA)"
  6. I rent out my property and it more than covers my rental expenses in Thailand. So, in a way, I keep my base in the UK and additionally have the possibility of capital gains in the future, as a bonus. And of course, just in case plan B if needed. Besides, buying in Thailand sucks big time. Prices remain stagnant at best unless you live in Bangkok.
  7. Staying in any relationship that has broken down sucks big time. I don't think from my own experience the constant arguing is not only terrible on the kids but poisons the whole atmosphere. So, I would not be in the camp of advising you to soldier on just for the sake of the kids. Yes, if you have no family around to help you out, consider employing childcare or even au-pairs. My wife and I went down this route as we also had no supporting family nearby either. You do not say how old the kids are, my son bonded very quickly and easily with his carers in his kindergarten and junior school days. Whatever you decide, it certainly is not an easy problem to resolve but not that impossible either. Good luck
  8. John, I have a very similar setup and it has been working perfectly for the past 6 years. My Three PAYG chip is in my SIM slot and Dtac occupies the first of my ESIM slots with its Thai number. I also have another European number and all work as intended, no issues. Naturally, you can only have one ESIM slot active at any given time. But the main slot and 1 ESIM work concurrently.
  9. Tax treaties Thailand has DTTs with the following countries: Armenia Finland Mauritius Spain Australia France Myanmar Sri Lanka Austria Germany Nepal Sweden Bahrain Hong Kong Netherlands Switzerland Bangladesh Hungary New Zealand Taiwan Belarus India Norway Tajikistan Belgium Indonesia Oman Turkey Bulgaria Ireland Pakistan Ukraine Cambodia Israel Philippines United Arab Emirates Canada Italy Poland United Kingdom Chile Japan Romania United States China Korea, Republic of Russia Uzbekistan Cyprus Kuwait Seychelles Vietnam Czech Republic Laos Singapore Denmark Luxembourg Slovenia Estonia Malaysia South Africa
  10. lgking, I think you are kidding yourself. Your high/weight ratio is seriously abnormal never mind your push-ups never mind your blood pressure. I would see a specialist pronto and not deluding yourself how healthy you think you are. A healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 and you are way off.
  11. In fact, I know a caregiver/nurse that does exactly that. She looks after older folk in their homes, usually 6 days out of 7. I understand many of her "clients" require palliative and are usually in their 60's or well above. Whilst "on duty" she does all the normal household thingies, does the shopping, cooks and assists generally. She also serves as a go between in medical aspects, organises the meds and will liaise with doctors if need be. She is also a very useful translator as her English is terrific at about B2 level In fact, I think quite a useful person to have round I think, almost like a personal assistant. My understanding is, that usually problems only arise when the "client" expects too much. By this I mean that although she normally lives in the clients home it does not mean that that she can be called up every few hours or so, even nurses need to sleep. From what I gather this generally works well. Her fees as I understand it are about 20k a months . Not bad when I think how much this kind of attention would cost us in Europe.
  12. It is more likely that this unfortunate fellow had very little if any experience with scooters or bikes for that matter. Seems easy enough. Some years ago a friend hired a bike in Pattaya and the day after broke his collarbone when crashing his bike luckily at very low speed. Again, no experience at all with scooters.
  13. Yes, I have, albeit with a UK Visa card about a year ago.
  14. Not sure this would work as easily circumvented. Myself, I have not lived in my home country for 40 years although I maintain residency there on paper. So, what is it going to say. Nought!!! Too many loopholes to be of much use for determined criminals
  15. Why don't you use Skype. Cheap as chips
  16. Check the small print of the policy. You may find that for one you need to be resident in the UK, the other is most if not all travel insurances are for a limited period only. Mine was for a maximum of 6 months at the time. But most policies are far less. Once you reach 65 they cover you for 30 days, if lucky for 60. So, not much use for longer stays. Again, read the policies very carefully, like most the devil is in the detail.
  17. Despite the high Insurance costs I think you where quite fortunate of being excepted with these precondition, even with a moratorium of 2 years. Few years back I was in the same position of seeking a new policy at 66 once I had retired and came off the company scheme. The only insurance outfit I came up with and underwent the compulsory medical then proceeded to exclude any cardio issues and for good measures excluded any diabetic issues also. Odd, as I have never been categorised as diabetic. At 65 I had 2 TIA's and again like you I lost 20 KG and still holding my weight 6 years later. OK, my quote then was less then yours at 160K but pretty academic if you excluded any cardio vascular or diabetic induced issues. I wish you luck in your search as I am myself still looking for an alternative to the 6 months travel insurance.
  18. I feel for you mate and understand your predicament well When I had dengue fever some time ago I had the very same problem with terrible Arthritis in both hand and feet and that for months. I could barley get out of bed never mind climb any steps. Not sure about Talay pool but Pattaya City Resort may do the job. Not by using the handrail but entering the pool via the kiddies area. You just step into the children area and enter the pool at the dividing wall to the main section. It follows that you leave the same way also. Just need to pull your self up. I could just up. Hope you get back to normal soon.
  19. Junk food, sugar, poor diet....... if you increase the calories input you need to do some exercise. Most Thais I know will take a taxi rather then walk 500 meters
  20. If all his funds are tied-up in the house then the options are very limited, none particularly good. Go home, wherever home is with basically nowt I suspect with nothing more then fits into a suitcase or tough it out. Certainly not an easy option either. The prenup/usufruct offers some protection, however, there will be plenty of now ex-family members with a big grudge. Apart of being a very lonely prospect. Personally, the last thing I would want to do is hang round the same area then my ex.
  21. No, there is a double taxation treaty in force with a large number of countries and you don't pay tax on your French pension. The pension guy whoever it was could have told you that as this is a long standing agreement, to my knowledge in force since 2008. I am in the same boat albeit a few more counties than you.
  22. amazon.de??? Probably would not command any import duty as too small value an item
  23. Had Dengue once and severe enough to scare the sh,,,, out of me. Once the fever broke from a solid high of 40 over several days I got excruciating arthritis first on my ankles so bad I could not get up unaided. It seemed to last several weeks. Once I started to get better I had the same experience in my hands. Doctor never tested which of the strands I had only confirmed via blood test that I indeed had dengue. Took me best part of 6 months to be right again.
  24. Nothing could be further from the truth. I bought some Bitcoin early 2018 after some for then big falls averaging in for about 10500 and at best I am up 40%. Pretty terrible compared to my rented out property investment. Even in gold I would have done better. Not to speak of the risk involved. Bitcoins suck big-time.
  25. I agree with the previous posters. To take antibiotics for a bad coughs is at best reckless and worse dangerous. Go to any medical info site and look up the possible reasons for coughs if you cant be bothered to go to a medical clinic to have it checked out. Just taking antibiotics is completely without investigating properly is totally nuts. Or are you trying to save a few baht and risking your health in the process???
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