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Everything posted by cjinchiangrai

  1. Better than private meetings with Putin in the oval office.
  2. His history is traitorous, turning Afghanistan over to the Taliban and abandoning the Syrian Kurds to Russia. He cannot be trusted.
  3. Selling out to Putin is not the best strategy.
  4. This is race baiting nonsense and should be removed.
  5. Lying again. Most of Trumps cabinet is voting against him. There is good reason.
  6. They despise Trump in New York. He earned it. He has also tried several appeals and failed in all of them.
  7. No need to look it up, I already went to school.
  8. Reducing the sentence does not absolve the crime. The only way for that to happen is for it to be overturned on appeal. That is not happening.
  9. No Wiki allowed because it would say you are clueless. The most glaring example is trying to make Communism and Fascism equivalent. While the practical examples might look similar, it is philosophically diametrically opposed. Stalin coopted communism for his fascist dictatorship that has plagued Russia since.
  10. He became a felon on conviction. End of your BS story. It would be up to the courts to determine if he can pardon himself, but it will be irrelevant November 6th.
  11. Sit back and watch Bottom Cat.
  12. But he lost in 2020 and has done nothing but lose voters since.
  13. I am, please try to keep up.
  14. No reason to dump Harris, she made Donnie look like an idiot at the debate and all he has done since is confirm that. The whole line of this thread is as fraudulent as the bogus polls. What does the troll squad do between elections?
  15. Except this year the many swing voters in Pennsylvania are not having it. Trump is toast.
  16. Nobody said anything about 1.1 Million votes. The Dems heavily outnumber Republicans ad there are two more weeks of early voting left.
  17. Maybe not true in Russia, but Trump is about to get clobbered and then move to prison. He lost the last time and people are pissed that he did not go away.
  18. Says the troll promoting the convicted felon and traitor. Thanks for your input Vlad.
  19. These polls are lies to throw off the aggregators and funded by Musk. Regardless, don't vote for who you think might win, vote for who will make the best president. Just vote!
  20. Chili's do not cause that kind of damage. They get nothing.
  21. Bugger off, if they have problems with a vendor they will be replaced. What an arrogant snob!
  22. I have been to food courts all over Thaland, including Central Pattaya. The vendors vary but they are pretty consistent.
  23. Never had a problem at the food courts, except finding a seat on Saturday. The food is pretty good for a fair price. They just hold back on the chilis a bit. Not much falang food but they are what they are.
  24. The part that nobody will say out loud is that they have a lot of racist pricks at the consulate that assume every Thai woman is an ex-bargirl trying to get out of Thailand. They ignore clear evidence to support their own prejudice.
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